Methods of noise insulation of walls in an apartment with modern materials

Sound insulation in the apartment with the use of roll materials

Sound insulation in the apartment with the use of roll materials

Soundproofing walls in apartment modern materials can be carried out most efficiently if the combine both methods.

Useful advice!Before we address the question of the execution of the noise insulation, it is necessary to pinpoint the sources of noise exposure. This will help not only to avoid unnecessary costs, but also effectively solve this problem. After all, if you do not hear the noise of the city, and only hinder the neighbors, it does not necessarily insulate the exterior walls.

Scheme passage, reflection and absorption of sound through the sound absorbing material and plasterboard

Scheme passage, reflection and absorption of sound through the sound absorbing material and plasterboard

Pros and cons of a variety of materials for sound insulation

As for the types of materials used to protect the walls from noise exposure, then they should choose, knowing the pros and cons.

  • gypsum boards in conjunction with porous materials: ecowool, mineral wool, cellulosic insulation. Advantages of these materials are well protected from the noise and the creation of additional insulation of external walls. The disadvantages are: the complexity of the installation and the large amount of dust with it, the loss of a considerable floor space, because the heater has a thickness up to 12 cm;
Wall insulation scheme using sandwich panels

Wall insulation scheme using sandwich panels

For soundproofing walls in the apartment of modern materials enough. Select them need not only "too expensive", but also understanding the features of the installation of each of them. In addition, the need to assess the extent of noise pollution in the apartment. It is not necessary to mount the reinsured and thick materials at the expense of the already small area. Maybe it will be enough to use a thinner protection.

Soundproofing the walls in the apartment with the help of mineral wool

Soundproofing the walls in the apartment with the help of mineral wool

Useful advice!It can not be used for sound insulation foam. He is a good insulator, but the sound does not absorb.

Soundproofing materials for walls (video)

The procedure works by soundproofing the walls in the apartment with modern materials

With the installation of thin materials, which are glued to the wall, the problems no one there. Production technology works for soundproofing walls in apartment modern materials having a large thickness, it is necessary to disassemble detail.

Before starting work, you must turn off the electricity and repaired all the holes in the walls for the outlet using mineral wool or similar materials. It should be used for gypsum putty. He quickly grasped and will not have to wait long. With holes from pipes and other utilities need to act similarly.

Review of modern noise insulation materials

Review of modern noise insulation materials

Then, on the wall by a building level, vertically mounted metal guide profiles at a distance of 40 - 60 cm. apart. Strengthen the profile directly to the wall should not be. You need to back off, so that by it you can put a sound insulation.

Between the profiles are very densely stacked glass fiber mats, mineral wool or any other material. They are attached to the wall with special anchors with wide hats. Joints zapenivayutsya or smeared putty. It is necessary to pay attention to the density of the mounting rail profiles. If it is insufficient, vibration will further increase the noise in the room. After all this by means of screws to the finished frame profiles of sheets of plasterboard are attached. Then held all the necessary work on the finishing of the walls.

Scheme mineral wool soundproofing wall

Scheme mineral wool soundproofing wall

Useful advice!The use of two layers of plasterboard or sandwich panels gipsovolokna significantly increases sound-insulating effect.

If the current panel with a decorative coating, the finish is not required plasterboard used for sound insulation. Is not needed and the installation guide, as active material is mounted directly to the wall plane by means of liquid nails. However, if the walls are not smooth and have large swings, it is first necessary to make the crate, which then secure the panel.

The most effective sound insulation is combined. Its creation required the use of two different materials. For example, on the slab of mineral wool soundproofing fasten the membrane. Then close all the plasterboard. This method will give a very good effect, although it will significantly increase the cost of repairs.

Soundproofing walls with cotton-fiber materials

Soundproofing walls with cotton-fiber materials

Useful advice!Metal profiles should not be anywhere in contact directly with the walls, supporting structures, pipes and other elements. All contact points must be isolated special thermal insulating layer 2 in the tape. This will reduce the vibration and as a result, the penetration of noise in the room.

Properly mounted insulation of walls in an apartment with modern materials, guarantees peace and wonderful holiday in your house, not only from the city noise, but from too restless and noisy neighbors.

Sound insulation panels for walls (video)

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