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In recent years, many Russian regions develop, build houses a small number of storeys. Project house of foam blocks and realization of turnkey - Offer for families with average incomes, it is an excellent alternative to other building materials. Planning and construction are carried out at an accelerated pace, so the customer can quickly move into their own homes.
Foam concrete house - it quickly and efficiently, warm and safe
- 1 Familiarity with the available materials: projects of houses of foam blocks with a layout
2 Why book projects houses of foam blocks turnkey
- 2.1 Projects of houses from foam blocks with a layout: main stages
3 Projects of single-storey houses of the foam blocks to the layout, from the foundation to the roof
- 3.1 Choosing the walls corresponding to the project one-storey house of foam blocks
- 4 The choice of roof under the design of the house of foam blocks for individual buildings
- 5 The main advantages of houses of foam blocks under the order
- 6 Material as the economic component of the project at home of foam blocks up to 100 thousand. rub.
- 7 Other factors affecting the price of the design house of foam blocks
Familiarity with the available materials: projects of houses of foam blocks with a layout
To build on the old fashioned way - carefully and it is unprofitable. Through the use of innovative materials, modern technology in the short term make it possible to:
- winter to buy the site and choose the project one-storey house of foam blocks turnkey;
- to lay the foundation in the spring;
- start and complete construction during the warm season;
- autumn perform roofing and finishing works;
- winterization drive in your own home and celebrate the housewarming.
The walls of the foam blocks are warm, syreyut not have good sound insulation
It's worth noting that on average Foam concrete houses are built from six months to a year and a half. Some are inclined to believe that their own house is to be constructed from timber or brick. Eco-friendly and affordable building materials in the region are not always available, and the price of the finished house (turnkey) are often alarming need in their own housing citizens.
Thoroughly construction can be built on the basis of any material, e.g., in the form of a panel, cast or frame cottage. We should also consider the option of a durable two-storey house of foam blocks 8x8 - projects with a finished layout give great stylistic possibilities for the design of the original interior design.
Foam - a material having a porous honeycomb structure, designed in the form of blocks. It is characterized by toughness and low cost, it has a mass superior performance qualities, including thermal insulation properties. This is the best option for the construction of a small country house, which costs almost twice cheaper than traditional buildings.
Although the foam blocks made of conventional concrete, the walls of this material is warmer, less syreyut home construction costs are relatively cheap. This is another argument in favor of what you should pay attention to the finished projects of houses of foam blocks offered by construction companies in different regions.
The project is a single-storey house of foam blocks 11x11 m
Why book projects houses of foam blocks turnkey
Today, not everyone can afford to participate in the process of building their own home. The concept of "turnkey" implies that the private construction company in all stages, such as the creation of a project to build a house of foam blocks, finishing work.
Some firms have experience in the construction of cottages, villas and houses of different materials. Others have a narrow specialization, for example, only work with foamed concrete. This relatively inexpensive material attracts customers with average income.
High foam concrete strength and long service life (70 years) give him an opportunity to take a worthy place in the construction market. It should be noted that in the public domain there are free projects of houses of foam blocks, to assess their aesthetics and familiarize yourself with their value. Choose the best option, it is quite possible to order a "turnkey" in the region.
Note!Fixing brackets barely attached to the wall of the porous foam. It is important to consider at the time of the interior design and organization of heating. Heavy cast-iron batteries -plohoy holders of option for the foam block house (projects and prices for works compensate for such restrictions).
Houses are built of foam blocks 1.5-2 times faster than a brick
The rate of construction of the house is quite high, because the foam blocks format itself conceived in such a way as to optimize the process of laying. With this material builders cope even without highly skilled, unlike brick lining, requiring special skills. This significantly reduces the cost of works.
Foam concrete house - it quickly and efficiently, warm and safe. As a rule, the implementation of "turnkey" project two-storey house of foam blocks depends on different factors. This is almost always done twice as fast as the construction of a brick house with a similar format. Upon completion of all construction stages of the customer is to move to a ready to use a cottage or house. Therefore, the private participation of the client often begins and ends at the same time - at the stage of selecting the project turnkey.
Projects of houses from foam blocks with a layout: main stages
Create any construction begins with design, without which it is impossible to draw up an estimate of future expenses. Before proceeding to the construction of the building will need to make or borrow on the Internet plan of the house of foam blocks (quite often this single-storey buildings economy class). Such plans may have disadvantages, but they are often used by those who have some experience in construction. You can make some changes in the project that will realize personal wishes and preferences of the future owner of the house.
The project is two-storey house of foam blocks with a total area of 240 m²
Useful advice!With a limited budget is recommended to use the type of house 6 for 6 from the foam block as individual development is expensive - from 25 thousand rubles (depending on the region).
If there is a ready (standard) project, it can be adapted to the possibilities and geocoded. Next, prepare all the necessary documentation, which includes:
- certificate of title to the land;
- master plan area with adjacent communications;
- calculations of building structures;
- floor plans;
- foundation drawings, facade designs and the individual nodes;
- internal communications wiring, including heating;
- estimate and specification of materials;
- After the approval of the documentation to start building houses of foam blocks, projects and prices should be specified in advance.
Projects of single-storey houses of the foam blocks to the layout, from the foundation to the roof
When choosing a foundation should familiarize yourself with the main varieties, but the final decision still must take professionals. This takes into account the properties of soils, terrain and number of storeys of buildings.
When laying the foundation is important to be aware of for communication and waterproofing of holes
It is no secret that under the individual building, local authorities often give unsuitable for other ground targets. Usually it is not necessary for the construction of high-rise apartment and heavy private cottages, consisting of 2-3 floors. It is also necessary to take into account, opting for the project house of foam blocks 10 to 10 m or larger structure made of heavy materials.
Upon completion of geotechnical works (drilling, sampling of soil) can be determined, which the foundation will be in preference:
- Slab (applicable to non-uniform, unsteady and weak subsiding soils) suitable for small dachas, if other support is not possible. He is cheap.
- Cast (shuttering) and belt - the most common types of foundations that are practiced in most of the European territory. Suitable for projects of houses of foam blocks 6x6.
- Pier foundation also referred to the budget base used in individual housing. It should be used on solid ground in the event that does not threaten significant shift caused by frost heaving.
- Columnar weakly deepened - the most inexpensive foundation, which, on the contrary, is recommended for frost heave, caused deep freezing of the soil.
- Weakly deepened strip foundation costs a little more expensive, suitable for solonetzic and marshy soils. It is used for easy individual building.
The project is a single-storey house with a garage of foam blocks
Screw piles are used for many types of soils (with the exception of rocky and stony). It's worth noting that it is their often recommend architects that develop projects of houses of foam blocks of 10x10 m.
Useful advice!Carrying out an independent lay the foundation for a model project home, it is important to be aware of the mandatory organization waterproofing and creation of technological holes needed for communications.
Choosing the walls corresponding to the project one-storey house of foam blocks
Masonry often looks more attractive. But the walls of the foam block, lined with decorative stucco, siding or facade paint, build a faster, easier and simpler. Quick work contribute to a low specific weight and easy to use format blocks:
- 200h300h600 mm;
- 100h200h600 mm.
Relatively topcoat can afford various options, choosing the material, which will be cheaper and more attractive terracotta brick wall. Aesthetic laying of foam blocks - a good solution. This is confirmed by a photo showing the projects of houses and houses of foam blocks.
The walls of the foam blocks can be veneered with decorative plaster, stone or siding
Informative!Cube this material does not weigh more than 630 kg. This is almost half the weight of the concrete and three times - masonry, concrete blocks that make indispensable in the construction of light structures on unstable soils.
The advantage of this material is still in the fact that the various parameters of foam concrete blocks allow them to adjust for a specific project. Usually they vary in size:
- Width - 200, 250 and 300 mm;
- Height - 90, 120, 140, 180 and 300 mm;
- length - 300, 400, 500 and 600 mm.
For additional insulation foam block construction can be combined with other budget counterpart. More often it arbolit consisting of sawdust (chopped straw, wood shavings) and cement.
Note!The possibility of using opilkobetona and other materials necessary to agree on the stage of discussing the projects of country houses of foam blocks.
The project is a single-storey house of foam blocks 12x12 m
Whatever the size and material of cast blocks, it is necessary to comply with technology standards:
- Wall two- or three-storey houses made of concrete blocks, with a loft projects strengthen reinforced concrete columns and belts, which can be hidden under the overlaps between the floors;
- one-storey building is only reinforced by the belt slab;
- between the foundation and the first row of foam must be 2 waterproofing layer;
- every 4 rows masonry reinforcement or supplement a special grid.
Porosity and relatively low strength of the walls of the foam block do not give a chance to this material be in demand in high-rise construction. However, it is its affordability allows families with low incomes find their own one-story or two-story homes. In buildings economy-class unit may only be used on the upper floor, while the bottom is made of a dense concrete slabs.
The choice of roof under the design of the house of foam blocks for individual buildings
Typically, the construction of such houses lasts no more than one and a half years, including including the installation of a roof. The degree of complexity of its construction depends on the selected form.
When choosing the form of the roof is necessary to consider its sail, especially in places where there is often strong winds blow
Basic design options for roofs:
- hipped (4 Skate as trapezoid);
- poluvalmovaya;
- tent;
- conical;
- pent;
- gable;
- diamonds;
- vaulted;
- the broken line;
- flat;
- mnogoschiptsovaya;
- combined;
- attic (no attic).
The slope ranges from 30 ° to 45 ° depending on the expected amount of precipitation in winter snow in the region. When choosing the form also takes into account wind resistance of the roof, which is especially important in places where there is often strong winds blow. Competent professionals to minimize the possible effects of the elements, helps to identify with all the options, putting them in the cost of projects of single-storey houses of the foam blocks (up to 100 thousand. rub.).
Related article:
Projects with a flat roof buildings: the best ideas for the construction and design
Features stacking each layer of the roof. resettlement options: the best ideas for decorating the space.
As a roofing material usually is selected:
- evroruberoid (flat roof);
- metal roofing;
- corrugated board;
- ondulin;
- slate;
- seamed metal.
The project is two-storey house of foam blocks with a total area of 275 m²
Low prices for building materials make it possible to select any base, roof and surface finish the project at home of foam blocks 9 by 9 meters (or other areas).
Useful advice!If you have to spend on the creation of an individual project, the expert will tell you how to save on other components. However, hydro and sound insulation, thermal insulation method, heating and all communication must be performed flawlessly.
The main advantages of houses of foam blocks under the order
Concrete blocks - convenient material from available raw materials, consisting of a mixture of sand and cement. Its cellular structure and its properties determined price segment structures from this material.
Such structures have a number of positive characteristics:
Build a house out of foam blocks can even builders who do not have qualifications
- eco-friendly material made from natural raw materials, can be recommended even for people with respiratory diseases and allergies;
- high fire safety, home projects from foam blocks 6x8 meters (and other dimensions) is considered in all cases, since there is no risk of fire;
- walls spread from a material that "breathes", ie. e. It has the ability to absorb excess moisture from the air and release it when excessive dryness;
- material favors the preservation of a healthy microclimate, walls resistant to the appearance of dampness and mold;
- lightweight foam blocks facilitates its transportation and also allows the clutch without using improvised devices;
- masonry walls can be made from more dense materials at the lower level and from the lungs - above;
- blocks do not change the geometric dimensions, because they are characterized by resistance to deformation in the reinforcement conditions;
- in blocks not infest insects, rodents, they are not subjected to adverse effects of the microflora;
- material has improved performance of thermal insulation (compared to poured concrete walls and concrete slabs), which allows to save on heating in the winter (about 25-30%);
- small thickness of the internal wall (1 stone) is sufficient for dachas and homes, which further increases the useful area;
- the porous material has high sound quality (60 dB), whereby the locked many sound waves and ultrasonic vibration;
- blocks are easily cut or processed in another way, giving them the desired shape, which simplifies the laying of communications.
The project is a two-storey house with a garage of foam blocks 11h14 m
Note!Europeans are known for their practicality, long been "discovered" this material, resembling pumice stone or hard foam. Foam enjoys well-deserved attention, displacing more expensive materials.
Cons of such buildings a bit. The house is not very durable. However, in the absence of very strong mechanical impacts the fault does not affect the reliability of the building. It is undesirable to hang on the walls of cast iron batteries and other heavy construction. It makes sense to give up the expensive buildings and opt for the beautiful designs of houses of foam blocks up to 150 thousand. rub.
Material as the economic component of the project at home of foam blocks up to 100 thousand. rub.
A small country house or a two-storey villa of the foam can be an excellent alternative to the buildings made of other materials, which will cost several times more expensive. Many builders prefer foam blocks in the construction of their own homes.
Properly built and lined block house will look like a rugged fortress, able to stand 70-80 years. Build a small cottage (subject to a finished basement with shrinkage) can in record time - 3-4 months. This factor is also taken into account when deciding a pending complete "unfinished" in the forgotten summer community or nearby villages.
Properly constructed and lined with foam blocks from the house will look like a rugged fortress
Building blocks can be laid by hand. Outsiders do not even guess that the two-storey cottage built from inexpensive, environmentally friendly and lightweight material, the structure of which resembles a porous pumice. This showcase photo projects of houses from the foam block.
Foam block - not the best alternative to stone or masonry in the case when it comes to reliability. However, availability is an important argument in favor of a low-cost construction of environmentally friendly materials. On the level of building insulation made of foam concrete (with additives and polymers) are much more favorable to the stone and brick houses in need of significant warming.
Comparable "related" materials cost (in rubles):
- foam - from 12 500;
- claydite - 11 300;
- Unmodified (units) - 10 200;
- aerated concrete - from 14 000;
- ceramic blocks (and other dense materials) - from 16 000.
As mentioned earlier, these materials are perfectly assembled during installation, which is economically advantageous in the construction of the walls of the residues. The cost of installation of the units will cost a half times cheaper than the cost of laying of bricks:
Project house of foam blocks with a garage for two cars
- The cost of laying a brick is about 6,300 rubles. (3800 rbl. - material + 2500 rub. - masonry).
- Price foam block installation - 4200 rubles. (2700 rbl. - material + 1500 rubles. - masonry).
A simple process is able to master each having at least a little practice in suburban construction. Master taught can use ready design houses of the foam block 8 by 8 meters (or other areas), self-realizing the dream of your own home. This is another argument in favor of the economic benefits of such projects.
Other factors affecting the price of the design house of foam blocks
In the portfolio of any construction organization contains a lot of evidence to the successful implementation of the project the house of foam blocks: prices, photos, reviews. Experienced developers are increasingly turning to this material to increase its customer base among the people of moderate means. Currently available are many 'fast' development, allowing to build a house for the season.
The customer will often offer a variant of the building in a certain style, for example, ivy-covered house, reminiscent of "good old England", a cottage in the spirit of Provence or a mountain chalet-style house. Working with designers, the client is able to pre-calculate the cost of the selected project house of foam blocks of 7x7 meters (and other dimensions).
The cost of construction of the walls of the foam blocks will cost a half times cheaper than brick
Taking into account not only the laying of the foundation, erection of walls and assembly of the roof, but also other costs:
- exterior insulation and finishing of facade;
- internal plastering (starting and finishing);
- wall insulation on the perimeter;
- installation of door frames (entrance and interior);
- installation of windows: if the house is located close to the road or railway line, then to improve the sound insulation can be installed plastic construction with double-glazed windows;
- summing external communications, including gas, water and electricity;
- Organization of the heating system (boiler and the choice of method of connection of radiators);
- Finishing work on the design of the interior design.
Today, aerated concrete is one of the most popular materials in the construction of
Useful advice!Significantly saving on construction of the house, you can afford a modern lighting design and special interior design, made in any style. This should also be reflected in the project of the house from the foam block 6 by 8 meters (or other format).
No matter what kind of family building dreams: worth up to 2 million of a large country cottage. rub. or a small cottage with a loft at the cost of up to 500 thousand. - a project selection process should be approached with the utmost responsibility. Currently, the foam is one of the most popular materials used in construction.