Construction of toilets in the country with their own hands, drawings, dimensions

Wooden toilet in the country with a shed roof

Wooden toilet in the country with a shed roof

Any of these types has a right to exist. However, most gardeners are digging a pit and build a normal toilet at the cottage with his own hands. Drawings, dimensions of the whole structure and the place of installation must be determined in advance.

Useful advice!Excrement, processed by natural biocomponents are excellent fertilizer. They must be disposed of in a pit for composting, for further use on their summer cottage.

Color wooden toilet can be in harmony with the surrounding landscape

Color wooden toilet can be in harmony with the surrounding landscape

Search for optimal location on the site for the construction of toilets

Before you begin construction of toilets in the area, you must decide on the venue. This is very important, since groundwater and surface water flows can carry debris on a vast territory. There are a few standard rules:

  • distance from a sewage pit to any water source: wells or wells, rivers or streams observe relies not less than 25 m In this case, it is impossible to forget about the neighboring springs.. If the site has elevation changes, the toilet building at the lowest point;
  • basement or cellar should be located at a distance of more than 12 m;
  • bath or sauna - more than 8 m;

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  • farm buildings with pets - 4 m;
  • Trees - 4 m and shrubs - 1 m;
  • from the border area is not less than 1 m;
  • groundwater level - an important argument in the choice of the type of toilet. If they are raised above the level of 2.5 m., The build toilet with uninsulated cesspool unacceptable. In this case it is necessary to choose one of the alternatives;
  • stall door should not open towards the neighboring portion.
Toilet in the country from edging boards

Toilet in the country from edging boards

It is necessary to take into account the objects of neighbors when choosing a place for the construction of toilets in the country with their own hands. Drawings, dimensions and orientation of the buildings - all must be taken into account. If the site is made in a single design style, choosing a toilet locations of considerable importance and its integration into the overall concept of the project.

Useful advice! During the construction of the toilet at their summer cottage you should always take into account the prevailing winds in the area. Setting this object to the leeward side can ruin the entire outdoor recreation due to the unpleasant smell spreading in the direction of residential buildings.

Construction of toilets in the country with their own hands, drawings, dimensions

If, as a result of reflection and calculation, it was decided to construct pit latrines, then it should be done in a certain sequence.

Wooden toilet is located under tall trees

Wooden toilet is located under tall trees

Detailed drawings, the size of the toilet in the country with their own hands allow to calculate the amount of material required and the show features all the elements of the installation:

  • frame made of bars with dimensions of 100x50 mm. It is mounted on two parallel beams with the section of 150x150 mm. They play the role of the runners. Since the boards in contact with the ground and directly from the pit, they must be treated with antiseptic. If necessary toilet insulated foam. abat-vent closed by any material. This may be a soft tile, the rest of the building;
Table of necessary materials

Table of necessary materials

Useful advice!When the device of electric lighting in the toilet, turn the power switch at the exit of the house. This eliminates the need to search for it in the dark on the street.

Though construction of toilets at their summer cottage is not difficult, the quality of work should be given special attention. It affects not only the usability of the object, but also its durability. The correct choice of the construction site will not only get away with sanitary conditions, but will also give a holistic and balanced view of the whole area.

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