Calculation of reinforcement for the foundation: how to make

Calculation of reinforcement for the foundation: how to make

foundation reinforcement


  • 1 Calculation of reinforcement for the foundation slab type
    • 1.1 An example of actual calculation
  • 2 How to calculate the need for a reinforcement for strip foundation
    • 2.1 Fittings for the foundation (video)

Calculation of reinforcement for the foundation slab type

Slab foundation is used for the construction of cottages and country houses, and other buildings without a basement. This base is a monolithic concrete slab, which is reinforced with a rod in two perpendicular directions. The thickness of such a foundation for more than 20 cm, and the mesh is knitted from both above and below.

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First determines the type of bar fittings. For monolithic foundation slab that operate on solid and dense nepuchinistyh soils having a very low horizontal shift probability may allow the use of the ribbed reinforcing rod with a diameter of 10 mm, having Class A-I. If the soil is rather weak, distending or a building designed on a slope - fitting must be taken not less than 14 mm thick. Vertical connections between upper and lower adjacent reinforcing grid will be smooth enough to use a 6 mm rod class A-I.

Foundation with a reinforcement

Foundation with a reinforcement

A very serious and important matter of the future of the building walls. After load foundation It has significant differences from the frame, as well as wooden houses and buildings made of brick or concrete blocks. Generally, for light structures may apply reinforcement bars with a diameter of 10-12 mm and a wall made of bricks or blocks - not less than 14-16 mm.

The spacing between reinforcing bars in the grid are usually around 20 cm in the longitudinal as well as in the transverse direction. This fact suggests the presence of 5 rebars 1 meter length of the foundation wall. An intersection between the perpendicular bars associated soft wire using such a device as Crochet hook fittings.

Scheme reinforcing foundations

Scheme reinforcing foundations

Useful advice!If the volume of construction is very large, you can buy a special gun for mating fittings. It is able to automatically link the rods with a very high speed.

An example of actual calculation

Suppose we want to perform the calculation of reinforcement for the foundation of a private house of aerated lung units. It is designed for installation of a foundation slab, which has a thickness of 40 cm. These geological surveys suggest that the soil under the foundation loam with an average heaving. Dimensions of the house - 9h6 m:

The use of reinforcement in foundation construction

The use of reinforcement in foundation construction

Useful advice!In order to calculate the total weight of the valves, it is necessary to take advantage of GOST 2590. According to this document, 1 rm rebars D16 has a weight of 1.58 kg, and D6 - 0,22 kg. On this basis the total weight of the whole structure: 1080h1,58 = 1706.4 kg; 540h0,222 = 119.9 kg.

For reinforcement structures need also binding wires. It is also possible to calculate the amount. If the usual knit hook, then on one node will leave about 40 cm. One row contains 1350 compounds, and two - 2700. Therefore, the total consumption of the wire for knitting be 2700h0,4 = 1080 m. This wire 1 m to 1 mm in diameter, weighing 6.12 g It means complete its weight is calculated as follows: 1080h6,12 = 6610 g = 6,6 kg.

EXAMPLE reinforcing foundations

EXAMPLE reinforcing foundations

How to calculate the need for a reinforcement for strip foundation

Properties strip foundation such that it is most likely to tear in the longitudinal direction. On this basis, and calculated the need for reinforcement of the foundations. The calculation here is not much different from the previous one that was made for the type of foundation slab. Therefore, the bar thickness can be for longitudinal fastening of 12-16 mm, and the transverse and vertical 6 - 10 mm. When continuous footing choosing step is not more than 10-15 cm in order to prevent longitudinal rupture, as the load in it a lot more.

For example calculate foundation belt type as applied to a wooden house. Suppose that the width of 40 cm and a height of 1 m geometrical dimensions of buildings 6x12 m Soil loamy heaving..:

Reinforcement pier foundation

Reinforcement columnar foundation

Useful advice!In accordance with the GOST 2590 can determine the mass of the entire valve from the calculation that 1 lm rod D16 has a weight of 0.888 kg; D6 - 0,617 kg. Hence the total weight: 144h0,8 = 126.7 kg; 316,2h0,62 = 193.5 kg.

Conducted examples of calculation of reinforcement for the foundation will help you navigate the material needs in any case. To do this, you need only to substitute in the formula of your data.

Fittings for the foundation (video)

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