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For the construction of fences used in the construction of a variety of materials. The main selection criteria - reliability and durability. Particular attention is paid to aesthetic characteristics. Based on these requirements, particularly popular among other materials acquired the stone. Mainly because of the gabion to build a fence with their hands is quite simple. How to choose the material, prepare the area and build a fence, this article will tell.
Gabion fence looks elegant and well combined with the modern design of the site
1 A fence made of gabion: Advantages and features
- 1.1 Types of gabions: photos of various designs
2 Gabion fence with their hands: choose the shape and material
- 2.1 Mesh for gabions: choice of material for the frame
- 2.2 Gabion own hands: the choice of filler
- 2.3 The size and price of gabions
3 Building a fence with their hands: preparing tools
- 3.1 Welded mesh fence with their hands: milestones
- 3.2 Gabion fence with their hands: preparatory work
- 3.3 Fences made of stone with their hands: design installation
A fence made of gabion: Advantages and features
Such a building material as gabion has become especially popular in recent years. Previously, it was not often used. Landscape designers usually recommend as a fence to use this material, as it not only creates a protective barrier, but also is the original decoration of the site. Its positive rating gabions won thanks to special features:
- high degree of strength. The construction of the gabion can withstand enormous loads;
- natural design mind. The monolithic construction of harmonious look next to the trees and shrubs, and fits perfectly into the landscape;
Construction of the gabion are easy to perform and is cheap
- relatively low price. The total cost of construction of a fence made of reinforced concrete and brick will cost more than twice as much as compared with the erection of fences of stone and grid;
- ease and speed of construction. Build a fence gabions quite simple, it can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists and in a short time. This fact also reduces the cost of construction;
- durability of the structure. Strong skeleton of galvanized metal and a filler of stone have a higher degree of wear resistance without require regular painting, while preserving its original attractive appearance for a long time;
- weatherability. The stone wall does not collapse under the influence of various weather conditions;
- lack of foundation. For the erection of the fence do not need to fill the gabion fundamental basis. Suffice it to strengthen the support of the cement;
- allowed construction on uneven terrain. This is possible due to the connection sections at different angles.
Fence gabion long retains attractive appearance and does not require special care
Types of gabions: photos of various designs
Initially, gabions were used as fortifications during the war, then - for strengthen the banks of rivers and lakes, slopes and hills, still later - for decorating terraces on hilly territory. As a decorative structure, the retaining wall and the fence product began to use recently.
Interesting!In modern building gabions are most often used for decoration of the territory, although initially these structures were redoubts to protect the soldiers during the war.
There are three methods of classification of gabions. Types of products are distinguished by one of the characteristic features: the geometric shape, the type of mesh and type of filler.
By itself, the gabion has a simple structure consisting of a metal mesh filled with stones
Depending on the shape of the gabions are in the form:
- flat horizontal structures, referred to as "Reno mattresses";
- vertical structures, called Jumbo boxes;
- cylindrical products.
On the grid type gabions share:
- Welded fittings on carcasses;
- on a grid of twisted wires having a hexagonal shape.
Gabion filled in, but stones can be brick, tile, slate, glass and other materials.
For the construction of the fence basically take vertical duct, made of thick wire pieces connected by welding. Cylindrical gabions then serve decorative pillars, which decorate the structure. Often fences make a niche for embedding garden furniture. If the topsheet sleep fertile soil can be supplemented with flower garden construction or bushes.
The construction of the gabion fence allows you to do any width and height
Gabion fence with their hands: choose the shape and material
Fence of the gabion is a three-dimensional net structure, which is filled inside the frame a different material. The most common filler is a stone, but sometimes use broken bricks, the remains of tiles and other materials.
In the process of filling the frame can be given a variety of product decoration, to supplement composition bright elements and ornaments. To erect the structure need significantly less material than in the construction of the classical stone or brick wall. Grid need only for a frame and a respective filler. Thus, gabions, do not require penetration and pouring concrete solution, more beneficial financially and in terms of labor costs.
Stone fence in the grid without the use of cement mortar is agile, so do not take into account the shrinkage of the soil and raising during the creation of the design. If the soil rises or falls in the range of 10 cm, the fence will not collapse or deform. Just happens redistribution of stones.
Gabion is excellently combined with other materials: wood, concrete and metal
The significant weight of the structure eliminates the creation of doors and gates. However, for such a fence will suit other input options, especially beautiful against the backdrop of gabions art forging.
Mesh for gabions: choice of material for the frame
Companies that are involved in the production of gabions, the most commonly used galvanized wire. Its density is several times higher than the conventional density-mesh netting to 280 g / m2. Sometimes, instead of galvanizing applied with a PVC coated wire. The thickness of the rods may be 2-6 mm.
Useful advice!Choosing gabions, should pay attention to the shape of the mesh. They should take the form of regular polygons. This feature has a positive effect on the strength and durability.
Grid cells for the gabion must have the right shape and the same size
Containers that comprise the design, must have a high degree of strength to resist the deformation under the action of gravity fence filler. Gabion then protected using double-twist wire technique.
The use of this product instead of traditional fencing contributes to solving a number of problems, because with its help You can create a structure in the middle of ponds or along the beach, build a fence on the site with a complicated and uneven relief. Protections of gabions, regardless of the type of soil, are reliable and attractive.
As the filling can be used not only stones. Here it is necessary to connect the fantasy and give free rein to bold solutions using a variety of fillers and combinations thereof. Gabions are also recommended to combine with other materials. For example, part of the fence can be supplemented with wooden or metal mesh sections.
It can be used for filling of the stones structure of any breed, size and shape
Gabion own hands: the choice of filler
Choosing the material for the filler, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the taste preferences of the owners home, family's financial resources, the location of the object. Specialists in this field are mostly preferred by the stones. At the same time suitable for both artificial and natural rocks.
Color, weight and shape do not matter. The main criterion - the size. The stones should be large. A great option for filling - basalt and granite stones. Well also look diorite and quartzite fragments. The most popular in this series uses plain sandstone. The material is beneficial in financial terms, and are not inferior in quality and appearance more expensive counterparts.
Small stones and pebbles also excellent look in the gabion
When planning the construction of gabion fencing, should pay attention to some nuances and to use a number of tricks:
- The cost of large size stones is quite high, so the wide fence can be arranged outside of the large stones and gravel to fill in the middle of the design or construction debris, wrapped in geotextiles.
- The fence of the gabion requires pouring the foundation. In the case of the land to be deepened by 30 cm at the bottom of the frame structure of small pebbles.
- The product will have a high degree of hardness, if used as a filler neatly arranged large stones. In the photo Fences made of stone of large size it is clear that they can build and without the use of mesh fencing, erecting directly on the ground, taking off only the top layer of plowing.
- If filler gabion are lightweight materials, such as saw cut wood, it is desirable to use a more dense material as the lower reference layer. For this purpose, suitable gravel.
The size and price of gabions
Factory gabions can be of various sizes. Typically the basis of a galvanized wire diameter of 2.7 / 3.4 and 3.0 / 3.9 mm and a PVC-coated 3.7 / 4.4 mm. The width of almost all structures is 1 m. The length and height, respectively, vary.
Table standard dimensions gabions
Length m | Height, m |
1,5 | 1 |
2 | 0,5 — 1 |
3 | 0,5 — 1 |
4 | 0,5 |
Useful advice!When choosing the filler, you should pay attention to the fact that the size was larger grid cells of approximately 1/3. Otherwise, just a stone will fall out through the holes.
Designs with two meters wide can reach six meters in length, while having a height of 30 cm.
Price fence gabions includes the cost of the filler and of the frame. they are sold by the piece. The level of prices wag quality material and the manufacturing method. The classic version of the twisted wire mesh, as a rule, is much cheaper than the gabions are made by welding. On the price value is also influenced by seasonal factors. The cost increases with an increase in demand in the period from March to June. At the end of summer the price is gradually reduced. Minimum size reaches the end of autumn.
Some impact in terms of price are external factors such as the growth or collapse of world prices for metal and energy. Using the demand, suppliers can create artificial boom, spreading false reports that the products will be more expensive. So they get rid of excess inventory in warehouses.
The cost of the fence gabion depends on the quality of materials, type of wire and filling the form
Building a fence with their hands: preparing tools
In the construction of the fence will need a number of supplies, in particular:
- brackets for connecting parts gabions. It may be suitable and simple wire in a spiral shape;
- geotextiles;
- steel pins for fixing the structure to the ground;
- braces made of steel, which function as ties walls disposed on opposite sides.
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Fences made of mesh gitter, fences Rabitz. Photos successful variants
Photos constructions fences, their features. Gitter grid for the fences. A fence made of mesh netting with his hands. Fences from plastic mesh.
In order to protect the work and shorten the construction period, it is advisable to prepare additional tools, among which should be the following:
- mount;
- pliers;
- level;
- shovel;
- hammer;
- mittens.
Construction of the gabion is used not only for building fences, but also for the other decorative elements of the site
The main components of construction - stone and mesh. Choosing stones, consider the following factors:
- boulders the size. This value can be up to 40 cm. The width of the openings in the grid should be smaller.
- The density and strength of the material. It is necessary that the stone was sufficiently strong and homogeneous.
- The shape of stones. They can be oval, round or quadrangular. irregularly shaped stones for this purpose will not do.
- Resistance to temperature extremes and weathering.
- Aesthetic appearance. Stones perform a decorative function, so should be attractive in appearance and fit harmoniously into the overall design.
Choosing granite, should take into account the aspect of the radioactivity of rocks.
Of gabion structures are obtained wonderful decorative fence
Welded mesh fence with their hands: milestones
The process of construction of the fence from the grid and stones does not require special skills or advanced knowledge. It includes a total of four simple steps:
- Preparatory work, consisting of choice and marking territory, the selection of materials and tools, budgeting.
- Erection of pillars. On the marked area dig holes and set of support, which should go into the ground by one-third. Poles are installed vertically and fixed with cement mortar. It will be appreciated additional time period necessary for solidification of cement.
- Grid Tensioning is accomplished by attaching it to the poles of special fasteners zinc. Junctions desirable to cover special corrosion composition.
- Filling stones. The stones should be laid by hand, creating a presentable appearance.
The use of gabion stones of different sizes also looks very impressive
Interesting to know!Translated from the French word "gabion" literally means - the stones in the grids. Thus, the name fully describes the design features of the building. The main advantages of such a fence - safety materials to humans and there is no need to look after him.
These are the main stages of the construction of fences, gabions. Below is a look at each of these in more detail.
Gabion fence with their hands: preparatory work
Preparation begins with site selection for future sampling. To do this, align the surface as much as possible, cleaned of debris, weeds, including plant roots. Next, make calculations of all sizes, the number of materials and make an estimate on which the net gain and a filler.
For exact markings fit taut string or fishing line. which will help to delineate the entire perimeter of the proposed design. Then remove the upper layer and fertile soil dug trench size. To prevent the growth of grass, carpet the bottom of the pit with geotextile.
Gabion is perfectly suited for the construction of a fence on an uneven surface
The next step - installing pillars on which the whole structure will be attached. For this purpose, several pits are dug at a distance of 2 m from each other. Support was immersed for one-third of the earth. For example, for a two-meter tall buildings take poles than 3 m by dipping them for 120 cm in depth. After that, the support is filled with cement mortar. To his point and full fixing pillars will need at least 2 days. Post should be strictly vertical position. To do this, use a plumb line or level.
Fences made of stone with their hands: design installation
Direct mounting of the fence is an installation structure of a grid. For this, first, measure and cut out all the component parts and carry them to stretch the supporting pillars. Fixation provide zinc mounting.
The use of special braces to help create the necessary tie tight connection parts. After fixing the mesh is treated with a special substance, preventing corrosion in places cutting wire.
Only after mounting tension properly and mesh processing proceed to the final stage - filling gabions. Each stone must be carefully put into place, creating a harmonious design. It is a method of laying and the filler distribution will depend on the appearance of the finished rail.
Reliability and stability of the construction is dependent on the quality of metal grid and mounts
The stones should be stacked layers, the most close to each other. If the general design, the large rocks near a wall, and the middle is filled with sand or gravel. After backfilling structures its upper part covered with stones mesh of appropriate size.
Useful advice!As a basis for gabions can buy sampling industrial manufacture of galvanized wire, use of twisted wire mesh with hexagonal cells or weld mesh of thick steel rods.
So, make your own fence gabions quite simple. The main thing - to choose and calculate the amount of materials, and strictly follow the instructions given installation. Compliance with all the rules will get a beautiful design that will not only provide a reliable guard, but also pleasing to the eye for many years. Gabions are excellent as the territory of the decor. With their help, you can create a beautiful design near a pond or flower beds, benches build or reinforce slopes.