Waterproofing of the basement from the inside of the groundwater

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Construction of the foundation of the building - a serious and responsible process of waterproofing the basement from the inside of the ground water - one of its most important stages. This article describes the main advantages of the procedure, its features, and the implementation technology. The text provides reviews of popular materials used for waterproofing protection of cellars and basements, as well as practical advice on how to use them.

Waterproofing of the basement from the inside of the ground water: methods of protecting buildings from moisture

Waterproofing of the basement from the groundwater - the most important stage of construction foundation


  • 1 Basement waterproofing the inside of the groundwater: features procedure
    • 1.1 Why waterproofing cellar or basement
    • 1.2 As groundwater penetrating into the basement: causes moisture
  • 2 How to stop the water if disturbed basement waterproofing the outside of the ground water
    • 2.1 Features vertical waterproofing the basement walls
    • 2.2 Specificity horizontal waterproofing basement floor
  • 3 What materials are used for waterproofing the basement foundation
    • 3.1 Feature roll materials for waterproofing inside the cellar
    • 3.2 Features penetrating waterproofing inside the basement of the groundwater
    • 3.3 The specificity of membrane waterproofing internal basement
    • 3.4 Materials for the injection waterproofing basement of groundwater
    • 3.5 Features of the use of liquid rubber and glass house basement waterproofing
    • 3.6 Application materials Penetron system to waterproof the basement with his own hands
  • 4 How to perform the waterproofing inside the basement of groundwater: the price of services and processing technology

Basement waterproofing the inside of the groundwater: features procedure

The basement of the farmhouse can perform several functions. This space is often used for arranging technical rooms, underground garages and cellars for storage products and conservation. Therefore it is very important to protect the basement from penetrating groundwater, have a devastating effect on the entire base of the building. If the waterproofing works were not carried out at the stage of building a house, we can restrict internal protection.

If a basement waterproofing was not done during the construction of the foundation, you can carry it inside, using a variety of materials

If a basement waterproofing was not done during the construction of the foundation, you can carry it inside, using a variety of materials

Why waterproofing cellar or basement

Waterproofing of the foundation of the building has an important function. It provides protection against the penetration of structures meltwater. If this happens, under the influence of moisture reinforcing structural elements are covered by corrosion and are destroyed. This should not be allowed, because the foundation holds a weight of the whole building.

To prevent the destruction of the house, do the basement waterproofing on the outside or the inside. Each of these procedures has its own specificity and improvement technology, which must be strictly followed, because it affects not only the service life of structures, but also safety.

If we ignore the protective measures, it can be fraught with serious consequences:

  • corrosive damage to the valves;
  • the emergence of the fungus;
  • reproduction of mold;
  • the destruction of the foundation of the building;
  • violation of microclimate conditions in residential areas;
  • adulteration of food stored in the cellar.

Note!Before you make a choice in favor of one or another method, be sure to determine the cause of the water in the soil and the level of accommodation.

basement waterproofing inside will help prevent mold and mildew, as well as the destruction of the foundation

basement waterproofing inside will help prevent mold and mildew, as well as the destruction of the foundation

As groundwater penetrating into the basement: causes moisture

Surface layers of the soil contains water. Its amount varies depending on external factors. The upper layer of soil to a depth of 1 m accumulates melt and rain water. At the level of 1 to 3.2 m are deposited soil, characterized inconstant amount of moisture. This zone can be completely dry or filled with water from underground streams. Sites that are located below, fed by moisture from the aquifers.

In the basement of the building water can come in several ways:

  1. Condensation of water vapor - is the result of poor ventilation, but also occurs in cases where the room is located deep underground.
  2. Diffusion of surface water - water source of the capillaries and micro cracks in the waterproofing materials and walls of the building.
  3. Punching groundwater - the moisture penetrates into the room under high pressure through leaky seams and joints in walls and waterproofing.

Punching groundwater is most dangerous for the cellars. The risk is greater if the moisture level rises due to precipitation. Consequently groundwater flows connected with the surface, increasing volumes of fluid.

If the outer sealing layer is broken, then a sharp increase in the amount of water will result in dilution of existing cracks. As a result, it happens volley flooding basements. Despite this, there are effective ways to deal with the pressure of the water with the help of internal waterproofing, which copes with these effects is much easier than with diffusion.

Scheme lifting groundwater and basement flooding

Scheme lifting groundwater and basement flooding

How to stop the water if disturbed basement waterproofing the outside of the ground water

The surest way to protect the basement from moisture - to equip the outer protection. In this case, the liquid which rises to urge the material to the building, providing the necessary level of insulation. Sometimes, external protective layers, which are directed to a concrete base, not able to retain water.

The reasons for this may be several:

  • substandard applying a waterproofing layer;
  • Technology violation;
  • soil movement due to swelling;
  • sludge building, and so on. n.

Note!In 4 out of 10 cases cause waterproofing disorders outer becomes heave or failure of the foundation arrangement of technology. In this case only helps internal protection which may be vertical or horizontal.

Features vertical waterproofing the basement walls

Vertical protection method is used in cases when there is a need for waterproofing basement walls. This method is used when the fluid enters through the crack and the joints between the elements of the foundation, the walls lies at the aquifer soil.

Waterproofing walls carried by embedding cracks through which water can penetrate

Waterproofing walls carried by embedding cracks through which water can penetrate

Basement waterproofing walls inside operate in several ways:

  • injection;
  • membrane;
  • lubricative (by applying bitumastic);
  • plaster (the use of the polymeric compositions of origin);
  • forming barriers using rubber or waterglass.

Experts recommend doing a vertical waterproofing in cellars, where there is no drainage system. In most cases, this method is performed in conjunction with a horizontal protection that can improve efficiency of the procedure.

Specificity horizontal waterproofing basement floor

Horizontal waterproofing is done on the floor. This procedure eliminates the risk of raising the groundwater in the basement, as well as prevents the seepage of moisture through the capillaries.

Horizontal protection is performed in any case. Even if a strong need for this procedure, there is, over time, the situation may change, for example, fall large amount of precipitation or soil displacement will occur, because of which increase the level of occurrence of the aquifer layer.

For protection uses several techniques:

  • roll method;
  • pouring the base via polymer-based materials.
Waterproofing of the floor in the basement is always executed, it is best to combine it with the vertical waterproofing the walls

Waterproofing of the floor in the basement is always executed, it is best to combine it with the vertical waterproofing the walls

Useful advice!To prevent penetration of moisture into the capillary basement, it is desirable to use a horizontal waterproofing combined with vertical protection. The latter is carried out in part. To this must be treated with the wall at a height of not less than 30 cm.

What materials are used for waterproofing the basement foundation

Modern shops offer a wide range of materials for waterproofing basements. The foundation of the building is suffering not only from the groundwater, but also on the flow of communication systems. Picking waterproofing materials, it should be noted that the desired level of protection from snowmelt and groundwater, as well as the capillary flow is capable of penetrating only protection. If leakage occurs in communication systems, it is desirable to use obmazochnye emulsion or mastic.

The following are considered the most effective waterproofing materials:

  • Roll protection products;
  • penetrating type compositions;
  • rubber in liquid form;
  • membrane film coating;
  • liquid glass.

Feature roll materials for waterproofing inside the cellar

Rolled waterproofing products are used in those cases when it is necessary to protect the floors in basements. The label materials manufactured bitumen is carried overlap. The resulting melted the seams need using a blowtorch. As an adhesive bituminous mastic may be used for fixation of the material.

One of the safest ways is to use waterproofing materials based on bitumen

One of the safest ways is to use waterproofing materials based on bitumen

To roll a protective materials include:

  • A flashing;
  • roofing;
  • linokrom.

Further work is performed taking into account the changes in the flood. If the rise of water is observed frequently, the surface is greased with bitumen at least 4 layers. To protect the room from rare floods, enough 2 layers. After the material is completely dry, it made concrete screed.

Unlike rubber having elastic properties, bitumen based materials not tolerate the water pressure. Under the influence of pressure greater than 10 kPa waterproofing just exfoliate. For this reason, bituminous materials and mastic materials are used as a supplement to other types of penetrating and waterproofing.

Features penetrating waterproofing inside the basement of the groundwater

This method provides effective protection in the cellar when the area ground water located high. Waterproofing the inside space by means of a mixture of materials.

Features penetrating waterproofing walls - scheme

Features penetrating waterproofing walls - scheme

This mixture consists of several components:

  • fine sand;
  • cement;
  • chemically active elements.

Viscous properties of the composition allows it to penetrate deep into the surface to 5 mm. Thereafter, the mixture was solidified and crystallized.

Benefits penetrating waterproofing basement:

  1. Eliminates fluid rise through the capillaries.
  2. It reduces the risk of corrosion damage to the structures.
  3. Increases the degree of hardiness.
  4. It is allowed to use in premises where food is stored.

Useful advice!Excellent result is obtained by using the binary system of waterproofing. In this case, the sequential surface impregnation of two components that are in contact are reacted.

In most cases, high-quality penetrating tools are available in the form of water silicate solutions or mixtures consisting of organic resins. Drawing is carried out using a roller or brush on top of pre-prepared and cleaned surface.

Application of a waterproofing mixture on the basement wall is necessary to carry the cleaned and primed surface

Application of a waterproofing mixture on the basement wall is necessary to carry the cleaned and primed surface

Before starting to work on the interior walls of the basement waterproofing, you should make sure they are completely dry. Otherwise, capillary moisture that has accumulated in the cracks, will not give a solution to penetrate into the concrete column. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to washing procedure to remove the grime from surfaces of concrete dust.

Processing is carried out in 2-3 layers. After each coating surface is dried. Penetrating waterproofing the basement walls to prevent capillary penetration of water in the room, but this method does not always help to cope with the closing of cracks.

Binary waterproofing system involves the use of calcium chloride and an aqueous sodium silicate solution. When mixing the calcium silicate gel is formed, in which the strength characteristics of concrete parameters exceed several times. Before applying the surface is cleaned and is overwritten with a metal brush. Then, processing is performed with an aqueous solution of sodium silicate. After waiting 3-4 hours, can proceed to the application of calcium chloride, then the result is fixed reprocessing liquid glass.

This type of penetrating waterproofing inside the basement of the ground water in 6-7 times more efficient than conventional impregnation.

The specificity of membrane waterproofing internal basement

Membrane method is not less effective than other methods of protection. This coating film has the form of 2 mm thick. It is so easy, which does not overload the foundation of the building. Due to the adhesive interlayer insulation membrane does not cause difficulties in the process of applying.

Scheme basement waterproofing membrane method

Scheme basement waterproofing membrane method

There are several types of membrane coatings:

  • PVC - has a high degree of fire safety and prevents the penetration of ground water into the room.
  • TPO - a membrane made of rubber and propylene. Used for the treatment of rooms with high humidity, such as bathrooms, bathroom and kitchen. Have a high cost, which is their only drawback.
  • EPDM - a membrane made of synthetic rubber. Ensure effective protection of the premises, even at low temperatures.

Related article:

Waterproofing roll materials foundation
The choice of materials and the basement waterproofing techniques. Execution waterproofing work on the foundation of rolled materials of various types: a detailed instruction.

Despite the fact that the membranes are classified as rolled materials, they are more effective and durable. These products have the form of fabric with conical studs, designed to divert water. The membrane coating universally. It can be mounted on any surface. You can use even on wet walls. To fix dowels are used.

Important!Hardware can be installed solely on top of the insulating material. The remaining ends of the blades are fixed basement waterproofing horizontal elements of the ground water, without which it is impossible to use a membrane coating.

Materials for the injection waterproofing basement of groundwater

Injection insulation is one of the most reliable since it protects against moisture not only treated surfaces, but also the construction of the foundation as a whole. The coating process is quite labor-intensive need to perform a large number of holes in the wall and using special tools for injection to introduce the composition into them.

The injection method is quite time-consuming, but very effective

The injection method is quite time-consuming, but very effective

To work on waterproofing the basement, the following types of compounds:

  • Cement - designed to increase the strength characteristics.
  • Polyurethane - during expansion push moisture inside.
  • Methyl acrylate - characterized by deep penetration, well-filled cavity.
  • Epoxy - are used locally in places where there is a leak.

Injection insulation belongs to the category of penetrating compositions. It has the form of gel with a fluid consistency. In this part of the mastic is present:

  • epoxy;
  • polyurethane;
  • mikrotsementnaya;
  • acrylate.

The advantages of this method include efficiency (consumed a small amount of gel) the ability to handle hard to reach areas, while eliminating the need for careful preparation base. On the other hand, the application process is so complex that a quality of service with their own hands is almost impossible.

Features of the use of liquid rubber and glass house basement waterproofing

For horizontal waterproofing is preferred to use a liquid rubber. This material is made based on the bitumen, is present in its latex composition, whereby a solid film is formed on the treated surface. This flexible coating can also be applied to walls and ceilings. To protect the premises sufficiently layer 2 mm thick.

Waterproofing silicate-based mixture can be used not only for the walls but also for a floor

Waterproofing silicate-based mixture can be used not only for the walls but also for a floor

How to make waterproofing the basement with a liquid rubber:

  1. The surface is cleaned and pre-treated with a special composition which provides good adhesion.
  2. Greased rubber base so as to fill all cracks and joints.
  3. The surface is dried.
  4. Plaster is applied, which tightly presses the coating film to the surface, preventing the destruction of the material.

Not less efficiency and simplicity of application differs liquid glass. To prepare the composition of the work, it should be diluted with water. The resulting mixture was well fills the pores in the surface, whereupon it crystallized.

The advantages of using water glass:

  • increased resistance to the development of mold and fungus;
  • enhanced structural strength;
  • It eliminates the possibility of moisture absorption;
  • increased resistance to mechanical stresses.

Note!Using water glass decorative coatings can protect against moisture without loss of their appearance.

Liquid glass is excellent for waterproofing already Plastered walls

Liquid glass perfect for waterproofing already Plastered walls

Application materials Penetron system to waterproof the basement with his own hands

Penetron is used in cases where the walls of the basement moisture comes through. This means has the form of a dry mixture which is diluted with water and applied to the surface with a brush. Penetron penetrates deep into the wall, preventing the penetration of moisture into the room. This preserves bandwidth, so surface treated breathing.

The advantages of using Penetron system materials:

  • convenient and simple application technology;
  • It does not require special preparation of surfaces;
  • environmental friendliness and safety.

The solution was applied in 2 coats solely on a wet surface. This type of waterproofing can protect not only the concrete walls, but also stone and brickwork. The material is able to withstand any pressure exerted on the foundation aquifer.

How to perform the waterproofing inside the basement of groundwater: the price of services and processing technology

To properly perform waterproofing flat with your hands, you must adhere to certain rules.

Total processing technology as follows:

  1. Proleganiya determined the depth of groundwater.
  2. The room is examined for vulnerabilities.
  3. Defined leakage place, placing cracks and void areas.
  4. Pumped water, if in fact there is a need.
  5. Surfaces cleaned of dust and dirt.
  6. Existing cracks widen.
  7. Produced processing ground surface structure for improving the adhesive properties.
  8. Chosen material and method of waterproofing protection.
  9. In accordance with the technology requirements performed applying waterproofing.
  10. The room is dried.
  11. To equip a good ventilation system.
Most methods of waterproofing is quite possible to perform independently

Most methods of waterproofing is quite possible to perform independently

If you do the work yourself, then waterproofing the basement will cost inexpensive, although in some cases it is better to hire the services of specialists. When processing facilities with the Penetron system materials price of the service will be 900-1400 rubles. / M². Almost the same range of prices is liquid rubber - 900-1200 rubles / sqm.. The cost of penetrating waterproofing varies between 1700-2100 rubles. / M². It is considered the most expensive injection protection - 2200-2500 rubles / sqm..

Internal waterproofing foundation provides excellent protection from groundwater. All of these materials are effective in their own way, but they are used as a temporary measure. To achieve long-term results, it is desirable to eliminate the cause of the leak. For this is done outside insulation, as well as settling around the building drainage system and a blind area.

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