Peat toilet - a great solution for a country site
- 1 Purpose and function of the peat toilets
- 2 What a peat toilet garden is better to choose
- 3 How to install a toilet filled with peat
- 4 Peat toilet (video)
Purpose and function of the peat toilets
Like all toilets, closets peat intended for use in places where the sewer construction is impossible or impractical. Indeed, why build sophisticated sewer communication in the country, where the hosts are only a few times over the summer. Construction outside toilet facilities with raking can be problematic due to the very high groundwater level. Peat toilet can be installed anywhere, even in a country house, even in a booth in the yard.
The structure of the peat toilets
The principle of operation is based on peat toilet property peat absorb faeces and recycle them into compost, which when in contact with the soil is converted into humus. Thus peat able to partially eliminate odors. It should be noted that processes peat solid excreta the content, so the excess water must be discharged to the outside.
Plastic collapsible toilet easy to install and maintenance
peat toilet device is simple. This capacity is similar to an ordinary bucket, only larger. On top of it there is a seat, such as a toilet. The tank is attached to the container, poured peat mixture, which can be purchased at any specialty store. It contains sawdust needed for humus.
Peat was placed in a container before and after use of the toilet for its intended purpose. The mechanism of its filling is different from normal sleep scoop to special mechanical devices in the tank, rotating the handles which the mixture was poured into a container.
peat backfilling
Useful advice!When deciding on what kind of peat toilet garden is better to choose, you should pay attention to the presence of the vent hose, which is designed to bring the excess water from the tank. Urine passing through the peat bed, cleaned and becomes safe to the environment. Therefore, it can be diverted directly into the soil.
Peat toilet - a sectional view
Depending on the model and usage, you need to empty the container 1 - 2 times a month. Peat particles, similar to cat litter, absorb organics. The whole mass is poured into a compost pit where the humus formation process. After some time, the finished organic fertilizer can be made in beds or under the fruit trees.
Used peat can be used as fertilizer
What a peat toilet garden is better to choose, you can be solved by knowing the basic parameters of several models. All peat toilets have their own advantages and disadvantages. The undoubted advantages include:
- small size;
- lack of sewerage needs;
- environmental, safety, and even the use of waste at their disposal;
- ease of maintenance;
- the ability to install in any location.
Peat toilet at the cottage
Of the minuses of this product include: not the complete elimination of odors and the need for the systematic removal of the contents. This disadvantage is completely eliminated in today's high-priced models.
What a peat toilet garden is better to choose
Today, the industry produces several types of peat toilets. They differ in size, device complexity, design, features, price and country of manufacturer. It may be noted that the dimensions of the product depend on the capacity of the container. It varies from 60 to 150 liters. The average toilet dimensions are 780 × 600 × 800 mm. can be identified and simplified versions of "full integration" of the components.
Internally device peat toilets
The simplest design requires only the presence of a bucket seat. Sometimes, instead of a bucket, a special disposable bag that can be processed in the soil. Peat in such models is filled by hand directly into the container. At cost, they are in the line of the most cost options.
Design with tank and drain hose can be attributed to the average price of the models. They are the most popular, as they have a sufficient range of functions at quite democratic prices. Therefore, many do not ask - what a peat toilet to give better. They acquire an affordable model with the minimum required options.
Auditing service door toilet
The most expensive model of peat toilets can reach the value of 500 - 600 USD Most often it is imported products, although there are instances of domestic in this price range. The most popular are the toilets Finnish production and some domestic models made by the same technology.
The expensive peat toilets, besides the above basic parts, a vent tube with an extract of forced type. Due to its design and the use of deodorizing agents, these models are not able to exude an unpleasant smell.
EXAMPLE location peat toilet on summer cottage
Useful advice!If a family has a child or a small man, it is better to buy domestic model. Finnish counterparts have a higher seat, which is not very convenient for little people.
How to install a toilet filled with peat
When the question about what kind of a peat toilet to give the best solution and the product is purchased, it is necessary to properly install it on your site. If it is a simple model that does not require any special conditions of use, you can arrange a toilet anywhere. This can be done in a booth on the street, and can be directly in the house, in a specially designated for this purpose. Such models require regular emptying buckets, as they may lack the fluid outlet.
The circuit arrangement of peat toilet with his hands
The most popular model of the middle class set in a similar manner but provide for a hole in the wall through which the drain hose comes out. Water flows through it directly into the ground or into a compost pit.
Useful advice!To compost formation proceeded correctly and effectively, the drain hose should not be placed directly into the compost. Moisture must flow into it along the groove dug in the ground. This will allow the surplus to go into the soil without creating excess moisture, which adversely affects the formation of humus.
Plastic peat toilet
Build peat bio-toilet ventilation is also not difficult. Industrial models included already have the required set of pipes. Most often, their length is 2 meters. Chimney put on the toilet tank in the place intended for it, and the second part rises up above the roof of the house or booth. Hose to drain the fluid is taken out of the wall and falls to the ground.
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There are craftsmen who do not even think a peat toilet garden is better to choose. They just build it yourself. You will need 2 - 3 of the same size buckets with lids. Plywood and bars with self-tapping screws made pedestal required size with a hole at the top. On it fasten the toilet seat down. Under the whole structure is inserted into the bucket.
As filling substitute following a bucket, and the previous render, emptied, cleaned and disinfected. If necessary, the inner cavity of the pedestal may be coupled to the atmosphere via pipe or corrugated ventilation. Filler for homemade toilet can be used is the same - a mixture of peat with sawdust.
EXAMPLE foundation arrangement for a toilet peat
Useful advice!If you plan to use a peat toilet in the winter, then the purchase is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the plastic. It is necessary to ask the seller, it is designed for a temperature range.
What a peat toilet to give better, everyone decides for himself. You can buy an expensive model with a beautiful design, which does not spoil the interior garden, and possibly acquisition of a simple structure that does not have a premium quality, but also regularly consults with its direct responsibilities. For those who want to save money, there is also the option of self-device peat toilets. Make it not be easy for any man with "hands".