Single-pitch roof with own hands - design features of
It is known that the construction of a single-pitched roof is carried out with a mandatory bias, however, as for other types of roofs. The resulting slope is determined mainly by the climate characteristic of the terrain and the roofing material. The slope can have a steepness of up to sixty degrees with a lot of precipitation, but not less than ten degrees even for the dry south. It is clear that for a steep slope you need more materials than for a small one( with the same overlapping area).
Usually in non-wide-sized buildings, the installation of a single-deck roof is carried out by installing layered rafters made of wood, metal, and other materials. Naslonnye called beams, leaning their ends on two walls. Of these, one or both can be external( in this case, the second, internal, should be capital).
Very often, taking into account the size of the span, the construction of a saddle roof is most suitable for blocking most farm buildings. Unshielded single-skinned roofing rafters cover the spans well up to four and a half meters. If it is a distance of five to six meters, such a leg must be strengthened with struts.
The construction of a saddle roof with your own hands for spans from six to eight meters will require the installation of special truss trusses with two struts and a headstock. An even larger span( up to twelve meters) can be blocked using an intermediate support. This design is suitable even for residential buildings, but it has not been widely used due to the high forehead and associated specific form of the house.
How to build a single-deck roof - important factors for the calculation of
As mentioned above, recommendations on how to properly build a single-deck roof take into account the climatic factor and the material of the roofing. This calculation should be carried out in a complex way: the distance to be covered and the roofing material determine the slope of the plane.
For example, if the structure is in the zone of large snow loads, and the top is planned from the corrugated board, then a more sloping shape can not withstand the load, therefore, it is necessary to increase the steepness. And this, in turn, requires the corresponding beams and crates.
To navigate, how to properly make a single-deck roof, for most of the mid-latitude regions with a moderate climatic belt, the slope starts at twenty degrees. With the increase in latitude, this angle also increases, reaching in the north forty-five degrees( the reason is the abundance of snow).
The roof material also introduces its corrections: metal roofing, for example, requires at least thirty gradients of slope, wavy asbestos cement sheets( slate) - up to thirty-five, flat ones - up to forty. In addition, there are also minimum acceptable values, determined by the specifics of the docking nodes.
The main element of the layered rafters is the rafter's leg. The support to the ends is a support bar, called a Mauerlat. It is usually placed on the inner edge of the bearing( external and internal) walls. The feet themselves are in the form of logs, timber, boards. The stacking step for logs and timber is from one and a half to two meters, for boardwalks - from one meter to one and a half.
Construction of a single-deck roof - nuances of the individual stages of the
operation. An important nuance in the question of how to make a single-deck roof is the beams fixing through one wire( six-millimeter thick) twists to a crutch clogged forty centimeters below the wall cut. The ends of the beams cut into the support bar( Mauerlat), for example, with a double tooth, and are additionally fastened with brackets to it( you can use a yoke with a bolt and other methods).The culm before laying is subjected to antiseptic processing, and along the entire perimeter of its placement place are covered with a double layer of roofing material( for waterproofing).
An important role in how to build a single-deck roof, video materials in our article assign quality and to the types of the furring. Indeed, depending on the type of roof requires a different performance of this flooring. It is made of poles, boards, bars. Good quality is achieved if the cross-section of the rafter's feet is sewn by the board with a step up to a meter, and along this framework, put a bar or boards along the slope. As a rule, for the device of a roofing flooring it is applied a cut, such boards it is better to have a tray upwards. So it is better to drain random moisture.
But nevertheless, for the crate, you should take dry material not lower than the second grade, without twigs, up to fourteen centimeters wide. Executed flooring is considered good quality, if it does not bend under the weight of the worker, does not have irregularities, hillocks, cracks( a roofing paper or parchment is recommended for their overlapping).When laying a board or other material, it is necessary to arrange the joints of short fragments in a staggered order. In addition, the crate is also done taking into account the features of fixing the roofing, do not forget about it.