Ceiling LED lights for the house: the essence of a harmonious lighting

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Times when the ceilings of apartments were a dull white surface placed in the middle of the front chandelierThing of the past. Instead, they appeared complex multilevel plasterboard and tensile structures in which LED ceiling lighting fixtures for homes located spectacularly. Market Overview of modern LED products will help in choosing the best, stylistically consistent, and taking into account the height of the room model.

Ceiling LED lights for the house: the essence of a harmonious lighting

LED lighting - an indispensable element of modern design


  • 1 How to choose a ceiling LED lighting for the home: lighting requirements
    • 1.1 Construction of overhead LED downlights for the house
  • 2 Ceiling LED lights for the house: built-in models
    • 2.1 Recessed LED luminaires for suspended ceilings
    • 2.2 The use of the interior point recessed LED downlights
    • 2.3 LED ceiling lights for suspended ceilings
    • 2.4 Price point recessed LED downlights
    • 2.5 Application Recessed LED downlights Armstrong
  • 3 Overview LED ceiling chandeliers for home

How to choose a ceiling LED lighting for the home: lighting requirements

LED products are available in a huge range. Select the appropriate model among the thousands of lamps offered options very difficult. Especially it is necessary to consider not only the original design and construction lighting, but also their compliance with certain requirements: efficiency, safety and the level of illumination.

<Span style = "color: # 999999;"> The modern market offers a huge range of LED lamps of different purposes </ span>

The modern market offers a huge range of LED lamps of different purposes

Isolation lamps in separate groups occurs depending on the following factors:

  • scope of use - office, industrial, decorative, landscape, architectural, emergency;
  • installation location - ceiling, wall and furniture;
  • design - embedded, overhead, line, with built-in and external drivers;
  • shape - round, square, rectangular, triangular;
  • the appointment of the premises - for the living room, bedroom, children's room, hallway, kitchen, bathroom, etc.

In addition, the LED lights are available with built-in transducer and the outside. As a rule, built-in drivers are mounted in the overhead lights, as they have a more solid case. Design of some lamps have LED lampIn other models instead of lamps use an array of multiple LEDs. These models - the newest and only reliable option.

Particular attention in the selection of ceiling LED light ice-lamps should be paid to the degree of illumination for a particular room and the possibility of its regulation. To do this, consider devices with dimming, as well as models with built-in motion sensor.

Skillful use of spot lighting will emphasize the dignity of the interior

Skillful use of spot lighting will emphasize the dignity of the interior

To determine the capacity planned to be installed wall and ceiling LED lamps, it is necessary to use a certain rule. If, before the replacement of the light source used incandescent lamp power of 80 W, then receive the same level of illumination can, using the LED lamp power of 12 watts.

Construction of overhead LED downlights for the house

The advantage of using the overhead lighting is no need to pre-prepare a recess for attaching them. They are mounted on a flat ceiling surface with screws. And the design of the ceiling can be made of any material: concrete, drywall, wood. The lack of such lamps in brittle parts eliminates accidental damage ceiling.

Manufacturers produce models of overhead LED downlights round and square shapes. They are installed mainly in the technical purpose rooms: the kitchen, the bathroom, the bathroom. It is possible to use them for lighting the living room and nursery. The choice of a particular model depends on the style and size of the room.

The interior of the spacious rooms typically use a model overall overhead fixtures

The interior of the spacious rooms typically use a model overall overhead fixtures

When planning a room lighting that emphasizes the power, size and color of the lighting surface mounted luminaire. the emission color of such lamps may be in the range of the standard white, warm and cool colors to yellow warm light.

Useful advice!If you plan to use the bill LED square downlight in combination bathroom, pay attention to the level of moisture protection device.

The interior of the spacious rooms is common to use a model overall. Large overhead LED ceiling lights 595h595h50 mm often used in offices. However, if your house has a billiards room and sports room impressive square, such a device it is possible to apply for its lighting. Photo overhead LED downlights for the house illustrates the possibility of using them as replacement plates ceiling type Armstrong.

Overhead ceiling lights do not require special recesses and easily installed on any type of ceiling

Overhead ceiling lights do not require special recesses and easily installed on any type of ceiling

Ceiling LED lights for the house: built-in models

If the replacement of all old light sources coincided with the timing of repair, it is advisable to use embedded LED fixtures for the ceiling. Even at the design stage can be envisaged placement of fixtures and carry out appropriate preparatory measures. Through this thoughtful lighting can emphasize the dignity of the interior.

Recessed LED luminaires for suspended ceilings

Design of embedded devices consists of a lamp and special fasteners, which constitute the bracket-holders with springs. With a simple fastening mechanism, lights are easy to install and remove. If the ceiling space is small, it is recommended to use a design with a thinner body and the outer driver. Model with volume suitable for housing constructions with a large ceiling span.

Recessed LED luminaire circular ceiling with a diameter of 280 mm, with large luminous flux 2240 lumens has a slim body and a neat design. The diffuser made of a durable acrylic polymer, whereby the lamp emits soft light. Such a model can be used as a main lighting of the room space.

With the help of spotlights for suspended ceilings can create a truly unique atmosphere

With the help of spotlights for suspended ceilings can create a truly unique atmosphere

Useful advice!Using ultra LED recessed panels about 1 cm thick enables to form a sufficiently compact illumination system.

For the interior, the design of which is dominated by the strict geometry would be appropriate to use for ceiling lighting LED luminaires square shape. Depending on the power of LEDs, it is possible to build several such fixtures in one or more rows. Some people prefer to supplement the main light source in small located on the perimeter ceiling LED lights dot the corresponding form.

Reception layout of the central light point with recessed ceiling LED lights (photo examples is illustrated) allows for high-quality lighting in all rooms and place light accents on individual decorative elements. A combination of several types of lighting, operating in different modes, saves on energy costs.

Scheme mounting point embedded LED lamps

Scheme recessed mounting point LED lamps

The use of the interior point recessed LED downlights

Using point recessed luminaire can not only qualitatively illuminate the room, but also to create distinct zones, each of which requires a different light intensity. Furthermore, spotlights can be activated to differentiate the space or nyuansnoy backlight decorative elements, setting the tone general interior.

Point devices consist of two parts: the embedded part is mounted in the ceiling surface and the face remains visible. Manufacturers offer a variety of design options spotlights: a matt, transparent, reflective glass, with crystal mini-shades, with gold, silver, matte frame. In short, you can choose the design of the lamp for any interior style.

There are rotating lighting models, the design of which provides rotation of the housing. Thus, their illumination to be directed particularly successful decorative composition. spotlights - spotlights are designed for high ceilings. They can be single, double, and also form an entire lighting system. Spots can rotate in all directions, like a searchlight, changing the illumination area.

Very popular option of using spot lighting, built-in furniture. For this purpose, preferably round shaped lamps with a thin casing. Installation is a preparation required diameter hole, into which the lighting unit. The main application - lighting the working area kitchen surfaces, backlight contents of cabinets, closets and storerooms.

Spot lighting built into furniture - one of the most popular options for lighting

Spot lighting built into furniture - one of the most popular options for lighting

The use of spotlights in the bathroom involves the choice of hermetic models with a certain degree of moisture protection and low operating voltage. These parameters can be seen on the packaging of the product. In addition, it is very important to choose the color of light, close to the natural one, as it is this room used for hygienic and cosmetic procedures.

Useful advice!It is not recommended to connect the LED lights to the switch with backlight function. This will contribute to instability bulbs and reduce their life.

Applying spotlights for ceilings, should take into account a number of nuances concerning the operating conditions of the tension surfaces. To this end, it is useful to consult with the manager on sale of these products.

LED ceiling lights for suspended ceilings

Specifications LED ceiling recessed luminaires for ceilings must meet certain requirements. Lighting, first of all, must be evenly disperse and create a comfortable atmosphere. It should avoid the use of massive fixtures for modest structures of the area: they will only reinforce the impression of space limitations.

Manufacturers point of LED lighting for suspended ceilings offer a very wide choice of options

manufacturers point LED luminaires for suspended ceilings It offers a very wide choice of options

Limitless variety of LED spotlights for ceilings, allows to find a model applicable to the style of any orientation. It should be noted that among them are two main groups: devices with internal and external position of the lamp. The internal arrangement of the light source provides collimated light, creating a unique effect.

When choosing the type of luminaire is necessary to consider restrictions on the temperature and power devices. In this sense, in combination with the stretch ceiling preferable to use devices with an external source. External placement of lamps in the luminaire creates an ambient light and allows the use of devices with a variety of decorative elements: chrome framing, crystal suspensions, glass diffusers, etc. Such lamps do not emit excessive heat and can not cause deformation of the tension coverage.

Using spotlights with flickering effect in the stretch ceiling light create the illusion of a starry sky. Using such light sources can form a beautiful ornament or pattern. Owners of multi-level structures designers recommend to use the backlight for each tier of the ceiling. The use of LED ceiling lights with remote control makes lighting control fast and comfortable.

When choosing the type of LED lamp is necessary to consider the optimum operating temperature range

When choosing the type of LED lamp is necessary to consider the optimum operating temperature range

Price point recessed LED downlights

Before ordering and purchase LED products, you need to arm themselves with some knowledge to really appreciate all the advantages of the chosen lighting. First of all, pay attention to the company-manufacturer of LED lighting. Products well-proven producers will be high quality and will last a long time.

Useful advice!When choosing LED products give preference to lamps from trusted manufacturers.

Projects of basic and decorative lighting with point light sources makes these lamps extremely popular. High fire safety makes them suitable even for illuminating poorly ventilated premises. Sleek design, compact size and versatility - the main selection criteria in favor of such products.

Buy spot recessed ceiling LED lights can lighting in the places of sale or on the sites of manufacturers. Price depends on the design, the materials used, the number and type of lamps and many other factors. The cost of a simple square lamp with plastic diffuser and a single lamp can be up to 350 rubles. More advanced models to reach the two light bulbs at the price of more than 10,000 rubles.

Choosing LED lamps should pay attention to product quality and reliability of the manufacturer

Choosing LED lamps should pay attention to product quality and reliability of the manufacturer

The online catalog contains photos, prices of LED lamps for suspended ceilings. This makes it convenient to familiarize consumers with the range and value of products. In addition, professional advice will make the correct choice of lamps for use in a given material of the ceiling design.

Specialists can also offer an overview of the embedded LED ceiling-mounted luminaires for the rational organization of various types of lighting. All lighting appliances shall be warranted by the manufacturer. Developed system of discounts and conditions for returning products.

Application Recessed LED downlights Armstrong

Construction LED downlights Armstrong represents a group of LEDs, united in a common circuit and fixed to the lamp unit. Depending on the number of diodes in the appliance, lamps may have different capacity. Fastening devices produced by inserting them into sections suspended ceiling structure.

The main area of ​​use of LED downlights Armstrong are 600x600 mm public facilities, commercial and industrial purposes: supermarkets, railway stations, schools, shops and so forth. However, they can be applied as the lighting for the residential sector. Typically, this spacious bathrooms, volume corridors or rooms for sports activities.

Armstrong Ceiling Lamp type usually used public premises

Armstrong Ceiling Lamp type usually used public premises

Useful advice!LED lamps such as Armstrong create a cool white color of light that is not what sets them apart instruments that contribute to the maximum comfort of home.

Price ceiling fixtures such as Armstrong is quite high. Therefore, their use is beneficial to those who will have a real energy savings when used. Purchase cheap LED lighting ceiling Armstrong 600x600 mm is possible in the case of acquisition of a large batch of products, which is possible only for large institutions.

It is worth noting that in addition to a number of positive technical characteristics of luminaires for ceilings Armstrong can be used for both built-in and surface mount. This versatility makes them popular among other models. Price LED Ceiling recessed lamp 600x600 mm ranges from 900 rubles.

Overview LED ceiling chandeliers for home

Whichever you chose the way of illumination, lighting design will be incomplete without installing corresponding refined and the overall direction of the interior lamps. And if in the hallway, the bathroom and the bathroom is not necessarily the presence of chandeliers, the room such as a living room, bedroom, nursery and kitchen need to be a central source of illumination. The design of the latest LED chandeliers are so diverse, that is difficult enough even to group them by styles.

An example of the use of LED ceiling chandelier in the interior of the living room

Example of the LED ceiling chandeliers in the interior of the living room

By the method of mounting the chandelier is divided into hanging, embedded, panel. The choice of the fixture depends not only on the overall design of the room, but also the height of the ceilings. Refined and elegant chandelier with low suspension will look too pompous ceiling height is less than 2.5 m. or use the built-panel expedient in this location instruments.

Possible option to install a chandelier not in the center, and two or three identical devices on the same center line. Such a ceiling decoration can visually stretch the room. Kitchen-dining area is used method of lighting the dining room table or the use of several lighting devices with stylish shades over the bar or kitchen island. Typically, these fixtures can be adjusted in height lighting.

Choosing LED ceiling chandelier home with remote control allows you to control the light flux, without leaving the comfort of the chair. Typically, these lighting devices have multiple modes of operation, including a smooth and step speed control. Some models have the option to enable individual groups of lamps, which also makes it possible to achieve a certain level of illumination.

Design options of modern LED chandeliers are limited only by your imagination

Design options of modern LED chandeliers are limited only by your imagination

Do not rule out the possibility of using the central chandelier for suspended ceilings. The main requirement for such lamps - the use of LED light sources. Reflecting from the glossy surface of the ceiling, colorful highlights to create a spectacular glow. Children's room can be decorated with a chandelier thematic focus, trying to fit in consonant with additional fixtures.

LED lamps are fraught with a lot of opportunities. With their help, created a unique lighting system, which is the main criteria - is impressive, comfortable and perception of safety.

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