Decorative fence for the garden: creative design flower beds

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Modern decorative fence - an integral part of jewelry suburban area. It can be used to zone the space, to protect objects for security purposes. For example, the installation of such a construction around Lake protect travelers from accidentally falling into the reservoir. Decorative fence for the garden serves an aesthetic function. The overall picture of the site will look harmonious, if the guard is made in the same style to other objects.

Decorative fence used for decoration of flower beds, flower beds, front gardens and other garden areas

Decorative fence used for decoration of flower beds, flower beds, front gardens and other garden areas


  • 1 Decorative fence: what materials to use
  • 2 Fence for flower beds made of plastic: a justified popularity
    • 2.1 Decorative fence for gardens, plastic
    • 2.2 Plastic fence for children's playgrounds
  • 3 Decorative fence for a wood garden
    • 3.1 Stockade: trip to the store or the fence to give their own hands
    • 3.2 Installing the stockade at their summer cottage
  • 4 Garden fence made of stone: Popular Materials
    • 4.1 Decorative fence of rubble
  • 5 Decorative Concrete Fences: durability and beauty
  • 6 Stainless steel fences to front garden: types of metal fencing
  • 7 Fences in a grid with stones - "German fencing"
  • 8 Decorative fences for beds from scrap materials

Decorative fence: what materials to use

Depending on the purpose and design ideas for installation on site fence country houses and summer use natural materials, plastics, and other available means. Protections for external borders and internal zoning of the space often made of plastic, wood, stone, concrete, stainless steel. Buy decorative blocks for fence posts, as well as other elements of the fence can be in any specialized shop.

Often, for fencing flowerbeds owners use ready-made plastic construction, which deepened into the ground

Often, for fencing flowerbeds owners use ready-made plastic construction, which deepened into the ground

Many owners find themselves creative solutions design of territory. Decorative fences for beds with their hands made from such scrap materials:

  • glass bottles;
  • plastic bottles;
  • plates;
  • tires;
  • DVD-ROM drive, and so on. D.

Today buy decorative fence quite easily. However, having made his own hands, you can enjoy not only the original design, but also to the process of creation. Choosing materials that already have at home, you get to save money. Alternatively, you can purchase any materials in the store, and to engage in design and installation yourself.

Decorative fence of natural materials is as naturally and organically

Decorative fence of natural materials is as naturally and organically

Fence for flower beds made of plastic: a justified popularity

Plastic recently used to create all sorts of barriers. In this case, it is very popular in the construction industry. On the market are well represented various models of plastic designs for decorative fences. They are used to highlight the flower beds. In addition, plastic fences mounted portion for zoning, barriers playground and small reservoirs, ornamental arrangement bordyurchikov.

It's important to know!Fence - a generic name, which characterizes the particular appearance of the fence section. The design involves placing straps (Shtaket) vertically, at a small distance from each other. Traditionally Shtaket mounted on a horizontal bar, and fixed on the posts, dug into the ground.

Plastic constructions are popular due to the convenience and low prices

Plastic constructions are popular due to the convenience and low prices

Installation of plastic ornamental fence has several advantages. First of all, this is an affordable option in financial terms. Competitive prices allow the customer to choose any design for your site. Specialty shops are large range of plastic sections and for mounting the fence blocks. The color palette of this material is also very diverse.

Depending on the purpose of the fence section can select different shapes and sizes. If you want to designate flower beds, fences height can be 15-20 cm. These fences are often quite strong thanks to its small size. If you need to protect the garden, usually buy the higher section. The dimensions must be chosen depending on what plants will coexist with fences. For medium-sized shrub plants and flowers suitable blocks 50-60 cm high. For larger garden vegetation can choose higher section.

A simple and elegant embodiment of the decorative fence - white fence

A simple and elegant embodiment of the decorative fence - white fence

Decorative fence for gardens, plastic

Plastic fence for the garden can be easily imitated by other materials. Depending on the stylistic features of the site you can select enclosures, imitating wood, brick, stone, and so forth. Thus fence plastic is not necessary to update every season, applied to protection of the environment, corrosion. In addition, it was beautiful and bright on both sides. Pick up blocks of plastic fences can be for any design project.

For registration area often use a decorative plastic mesh to the fence, which is called "fence". It looks simple, but noticeably refreshing site. If there is a need to close the territory, set the blind section. However, with strong gusts of wind fence without a metal frame may suffer. In the photo suburban fences can find many applications of plastic mesh. It is not as strong as steel, but copes with the function of guard beds and front gardens.

White decorative fence looks very elegant in the garden

White decorative fence looks very elegant in the garden

Decorative fence blocks of plastic are easy to install by hand. They can be supplied as a flat surface, and on the slopes. Most often, the blocks are inserted into the ground a slight pressure. If necessary, any of the fence section can easily control and rearranged. If some part of the structure is out of order, to purchase and replace the missing part is not difficult. After all, one of the clear advantages of plastic fencing is its availability in the price.

Plastic fence for children's playgrounds

Due to its properties, fences made of plastic often used for fencing playgrounds. Such designs can be installed on the local area, and inside the house. And for them it is very easy to care for. Child safety - a priority issue by any stretch, where the kids are. There are several types of fences made of plastic.

Bright decorative fence made of plastic is used for the protection of children's playgrounds

Bright decorative fence made of plastic is used for the protection of children's playgrounds

Note!Plastic of which made fences for children's play areas, is absolutely safe. Of the same material produced children's dishes and some toys.

For very young children up to 2 years often set the so-called arena. It looks like a vicious circle of a height of 70-80 cm, in which the children can spend a lot of time. Therefore, it should be as durable. It is important that in the blocks no sharp parts and protruding corners that could injure a child.

Fence inside the house usually used in order to block the access of children to any premises. Unwanted babies will stay in those rooms, where there are dangerous objects, tools and so on. For safety purposes, the door guard. The design of bolted or located vraspor.

Fencing of children's playgrounds is not only an aesthetic purpose, but also a necessary security measure

Fencing of children's playgrounds is not only an aesthetic purpose, but also a necessary security measure

Playgrounds necessarily fenced for games. There are the necessary criteria relating to safety for such structures. To more children grew up does not pass through fences, barriers height should be at least 130 cm. It is necessary to eliminate sharp edges and details. It is essential that the tops of the fences were necessarily gentle, so as not to injure the child in active cooperation with the decorative fence.

Decorative fence for a wood garden

Excellent design competition of plastic make decorative wooden fences. They are used not only for the zoning, but also for the construction of the fence around the entire area. Since this is one of the most basic natural materials, it is used for decorating homes for many years. Therefore, today's market there are a lot of options decorating sections wooden fences.

Wood - a rather versatile material from which you can create interesting creative options for fencing

Wood - a rather versatile material from which you can create interesting creative options for fencing

Traditional wooden fence fixed to the metal poles. Bearing support digged in the earth, and then pour the concrete. Such strength is able to provide maximum protection fence from any external impact. The posts necessarily make runs, standard size which is 50 mm to 100 mm, after which it will be possible to fix a wooden fence. Classic style involves strengthening boards vertically.

Not less important and interesting is the design of the decorative fence made of wood, which is called "herringbone". Outwardly, he is a bit like the big wood blinds. Materials and installation comply with the traditional style with vertical boards. However, the board, unlike the classical version, in this case fixed in runs horizontally, at an angle of 45 °.

To create a decorative fence can go up all that there is in the area and it seems unnecessary

To create a decorative fence can go up all that there is in the area and it seems unnecessary

Depending on the purpose can be to change the angle of inclination of boards. This creates the possibility to regulate the amount of light that will fall on the site. If you want to create a good shade and cover the area from prying eyes, the board is fixed very tight and almost perpendicular to the ground.

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Gabion fence with their hands: step by step guide
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When there is a need in the penetration portion at a large number of solar rays, the angle of change of boards in the other direction, creating gaps in the brickwork.

Stockade: trip to the store or the fence to give their own hands

For many years, it does not lose its popularity wooden fence called a palisade. The stockade was used since ancient times to protect the area from intruders. The tops of the stakes especially acutely honed that they perform a protective function. This style is good that harvested the stakes can be purchased at specialty stores, but you can make with your own hands. The price of them is low, but for the preparation of the material you need to know certain rules.

Decorative fence of wood is used for fencing flower beds looks pretty elegant

Decorative fence of wood is used for fencing flower beds looks pretty elegant

The bars for the construction must be manufactured palisade of dry wood, selecting approximately the same diameter trees. The raw material should be dry. Wood drying should take place in a room that is well ventilated. This should eliminate the direct sunlight on a log. Dry them need an average of 20 days, after which the timber customize the height, if desired, creating sharp edges. The entire length of the bars trimmed of excess knots and texture irregularities.

Note!Palisade of birch sticks create a unique flavor to your site at a very nice price.

Installing the stockade at their summer cottage

For the installation of the stockade most commonly used metal supports. Before setting up the rails, it is necessary to dig a trench, the depth of which is about 1/10 of the height of the stakes. The trench is filled with a solution of cement, which provides maximum strength and resistance future fencing. Because wood -natural material before him shrinkage should be treated with antiseptic. This increases the service life of structures and creates an obstacle to the natural decay and other negative processes.

White Classic fence is often combined with roses and other flowers, which gives the area a festive look

White Classic fence is often combined with roses and other flowers, which gives the area a festive look

After preparation of the stockade a location you can start fixing the treated stakes. They drive in close to each other, using special pads on the tool. This is in order to avoid damage to the tops of the fence. There are several traditional styles. Often use a styling: a convex continuous palisade concave simple and double concave. The photo of fences to testify widely presented these and other design options palisade fencing.

Garden fence made of stone: Popular Materials

Merits of a stone fence too much. Among them are the main advantage - it is the durability of fences. This material does not require special care, thus it has a high strength. Great choice of stone allows the issue of land subject to any design project. The only disadvantage is the relatively high price of the material for the stone fence.

Stone - is another popular material for creating decorative fences

Stone - is another popular material for creating decorative fences

The most accessible (and therefore current) option is now recognized as a cobblestone. It is perfectly combined with any wooden structures, and performs well in the slurry. Depending on what kind of minerals predominate in the composition of rocks, boulders come in brown, terracotta, reddish, golden. Therefore, decorative fence for flower beds with cobblestone perfectly complement any landscape design.

Often you can see on the photo decorative fence made of sandstone. This gem of nature is also represented in various colors. He lends itself perfectly to any type of treatment. On the market there are sandstone rough, ragged, and hewn. By its nature, this breed stone is resistant to frost.

Good to know!The official residence of US presidents, called White House was built of sandstone.

Advantage stone walls in their longevity and undemanding to care

Advantage stone walls in their longevity and undemanding to care

An excellent material for the fence considered dolomite. He sold the flat plates of the different form - it is a stone of sedimentary rock. Its production is performed by explosions in quarries, whereupon dolomite treated with a grinding wheel. Decorative fence for the garden of dolomite can be made any shape, using different kinds of geometric brickwork.

Very recognizable material is considered limestone and its variety - coquina. This breed has a externally yellowish sand colors and embossed texture. A characteristic feature of the limestone - its malleability any treatment. This material is easy to cut and grind, which, however, is both less such fences. Limestone is very well absorb moisture, so susceptible to the negative influence of the external environment. For expediency of its operation need to consult in advance with experts.

Creating a flower bed of stone blocks will make a strong and beautiful building

Creating a flower bed of stone blocks will make a strong and beautiful building

The most durable and is considered to be expensive granite. The most common stone in dark gray. It is obtained blocks and in crushed form. This volcanic rock, so it has the maximum resistance to any climatic conditions. For decorative fence to the cottage is not so often used granite stone. It is very durable, but at the same time quite expensive material, in connection with what experts advise to use a more affordable price rock stones for garden fences.

Decorative fence of rubble

Crushed stone - a fraction of different species of stones of irregular shape. Widely used in construction, as it has the perfect balance of quality and price. Due to its properties fence buta protect land from the noise, dust and prying eyes. In addition, it looks safe and presentable. You can also use the bottles to create decorative fences with his own hands. This design looks great in any design landscape designer.

Crushed stone - one of the most popular materials used to build decorative fences

Crushed stone - one of the most popular materials used to build decorative fences

Sale crushed stone into small pieces of irregular shape. There are such kinds of fractions of rubble:

  • jagged, with jagged edges over the entire area;
  • torn, with the presence of angles in certain places for the convenience of the masonry;
  • with the presence of smooth sides;
  • "Limestone" thickness up to 15 cm.

Incorrect ragged shape quarry stone comes from the fact that it is produced during the explosion. The first type, which does not processed, it is better to select manually. This will provide good pieces for the future of the fence. To form the decorative pillars stone fence suitable second embodiment buta having pronounced angles. When laying need to carefully consider each fragment to form as a result of beautiful decorative blocks for fence posts.

Some fences are real masterpieces of art

Some fences are real masterpieces of art

Rubble with having smooth sides is most often used to create a fence wall. They are easy to fit horizontally, thus creating an impressive solid wall. Also, for the purpose of perfect limestone rubble. Work on such a decorative Wheelbarrows require patience and skill. Perfectly fit into any landscape platy garden border for flower beds: Decorative fence for flowerbeds made from this material looks noble and presentable.

Decorative Concrete Fences: durability and beauty

Due to its properties, concrete fence - is a reliable protection area. You can buy decorative fence made of concrete, which combines strength and aesthetically beautiful appearance. Concrete section less expensive than fences of stone or brick. They are cast in special molds in which to create patterns and delicate plates composition.

The fence of concrete is simple to perform and is often used in areas with a modern design

The fence of concrete is simple to perform and is often used in areas with a modern design

Simple manufacturing technology enables manufacturers to provide a wide range of concrete fences, corresponding to the different styles and designs that contribute to decorating the house. It is considered the most common mounting technology in which the intake fragment consists of three horizontal panels placed one on another. The entire unit can be installed either on the backup, or using so-called glasses.

Pre-need to mark territory and to prepare the site for installation of the concrete fence poles. Poles are mounted at a distance of about 2 m apart. To prepare glasses independently, it is necessary to dig pit depth from 70 cm to 130 cm and a width of 40-50 cm. Deep into the pit should be dug in such a way as to exceed the depth of freezing ground. Depending on the depth of the well region can be different and vary in size by almost half.

Useful advice!In the initial stages of the installation of the fence use level - the geodesic instrument to detect the difference in height between the supports.

Concrete excellently combined with other materials, for example wood or plastic

Concrete excellently combined with other materials, for example wood or plastic

Then you need to fill in the holes prepared gravel, about a third. Also suitable mixture of gravel and sand, stones, concrete waste or brick chips. When the support will be installed in these holes, it is recommended to pour them into the rubble or other material used. This will create a more stable structure. Columns must be leveled in height to avoid wiring errors and generate a strong fixation.

The slots supports for the convenience and accuracy of design are inserted wooden beams. They remain in this position for as long as the columns are not completely ready for installation of concrete slabs between them. When there is no more doubt that the supports are evenly around the perimeter of the fence, in glasses poured cement and sand, mixing them until the consistency of thick cream. Traditionally, use one part cement to 4 parts of sand. After the mixture was poured into the pit, to be the last time to check exactly whether the installed poles.

Some variants of ornamental fences made of concrete does not require much effort to create

Some variants of ornamental fences made of concrete does not require much effort to create

Drying such solution at about 12 hours. If you have to install the fence on uneven terrain, gaps in place at the base of the fence spiked soil. Once the basic design is ready, it remains only to insert decorative concrete blocks for the fence into the slots. This is just one of the ways of installation. It is good that you can not draw for the installation of hired workers.

Stainless steel fences to front garden: types of metal fencing

Decorative metal fence - perfect modern solution for the decoration of garden or a country house. This material easily resists any influences of the environment, not resistant to corrosion. In addition, it is resistant to mechanical damage. Fence made of stainless steel may maintain a presentable appearance and 50 years. This does not require any special care or treatment.

Boom metal allows the creation of stylish composition portion

Boom metal allows the creation of stylish composition portion

From metal to easily create stylish, decorative fences for beds, front gardens, recreational areas, games and other objects of the local area. Resistance to rust caused by the amount of chromium, which is a part of the material. Steel containing 15% chromium, perfectly operated in a familiar environment. If this value exceeds 15%, the material is resistant to the corrosive processes in particularly aggressive environments, and under conditions of high acidity.

Assembly of metal constructions options very much. Use separate fragments (shtaketiny) or ready-spans. The photo decorative fences often found combined barriers (e.g., materials such as concrete, stone or brick). For mounting structures using metallic elements using bolts and rivets. In some cases, you will need to install the welding machine. The possibility of mounting such a stylish fence with their hands single-valued advantage of this option fencing.

metal fence is easy to install and can last many years with proper and regular care

metal fence is easy to install and can last many years with proper and regular care

Fences in a grid with stones - "German fencing"

A very reliable embodiment is the creation of barriers using metal structure filled with stone. Such models are called the "German" fences. This stylish, modern fence, which differ not only an impressive appearance, but also ease of installation. If you buy ready-made elements of the metal frame, and you can not use the services of blacksmiths. Stones that fill the interior space can have various shapes, sizes and colors.

To install you need to create a concrete foundation. In this case, you can either use a patching method of placing (ie concrete only those places where the poles will be located), or to fill in the trench over the entire territory of the fence. The pillars are arranged at equal distances from each other and the fence sections are established therebetween. The preferred use of square tube shape. However, they can be of any design, based on the project to design the site.

Gabion fences are becoming increasingly popular due to the ease of installation and operation

Gabion fences are becoming increasingly popular due to the ease of installation and operation

For sections are advised to use a metal rod. It provides a much more reliable and has an attractive appearance. In this case, the rod can be different dish, giving it an original look. Of course, forging the elements will affect the price of the German fence. However, this type of design is attractive and simple in design, and in a more intricate design solution.

Decorative fences for beds from scrap materials

Many owners of summer cottages and country houses with their own hands create the fences. Photos of the works of art can be easily found on the Internet. This method is economical, but not always easy to perform. But you can choose any available materials for decorative fence with their hands. If you need to expand the structure will not have the need to search for and buy more missing elements.

The choice of material for creating protections depends on the tastes of the owner and general design portion

The choice of material for creating protections depends on the tastes of the owner and general design portion

Wheelbarrows with his own hands made of plastic or glass bottles. They are selected by color and shape, and then inserted into the ground straight or at an angle. The convenience of this method is that territory can zonirovat beds or beds any intricate shapes. Also found embodiment of glassware combination with concrete solutions. It is more robust and original.

If the farm is an old, incomplete or simply unnecessary service, he is perfect for creating a fence for flower beds with their own hands. The simplicity of this method, apart from the competition: Elements of dishes are inserted into the ground to form any patterns or pictures on the site. In the same way, you can insert the old DVD-discs. Due to its texture it will be fascinating to "play" in the sun.

Note!Decorate fence flower in "retro" style, you can use the old vinyl records. Enough to cut them in half and insert into the ground.

Also decorative fence can perfectly be combined with other elements of the garden

Also decorative fence can perfectly be combined with other elements of the garden

Equally popular decorative fences for garden from waste tires. They can be cut by any suitable method and inserted into the ground, performing a variety of design ideas. Very often, old rubber, paint colored paint, creating original compositions in the local area. Craftsmen are made from tires of animals, birds and other shapes that perfectly with the design of the site for families with children.

In the matter of registration of a country cottage or home decorative fences are no trifles. It is important to choose the material and the method of installation, which will hide the shortcomings and emphasize the dignity of the local area. Correctly chosen fencing will be a wonderful decoration of the site.

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