Qualitative screed flooring determines dependability
1 What are the different types of ties
- 1.1 Purpose and features of the device wet screed
- 1.2 The semi-dry and dry screed technology
- 1.3 Screed leveling mixes based on
- 2 What better screed floor
What are the different types of ties
Many people have heard of such a thing as a screed floor, but not everyone knows its purpose. In the literature it is determined by the construction, as the leveling cement-sand layer stacking at the overlap, on which is laid topcoat. Today, not only cement sand couplers used in the device. There are other, more modern materials. What screed floor is better - everyone will be able to understand myself, only after studying the characteristics of all its types.
Modern polymeric fluid 3-d floor looks magnificent
Besides leveling surface for laying the topcoat, strainer It has a number of other functions:
- enhancement of surface hardness;
- creating water and heat insulation;
- Organizations need the slope for water drainage, if required by the purpose of the premises;
- masking and electrical engineering networks and communications.
Therefore, any form of it must possess all the qualities necessary to perform the above functions. What screed floor is better to choose? Builders are 4 types of couplers: wet, semi-dry, dry, and leveling. Choice dictates the type and purpose of the premises, which is planned to tie.
The solution for the wet screed consists of cement, water and fine sand
Purpose and features of the device wet screed
This type of screed owes its name to the fact that in the large amount of water is present the solution. Among the components of the solution contains: cement of marks M200 and higher, the fine screened sand, water. The surface is then screed handled with special solutions, imparting strength monolith.
Related article:
floor screed: how to make a variety of available methods.Methods, types and technology screed flooring. Wet, dry and semi-dry species screed floor. The properties of different types of ties.
In more detail consider the composition of the mixture to perform wet screed flooring. What is better to choose the proportion, see below. Guaranteed a good screed work, if you take the Portland cement M300 or M400, mixed with sand and diluted with water at a ratio of 1 to 3.
Better screed is obtained by adding plasticizers which bind the cement particles and sand in a solid monolith. The layer thickness by pouring must be at least 2 cm. Otherwise, the cracked surface.
Wet screed requires mandatory waterproofing subfloor
This is a classic version of the device with your hands on the floor screed beacons. Video is a technology dominated by the network. It is suitable for all topcoats and for the creation of a "warm floor" system. The disadvantages are: the complexity of the installation, the presence of wet work with large amounts of water, long (up to 3 weeks) drying of the surface, the need to avoid wetting the permanent cracking.
Useful advice! When the electric floor heating apparatus under the concrete floor for mounting the heating elements to the fixture, it is possible to use plastic tie fastening clamps. They are easy to cut and hide under the concrete base.
Wet cement is often used for rough flooring
The semi-dry and dry screed technology
From the title it is clear that in the semi-dry technology of water use is strongly reduced or limited. In solution, there is a lot of sand, allowing the concrete to harden very quickly, but unfortunately, at the expense of strength. Most often, semi-dry screed is used in the flats.
When deciding on what kind of screed floor better, need to know more about the method is completely dry screed. In this case, water is generally not applicable. Covering poured dry mixtures which are aligned and overlaid by sheet materials, such as plywood or gipsovolokno. This tie has a small mass, which allows it to be used successfully in a private house on the hardwood floors.
Dry screed is best suited for use in apartments
Useful advice!The device is wet screed is more justified in the non-residential premises: garages, industrial buildings, shopping halls. It is more durable and can withstand heavy loads. Dry methods of ties used in apartments and private homes.
Screed leveling mixes based on
This is a new, modern way to create a flat surface, in laying finish. Self-leveling mix is called Polymer flooring. They can be based on a cement-sand mixture with added polymers or polymer completely.
The main feature is the ability to self-leveling floor to spread over the surface of a thin layer under the action of gravity. The solution fills all irregularities, and its surface becomes absolutely parallel to the level of the horizon.
The solution was self-leveling screed flows under its own weight and fills any unevenness, the surface becomes completely horizontal
Self-leveling floor does not need any help in its distribution on the ground. Suffice it only laminating profiled roller to remove air bubbles. This is possible because of the high fluidity of the solution. Another advantage is that the self-leveling floor has a thickness of 35 to 100 mm, which makes it easy.
Floor leveling compounds often not used as a separate coupler, and as an additional covering on a concrete base. All this thanks to its perfectly flat surface.
Mix for semi-dry floor screed
What better screed floor
After considering several options for leveling the surface of the device, it is necessary to determine for themselves what screed floor better. A clear answer to this question is impossible, since the choice of the type of alignment depends on how it is done in any room.
You can not do dry screed in bathrooms, toilets and bathrooms, because in these areas there is always a risk of flooding, causing damage to the entire layer with the appearance in it of mold and mildew. Using wet screed in a residential area is also not justified, as the entail considerable financial and labor costs. The time of its complete drying is very large, and laid on the final coating is not completely dried by base dangerous.
With the grinder you can achieve a perfectly smooth surface of a semi-dry screeds
In contrast, the use of wet screed in residential garages and other objects is necessary, since such a density and hardness does not have none of the other couplers. After all, in the premises of the floor often moving heavy equipment and install bulky and massive equipment on it.
Dry screed is very good for hardwood floors of private houses. It does not use water, which so negatively affect the timber. Completely dry installation ensures longevity of all wooden components.
The choice of tie method for sex depends on the purpose of the room in which it is settling
Useful advice! Experienced builders used in the manufacture of repair and construction works a combination of two kinds of ties. Most often wet or semi-dry screed combined with self-leveling floors, making the surface much smoother.
Thus, to determine which is better screed floor can only be in the context of an understanding of what the room will be covered by it and for what purposes it will be used in the future.