Repair toilet in an apartment or a house: how to create a beautiful design

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Bathroom belongs to the category of technical purpose premises. High-quality repair the bathroom to a large extent provides the comfort of tenants, so the development of the design and performance of work should be approached thoroughly: to replace legacy systems and plumbing fixtures, update the coating on the floor, ceiling and walls, and even in some cases to make reconstruction. This article will help to avoid possible errors in the performance of these operations.

Repair toilet in an apartment or a house: how to create a beautiful design

Repair toilet in the apartment should be not only quality, but also beautiful


  • 1 Features and benefits of repair bathroom and toilet turnkey
    • 1.1 Repair options toilets Turnkey: interiors photo
    • 1.2 The cost of repairing a bathtub and a toilet under the key: the price of professional services
  • 2 How to develop a beautiful design bathroom with a view of its size
    • 2.1 toilet Renovation: design and layout, taking into account standards
    • 2.2 toilet Design: photo and successful examples of planning
  • 3 How to make repairs in the toilet on their own: useful information
    • 3.1 Preparing for repair in the bathroom: photo and sinks dismantling process
    • 3.2 Repair work on the toilet: a photo, and the process of dismantling the toilet
    • 3.3 Surface preparation for repairs in the bathroom: the dismantling of finishing
    • 3.4 The final stage of preparation for the repair of a bathroom and toilet: waterproofing work
    • 3.5 Overhaul of bathrooms: pipeline replacement
    • 3.6 Repair toilet after wiring pipes: masking Communications
  • 4 Design a small bathroom: photo and finishes
    • 4.1 Practical toilet repair: photo finishing technology and tiled walls
    • 4.2 How to make repairs on their own toilets PVC panels
  • 5 How much will repair the toilet: the price of consumables

Features and benefits of repair bathroom and toilet turnkey

When ordering repair turnkey landlord receives a comprehensive service, which It involves removal and replacement of all communications systems and finishing materials, as well as plumbing installation. Thus, it is not necessary to look for different contractors for each type of work. In addition, the deadlines are being cut and reduced the price of repair bathroom and toilet, as well as not have to solve problems with the inconsistencies that arise between the different operators in the process.

Turnkey works can significantly reduce the time to repair

Turnkey works can significantly reduce the time to repair

Advantages repair the toilet and bathroom turnkey:

  • compliance with all state standards and building codes;
  • a high level of skill and professionalism allows professionals to perform quality installation important elements of the bathroom (taps, bath, plumbing, shower, towel dryer, sink and., Etc.).;
  • no violations during removal and laying water and sewage;
  • many companies offer a warranty on the work performed;
  • precise deadlines;
  • delivery (unloading and ascent to the floor) roughing and finishing materials, and in some cases, plumbers and others.

Note! Some companies offering repair "turnkey materials", tend to save on plumbing fixtures and tile. Therefore, we must carefully choose the contractor.

Repair options toilets Turnkey: interiors photo

Experts recommend to think through the interior of the small size toilet very carefully. If the design of the spacious bathrooms at some point is still possible to make some changes, you'll have to redo everything in a small room again. Moreover, such actions will entail additional costs.

Think through the interior of the toilet must be thoroughly and carefully, especially if the room is small

Think through the interior of the toilet must be thoroughly and carefully, especially if the room is small

Before proceeding to repair the toilet in the panel house or a small apartment in an old construction, be sure to evaluate the technical condition bathrooms. As for the apartments with a modern layout, the possibilities in terms of design is much more.

Repair options bathroom and toilet:

  • cosmetic;
  • capital;
  • renovation.

Cosmetic (budget) does not affect the repair counters, walls and conduit. It includes the following operations:

  • replacement and installation of mirrors;
  • replace the failed valve;
  • installation of ceilings with hanging or tension structures.

Replacement of the toilet can also be attributed to the budget category of services. However, not always possible to obtain high-quality and reliable results. Annually as a result of errors during installation there is a lot of cases, when the system fails completely, creating inconvenience or flooded neighbors floors below.

Repair toilet can be a cosmetic overhaul and renovation

Repair toilet can be a cosmetic overhaul and renovation

Overhaul involves more global mess. Often in the course of such work is carried out remodeling bathrooms. The photo repair bathroom and toilet you can see the room in which the demolished partition wall between the two rooms or, on the contrary, rebuilt. Most of these works requires the participation of professional installers. The cost of major repairs is high enough. In addition, it lasts longer than beauty.

Note! If repair toilets in pre-fabricated house made recently or a toilet is located in a new building, there is no need for fundamental changes. Sufficient to restrict cosmetic upgrades. The same applies in cases where limited financial resources.

Many dream of a beautiful design bathroom and toilet, so in most cases, can not do without renovation. He will not only achieve the desired result, but also to continue to maintain it. From major renovation is characterized by a unique design project. He has a kind of three-dimensional visualization, compiled on a computer with a program, and is the embodiment of all the creative wishes the landlord.

Renovation involves a more profound alteration of the premises, in contrast to the cosmetic or major repairs

Renovation involves a more profound alteration of the premises, in contrast to the cosmetic or major repairs

The cost of repairing a bathtub and a toilet under the key: the price of professional services

The cost of professional services in the different companies different. The higher the level of training of specialists, the higher the price will request contractors. On the formation of prices is influenced by other factors:

  • type of repair;
  • the volume and level of complexity of the work;
  • cost of consumables;
  • delivery times;
  • pricing policy of the contractor and its prestige;
  • Additional services, such as the work of the designer, the preliminary preparation of detailed estimates,
  • debris removal, procurement of materials and so on. n.

Table prices repair toilet Turnkey:

type of repair Price materials, rub. The price of the specialists, rub. Full service cost, rub.
Cosmetic from 6500 20000 by 26500
Capital by 12000 25000 by 37000
Renovated by 14500 by 38000 by 52500

The table contains the approximate cost of repairs to the example bathrooms and size 1,2h1,2 0,9h1,2 m.

Table installation costs when repairing a toilet / bathroom turnkey: tub, toilet and other plumbing:

Name Price, rub. / Pcs.
Mixer 550
Hose in the shower 600
hygienic shower 900
Built-in mixer 1200
Heated towel rail 1600
Toilet bowl 1800
Bidet 1800
Instantaneous water heater 1800
Boiler 2400
The tray in the shower 2600
Installing a suspended toilet (No price toilet) 3000
Bath 3200
Shower cubicle (without assembly) 4000
Hydromassage bath 5400

How to develop a beautiful design bathroom with a view of its size

Before purchasing materials and prepare the room for the repair, you must carefully consider the interior. To start measured area of ​​the room. Her footage depends on the future situation. When will the development of toilet design in Khrushchev, then the choice is not so great. We have to adjust the interior under the existing conditions. Then you need to determine what equipment and plumbing will be installed in the room.

Important!In developing the design of bathrooms in the Khrushchev, regardless of the size of the room, be sure to take into account the standards of installation.

If the free area is very small, it will have to restrict installation of a toilet bowl. Rooms with large the meter allow you to install a wash basin, urinal or bidet. In this case, the interior will depend only on the imagination and budget.

toilet Renovation: design and layout, taking into account standards

In the process of laying communications systems and installation of plumbing fixtures definitely need guided by the regulations that relate not only to the city apartments, but also private homes, as well as office buildings. If the toilet is installed in the attic room, by an inclined plane is necessary to withdraw at least 1.05 m, this parameter being independent of the dimensions of the attic.

During repairs, the toilet should be guided by standards

During repairs, the toilet should be guided by standards

It is impossible to come out of the closet door to the kitchen or living area. It is better to choose for this purpose hallway or corridor. The door leaf must be open exclusively to the outside rather than indoors. Minimum permissible height of the ceilings in the room in front of the toilet is 2.1 m.

Minimum size bathrooms in Khrushchev:

  1. Length - 120 cm.
  2. Width - 80 cm.
  3. Height - 240 cm.

For people with disabilities are provided other dimensional parameters. Minimal space width is 160 cm or more, and the length - 200 cm. In the process of repair in the bathroom, with WC, be sure to install the special handrails for the bath.

For the interior of a small closet, it is desirable to select a compact plumbing. Some of the toilets in the installation process is partially embedded in the wall. They are ideal for small bathrooms. The range of shops also allows you to choose a small sink. Considered the most compact product teardrop shape.

Minimum toilet sizes may be: width - 80 cm, length - 120 cm, the height - 240 cm

Minimum toilet sizes may be: width - 80 cm, length - 120 cm, the height - 240 cm

Useful advice! To save the free area, instead of a bath, you can install a shower.

Bathroom and toilet can be independent or be in the same room. separate bathroom design is usually developed on the basis of standard sizes. In buildings with the old layout of the bathroom dimensions are 0,8h1,5 m Panel houses have larger premises -.. 1h1,5 m As for the bathroom, then its size is 1,2h1,65 m.

To repair the bathroom, room with WC, also provided the minimum dimensions -. 1,7h2 m These dimensions do not allow you to install a full bath. Room enough only for the shower stall. Restrooms with a minimum size, are found only in the Khrushchev. In buildings with improved layout area is already aligned Improvement 5 m² or more.

toilet Design: photo and successful examples of planning

Any changes that affect the layout of the premises should be carried out by experts hands. If you break the structure of the building can collapse, so strictly forbidden to do it yourself.

If the size of the room allows, it is desirable to place the toilet bowl

If the size of the room allows, it is desirable to place the toilet bowl

If the size of rooms is minimal (approximately 2.5 m²), it is desirable to combine the toilet room and bath, removing the partition between them. For such projects necessarily chosen compact plumbing. It is better if the shower or bath will have an angular design. Do not interfere, partially built toilet. Area reserved for the installation of the washing machine, can be arranged under the sink or at the entrance. medium-sized mirrors will expand space visually.

The design of the toilet room 4 m² can be more free. Washing machine and plumbing in the bathroom can be arranged as you like. To get rid of a couple, it is advisable to install the hood in a room that will remove excess moisture. The bath is better placed at the far corner of the room, and use the adjacent mounting cabinets and a washing machine.

Bathrooms 7 m² in size and more allow you to set both a shower and bath. In these rooms have enough space to accommodate:

  • bidet;
  • two shells;
  • washing machine;
  • drying laundry;
  • lockers for storage of towels and household items.
Spacious toilets allow you to set not only the shell, but also a spacious closet or cabinet

Spacious toilets allow you to set not only the shell, but also a spacious closet or cabinet

Useful advice!By installing the shield in the bath, it is possible not only to prevent splashing water, but also to achieve privacy.

How to make repairs in the toilet on their own: useful information

To long to think where to begin repairs in the toilet, you can use the standard scheme, which includes the following steps:

  • site selection and installation method the toilet;
  • Development of a design project;
  • selection and purchase of construction materials;
  • Communications removal (drainage pipe and riser);
  • dismantling of finishing on the walls, floor and ceiling;
  • a pipeline;
  • sanitary installation cabinet;
  • assembling a floor covering;
  • installing the toilet;
  • installation of ventilation and lighting systems, and plumbing (bidet, sink, urinal);
  • walls, ceilings and plumbing cabinet;
  • boiler installation;
  • replacement of door design.

For repair work can begin, making sure that you have all the necessary tools and materials. The tools needed for repair in the bathroom with their hands:

Before starting the repair is recommended to develop a design project premises

Before starting the repair is recommended to develop a design project premises

  • screwdriver with set of bits;
  • punch;
  • a pipe wrench;
  • rollers and brushes;
  • welder and cutter (if metal line will be replaced by a plastic);
  • trowel for applying adhesive for tiling;
  • meter and measuring tape;
  • plummet and building level;
  • tools and instruments (files, hammer, saws, chisels, chisel, etc.. p.).

Important!From tank toilet flush is necessary, otherwise it will result in the floor.

Before starting to dismantle the sanitary devices should turn off the hot and cold water. For this overlap cranes providing access to the central water supply system. Then you need to make sure that the pipes do not remain liquid.

Related article:

Tiles for the bathroom: tips on choosing and laying his hands

Advantages and variety. How to choose tiles for toilet and bathroom? Tips for design organizations. Laying the tiles in the bathroom with their hands.

Preparing for repair in the bathroom: photo and sinks dismantling process

To fix the sink to the wall brackets are used. Some models have a decorative pedestal cover and other elements of the drain pipe and performs a support function. The cost of removing the shell begins with him.

First we need to remove the shell from the bracket, which fixes it to the wall

First we need to remove the shell from the bracket, which fixes it to the wall

The process of dismantling the shell:

  1. On the floor, unscrew fastener removed decorative support.
  2. Under the sink capacity is inserted to the process of dismantling the siphon water is spilled on the floor.
  3. On storage siphon twisted glass liquid is discharged into the container, and then it returns to its place.
  4. At the bottom of the sink unscrew the nut, the siphon is removed together with the drain hose.
  5. To dismantle the whole system of drainage and sewer pipe socket covered with a lid or a folded cloth to unpleasant smell did not penetrate into the apartment.
  6. With movable pipe wrench or disconnected all hoses that supply fluid to the mixer (In some cases one can use a spanner, the magnitude of which is in the range from 19 to 30 mm).
  7. Shell removed.

When not installing a new sink and faucet, these elements are screwed.

Repair work on the toilet: a photo, and the process of dismantling the toilet

Getting rid of the shell, you can begin to dismantle the toilet. To do this, disconnect the supply hose from the water pipe and tank. The latter can be fixed in two ways. If the fasteners used brackets, tank simply removed from them. When bolted attachment need to unscrew. Then outlet connection pipe is removed from the socket and pulled out drain.

To detach the toilet from the floor, unscrew fasteners

To detach the toilet from the floor, unscrew fasteners

Note! The connecting pipe is required to be subject to release, and in its place then installs the new.

In the next step is taken directly own toilet. To disconnect it from the floor need to unscrew the fasteners. These can be pins, bolts or screws. Depending on what type of fasteners used, for this you can use a screwdriver or wrench.

Sometimes during the repair of a small toilet for mounting the toilet is not used cement. Fixing is carried out only by the sealant and screw connections. In this case, to remove the toilet, it is necessary only to shake. It should be done very carefully. If the toilet is fixed using a concrete solution to dismantle it altogether as it does not turn. As a rule, in most cases, the product breaks or cracks, then it simply is not suitable for further use.

Surface preparation for repairs in the bathroom: the dismantling of finishing

No matter what material is used as a finishing toilet in the apartment, the old coating have get rid of, because it has had time to soak in the operation of an unpleasant odor that may occur after repair. In addition, the presence of the old decorations on the walls will not allow accurately process the surface composition of the soil. As a result, the adhesive properties of the adhesive and decoration decrease significantly, due to which the coating will peel off quickly and soon will have to update the interior of the bathroom again.

In order to dismantle the old tile need to punch

In order to dismantle the old tile need to punch

Old tiles on the walls can be removed by a punch. It will also require a planar chisel blade. Get rid of the paint spatula and help building a hair dryer. For these purposes it may also be used grinder on which was previously put on the round metal brush. To remove the plaster from the walls have to thoroughly soak the surface with water. Thereafter, the coating is removed with a spatula thickened. The recommended thickness of the tool - 2.5-3 mm.

The easiest way to delete the wallpaper from the walls, for this the following steps are performed:

  • the surface is thoroughly wetted;
  • a break to well soaked cloth and soaked with water;
  • wall surface is moistened again;
  • coating is removed from the walls with a spatula.

When the walls and ceiling are cleared, you can proceed to the dismantling of the flooring. To perform this operation manually need a chisel, but is much easier to remove the finish, using the punch.

To remove paper wallpaper, they must be moisten and remove with a spatula

To remove paper wallpaper, they must be moisten and remove with a spatula

Note!It is important to remove all particles of the material, even the smallest. You can use the grinder, equipped with a wire brush. Also, be sure the surface is leveled.

The final stage of preparation for the repair of a bathroom and toilet: waterproofing work

Once the walls and floors removed finishes, you must take out all debris. Then the surface thoroughly cleaned, it takes them obmesti brush. It is desirable to collect the residual dust using a powerful vacuum cleaner.

Next, the surface treated Deep penetration composition. Experts recommend use for repair of toilets in the Khrushchev agents having antiseptic properties. The primer improves adhesion between the surface and interior materials, and also prevents the appearance of mold. Processing is carried out twice. Before applying the composition repeatedly, to wait until the previous layer completely dries.

In this pre-treatment is finished - you can proceed directly to the waterproofing works that necessarily should be done as in the repair of a small closet, and a large bathroom. The fact is that in the room there are water supply and sewerage, so do not exclude the likelihood of leakage. The presence of high-quality waterproofing to avoid flooding the neighbors on the lower floors in case of an accident.

Before waterproofing the walls must be primed with composition

Before waterproofing the walls must be primed with composition

In stores you can find different kinds of waterproofing materials. Obmazochnye are most accessible means by which the joints are processed area between floor and walls. Material strips superimposed on seams, whose width is equal to 15-18 cm. On top of coating is not yet dry fit, waterproofing tape. It must be well pressed against the surface to drown. Waterproofing tape increases resistance at joints leak, if a large amount of water fell to the floor. Once all the joints to dry waterproofing mixture covered the entire floor. If necessary, you can still apply 1-2 layers of coating.

Important! Each new layer of waterproofing mass is applied to the surface only after the previous dry completely. Only in this case, the coating will not lose its protective properties.

Overhaul of bathrooms: pipeline replacement

When major repairs pipeline replacement is needed, especially if the system was operated for many years. Metallic communication is better to replace pipes made of more modern and practical materials such as plastic or metal and plastic. Slicing products can be used sander and twisting - a pipe wrench.

For pipeline replacement is recommended to use the services of specialists

For pipeline replacement is recommended to use the services of specialists

In the absence of the appropriate skills and experience better hire someone to make an optimal routing scheme based on the deployment of the cranes, overlying water and counters. It is desirable that the risers were replaced on all floors in the entrance. Make a circuit including also the water meters, as well as filters, much more difficult.

The simplest arrangement is considered to tee pipe, which often face the owners of apartments in the repair process of a small bathroom. This system delivers the water uniformly to various consumption points (assuming simultaneous use), and in that it is a major disadvantage.

In the collector circuit each intake point connected separately. Due to this hot and cold water is uniformly distributed throughout the system, regardless of how many pixels are to consumption. Tee system can be replaced by a collector, but then have to update the pipeline throughout the apartment.

If the toilet is located sink, this element is required to make the scheme wiring. Its connecting hoses to the wall, located near the reservoir, can be closed with a small box. If the sink is installed near the door to mask the pipes, use a box or just hide communication within the walls, placing them in Stroebe.

Old metal pipes should be replaced with plastic or metal-plastic

Old metal pipes should be replaced with plastic or metal-plastic

Useful advice!Most often pictured repair the bathroom and toilet on the walls you can see the tiles. If this material is used as the finishing, it is desirable to hide the communication in the walls, and not to close their duct.

Repair toilet after wiring pipes: masking Communications

If you view the finished interior options, you will notice that the photo restrooms renovated look beautiful and neat. This result is ensured not only by the elaborate design and competent selection of materials, but through skillful communication disguise, as even completely new pipes do not contribute to the aesthetics of the interior premises.

Most often to mask the pipe in the bathroom is used box. The design looks like skeleton, covered with gypsum boards. As a building material or metal profiles, wooden bars may be used for manufacture of the carcass. All components are carefully calculated. Using a hacksaw or grinder selected material is cut into desired size parts which during assembly are fastened with screws.

In most cases the frame is installed in the lower part of the wall where the wiring is usually located pipes. To hide the sewer system, it is desirable to construct a separate box. In some cases, plasterboard sutured entire wall. No matter how it will be hidden communication, be sure to provide direct access to them. To do this, cut a hole in the drywall, which is installed with the inspection door door.

Camouflage communication in the toilet, you can use the box

Camouflage communication in the toilet, you can use the box

When the frame is assembled, all his joints need to be strengthened. It uses fiberglass mesh-serpyanka that is processed putty. It should also be to cover all cap screws to rust showing through the finish. Then you need to decide what material will be made an audit of the hatch door, as this will depend on the choice of finishes. If the box will be pasted wallpaper for the lock of the door you can use the furniture hinges.

Note!If the finishing boxes for plasterboard apply the wallpaper, the inspection door installed immediately (before finishing).

Instead of doors, providing access to communications can be used plumbing shutters or blinds. They are installed after all of the finishing work in the room. Often, owners of apartments have resorted to the budget repair PVC panels. In this case, the access door is manufactured from a similar material and attached to a furring rails, which are part of the framework.

Design a small bathroom: photo and finishes

Once the framework is completely sheathed and leveled, it must be covered by two layers of soil composition and dry thoroughly. After that, you can start decorating.

To finish, you can use the toilet tiles, plaster, wallpaper and panels

To finish, you can use the toilet tiles, plaster, wallpaper and panels

Selection for toilet decor and all finishing materials must exhibit resistance to moisture and chemical detergents. Such requirements are met:

  • ceramic tile;
  • washable wallpaper;
  • plastic panels;
  • plaster impregnated primer deep penetration.

The tiles can be used as a finish for floors. It is durable, simple and reliable, and easy to clean. Very impressive looks in the photo toilet repairs in the apartment with Polymer Flooring. They are self-leveling coating with an epoxy-based 3D-image effect.

Practical toilet repair: photo finishing technology and tiled walls

Ceramic tile - option optimum finishing material for walls and floors in a toilet. It has excellent performance and decorative qualities. Also decorate the walls with tiles you can own, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Tile and has excellent decorative performance

Tile and has excellent decorative performance

Turn-based tiling technology:

  1. Wall surfaces aligned drywall or filler.
  2. Apply the primer layer.
  3. Using a notched trowel to apply wall tile adhesive.
  4. Gently laid on the wall tiles (according to the selected scheme) and slightly pressed against the surface.
  5. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the tile size. For cutting tiles is desirable to use a specialized tool - Tile. For these purposes may also be used a glass cutter or grinder with diamond wheel.
  6. The joints between the tiles are sealed fugue. The color of the grout can be any. Usually it is chosen to match the overall color scheme premises, although there may be and contrast options.

Useful advice! The use of plastic crosses during installation of tiles will provide neat rows and beautiful seams of equal width.

How to make repairs on their own toilets PVC panels

Fix the panel on the wall is much easier than to lay the tile. With this material can hide any defects surfaces. plastic panels do not last as long as the tiles, but cheaper. In addition, they can be easily changed, if the finish is worn out or just tired.

Stack of PVC panels are very easy, but they are less durable in comparison with tiles

Stack of PVC panels are very easy, but they are less durable in comparison with tiles

To sheathe ceiling bathroom plastic panels, follow the instructions:

  1. Obreshetochnaya formed on the ceiling construction consisting of wooden beams or metal profiles.
  2. Route wires in accordance with the scheme developed lighting systems. Cables in the process must be de-energized.
  3. Where the ceiling battens will migrate to the wall mounted moldings, performing the function of the interior angles.
  4. The panel is applied marking, are cut holes for mounting fixtures.
  5. Installation of plastic panels should start from the wall. The first element is attached to the molding grooves. Others are laid one after the other, being fixed in the same manner.

You can then go finish the walls. Their surface is treated with primer, then going to a crate of wooden slats. As the fastener is desirable to use dowels. If the panels are installed vertically, horizontal purlins must be - and vice versa. The thickness of the strips should not exceed 2 cm and the width may be any of (3 cm or more).

Before laying the panels, they need to cut holes for mounting fixtures

Before laying the panels, they need to cut holes for mounting fixtures

Useful advice!Aligning the vertical rails is desirable to do at once. And in the process of assembling the frame is better to fix the rail to the wall and the lining at the same time.

Reiki are set in increments of 40-50 cm. As the fasteners fit dowels. By the wall is necessary to make the rail and through the drilled hole. Then hammered dowels made of plastic in it. Rake is applied again to the same place and is fixed to the wall with screws. In the lower part of the structure is secured starting molding, which will be inserted into the ends of the panels. Decorating should be fixed and vertically. Therefore, in the corners of the room, too, are set moldings.

After that, the cutting material. Then, one after the other panel is inserted into grooves moldings are aligned on the level and fixed on the crate. In this case, there may be several mounting options:

  • nails;
  • metal clamps;
  • clips.
PVC panels can be fastened by means of nails, clips or clamps

PVC panels can be fastened by means of nails, clips or clamps

Clamps allow you to replace a damaged panel without disassembling the entire wall. Clips are easy to use, but they can not be installed without special guides, which requires additional costs.

How much will repair the toilet: the price of consumables

If the repair is done in the home, the cost will depend on the area of ​​the premises, the selected design, quality of materials and other factors. Even if we consider all the details, it will be impossible to say exactly how much is repair the toilet, because the estimates may increase due to unforeseen circumstances. By the obtained results always need to add about 30%.

Table of average prices for the consumables:

Name Number of material damage. rev. price, rub.
Metal-water pipe (16 mm) 1 running. m 70-120
Sewer pipe (50 mm) 1 running. m 75-150
Wooden beams 1 PC. (6m) 80-200
plastic panel 1 m² 150-250
acrylic dye 5 kg 200-500
Compression fitting 1 PC. 250-500
Tile 1 m² 250-500
Priming with antiseptic properties 5 l 250-500
Leveling composition for leveling floors 25 kg 280-750
Sink 1 PC. 900
Mixer 1 PC. 1500-2200
Toilet bowl 1 PC. 3000-3500

Repairs on their own - a great way to learn new skills or improve existing skills. If there are none better to hire professionals. To reduce the cost of repairs, some operations can be performed independently, for example, dismantling the old finish, make a concrete screed on the floor, and so on. N.

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