How to put a tile on a wooden floor: the subtleties of technology

When laying tiles on the wooden base is necessary to observe certain rules

When laying tiles on the wooden base is necessary to observe certain rules

  • tiled covering, together with a water repellent adhesive, blocks access of oxygen to the timber, which is necessary for a full service timber. As a result - a significant reduction in operating terms of the duration of the base;
  • for laying on top wood floor Only the lightest tiles can be used. Otherwise, the weight is too large for the wood base and eventually fail tiles.

So, whether it is possible to lay tiles on a wooden floor? Can. But this is a rather complicated process. If you still confident in your decision to put ceramic tile on top of the wooden floor, be prepared that you will need to work hard. But the result is worth it, so move on to the preparation of the base. Consider how to lay tiles in stages on a wooden floor.

Useful advice!Strongly recommended to lay tile on top of the wooden floor, after which the installation is not passed at least two years. This creates the risk that in the process of shrinkage crack tiles.

Design options for the device of floors with ceramic tiles in wooden houses: A, B - floor unit of floor slabs; C, D - design floors on the ground floor

Design options for the device of floors with ceramic tiles in wooden houses: A, B - floor unit of floor slabs; C, D - design floors on the ground floor

The main requirements that apply to the conduct of construction work data are as follows:

  • ensure access of oxygen to the lower coating layers (timber);
  • allowable load evenly over the entire surface;
  • to immobilize the base.

To all these points have been met, it is necessary to plan the operation and follow the plan. Also, it is useful to look at the various videos on how to put the tile on the wooden floor.

Evaluation of Pavement Condition: Can we put the tiles on a wooden floor?

The first stage involves a careful inspection and evaluation of a wooden base. To this end, the upper board is best to remove and carefully inspect all structural elements: beams, joists, each board on both sides, insulation and so on.

The first step in the preparatory work - thorough inspection of the wooden base

The first step in the preparatory work - thorough inspection of the wooden base

If any signs of damage be sure to replace or repair the base portion. What you should pay particular attention to:

  • podgnivaniya presence. Types of rot quite a lot, so you need to carefully inspect the surface. Regardless of the type of mushrooms, which give rise to this process, wood is softened by changing its color or structure. Checking for the presence of decaying elements is as follows: any caller you suspect a fragment necessary to stick an awl. Easy entry - a reliable indicator of the destructive processes in the wood. All the affected items should be eliminated and surrounding parts are treated with special antiseptic for wood;
  • beetle larvae carpenter. These insects destroying wood, gnawing at her many moves. To resolve this problem using the same approach as that in the first case - the replacement of the damaged section and careful handling special composition.

Most of the destructive processes developing wood in damp investigation. Therefore, the installation of tiles on a wooden floor in the bathroom requires special attention. In dry development the areas fungus can occur as a result of violating the integrity of the heat insulating layer. Given these factors, it is necessary to carefully check the waterproofing materials for signs of damage. You may have to pave an additional layer.

The process of laying tiles on a wooden floor

The process of laying tiles on a wooden floor

Useful advice! Fungal spores are in almost any timber. The only way not to give them to spoil the floor - a qualitative antiseptics processing and create the most unsuitable conditions for their existence.

If none of the above shortcomings has not been detected on your floor or you've eliminated all the defects, then you can put tile on the wooden floor.

How to put the tiles on the plywood: the preparatory stages of work

Before you start preparing for the installation of ceramic tiles on a wooden floor, it is necessary to make sure that the distance between the beams does not exceed 50 cm. Otherwise, you need to install additional supports, because otherwise the structure can not withstand the weight of the coating and fail. In the video shown on the network can be used as a useful source of information: how to put the tiles on the wooden floor is seen them in sufficient detail.

Useful advice! Do not forget to handle antiseptic all new wood elements.

Driving device wooden floor with ceramic tiles coated

Driving device wooden floor with ceramic tiles coated

Next, you need to check how smooth logs, which use the building level. Typically, in the process of shrinkage unevenness occur due to uneven subsidence of wood pieces. All of these defects must be removed by a plane Surface Trimming unnecessary elements, or vice versa - an additional lining of small pieces of bricks or any other material. If you can not stick a missing element underneath, you can write the additional board top, squared it to the required height.

After alignment is necessary to conduct the coating treatment against fungi and bacteria. To do this, use the agent with the most lengthy break between repeated treatments and follow all the recommendations listed in the instructions.

The most common tool for surface treatment before laying ceramic tiles on a wooden floor - hot linseed oil. For quality protection needs to be reapplied several times (up to five). The agent is a completely natural, environmentally friendly impregnation. Each successive layer of varnish is applied after drying of the previous. Ensure drying can touch the surface - it should not be sticky.

Linseed oil is a popular and environmentally friendly means of treating wood surfaces

Linseed oil is a popular and environmentally friendly means of treating wood surfaces

Important in the process of drying oil treatment - not to give it to cool down, because of its antiseptic effect depends on the temperature: the more it is hot, the better it destroys larvae, spores and bacteria. In addition, the hot linseed oil more liquid and can penetrate deeper into the microcracks.

Useful advice! Heating the varnish - Unsafe process. Its vapors can be ignited, so put the container on the stove is strictly prohibited. Heating septic tank, hold it over the stove and just in case, prepare a piece of canvas that can be put out the source of ignition.

How to lay tiles on a wooden floor: a necessary cleansing of boards

If all of the board previously removed are satisfactory, they can be re-installed, pre-clearing the old varnish or paint with which they were covered. This can be done at a time while you wait for the complete drying antiseptic solution.

In some cases, a complete replacement of the wooden base

In some cases, a complete replacement of the wooden base

To remove residues of varnish and paint from surfaces of boards can use the following methods:

  • building dryer configured to temperature 200-250 ° C. hot air flow should be directed to the dye, whereby it will begin to swell bubbles. To remove it, use a putty knife, a knife or scraper. In some sources you can find recommendations on the use blowtorches, but this is not a good idea. Chances overheating timber, and as a result, deterioration of its performance;
  • chemical removers are similar to the gel mass and are sold in almost all DIY stores. Such stripper should be applied evenly on the surface and in the time to remove the spatula with the softened paint. The only drawback of this method - the considerable cost of the material, if it comes to handling a large floor area;
  • mechanical cleaning means of paint peeling from the surface with a spatula or sandpaper without using auxiliary materials. It's cheap, but it takes a very long time. Machine for grinding will speed up the process at times.

If after removing the cover you find any defects, not seen before, it is best to replace the damaged parts. In addition, all boards must undergo antibiotic treatment. After impregnation fully absorbed, you can begin to Coanda subfloor under tiles.

For floor leveling different materials are applied before laying the tiles, for example, MDF

For floor leveling different materials are applied before laying the tiles, for example, Fibreboard

How to put tiles on a wooden floor: the flooring sub-floor

Process flooring subfloor begins with laying the insulation layer. The material that you choose to be non-hygroscopic. This will allow to keep dry under the tiles and prevent the development of bacteria and fungi there. Also, the material must have a minimum weight to create the least possible burden.

A suitable one can assume penopropilena extruded. Due to its synthetic origin, it prevents the development of all living organisms on its surface. True, this material has its drawbacks: it is poorly breathable and has a considerable cost.

Alternatively, you can use a concrete block. He is natural and perfectly holds the air. However, it has more weight and more hygroscopic structure.

a heater to what you may have preferred, it is necessary to expand the top layer waterproofing. Old board is placed on top, leaving a gap of 4 mm to 1 cm therebetween and around the walls. These slots can not be seen as closed plinthsAnd wherein the timber will give the possibility to expand in the case of increasing humidity.

As the insulation at the floor apparatus used rockwool

As the insulation at the floor apparatus used rockwool

If you want a warm floor under the tile on the wooden floor, then in this case it is better to seek help from professionals. Installation of the system is rather complicated and requires a certain level of skill.

When all boards are stacked and secured, they can proshpaklevat and then leveled using a grinder. All gaps must be sealed with foam. It is sufficiently elastic to allow the wood to expand, and, moreover, is able to bear the weight of the tiles and glue.

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The waterproofing layer under tiles

Especially careful waterproofing requires laying tiles on a wooden floor in the bathroom, but in other rooms it should be paid attention to. The floor surface is coated several times with hot linseed oil or special impregnating latex and immediately, without waiting for its drying, is spread on top of the masking grid. The overlap between the layers should be 5-10 cm.

Waterproofing the wooden floor under the tile in the bathroom requires particularly thorough implementation of all provisions of the constant high humidity in the room.

Driving device warm floor under the tile or laminate in a wooden house

Driving device underfloor heating under tiles or laminate in a wooden house

Rough screed on a wooden floor under the tile

To secure the tiles need to create high-quality and rigid base. For this purpose becomes rough screed: waterproofing layer is laid on top of the metal reinforcing mesh with wire diameter of 5.3 mm and a pitch width of 20 cm. All this is covered by a sufficiently thin (3-4 cm) layer of cement mortar.

Useful advice!Do not try to fill a thin layer of cement since it is fraught with spreading of the solution.

How to put a tile on the floor with your hands: use a wet, semi-dry or dry screed

For wet screed can use ready-made cement-sand mortar, which is sold in stores. Its composition can be improved by using different additives. For example, you can add fiber for greater strength and elasticity. Convenient to use plastic ties. But their use as a rough coating in most cases is not justified because of the high prices.

Selection of the optimal type of ties depends on the functions performed by location

Selection of the optimal type of ties depends on the functions performed by location

In addition, there are instructions for self-production of plastic cable ties. In its simplest form, are taken: liquid glass (2 parts), previously sieved and the washed coarse sand (also 2 parts) and water (1 part). All these ingredients are mixed and poured. The resulting coating has a high elasticity and strength.

Useful advice! As a replacement for glass fiber can be added to a solution of two-component polyurethane adhesive.

Dry screed can be made using sheets of plasterboard, gypsum fiber board or panel DSP. Sometimes used water-resistant plywood. This decision ties the problem is quite possible, but only in very dry areas. If you put tiles on a wooden floor in the kitchen or bathroom, the presence of a wet or semi-dry screed necessary.

The use of DSP or gypsum fiber board on a wood floor under tiles in rooms with high humidity is not allowed.

The scheme of ceramic tiles on a wooden floor in the bathroom

scheme ceramic tiles on a wooden floor in the bathroom

Laying the DSP on a wooden floor under the tile

Laying tiles on the DSP, as well as other sheet materials, is subject to certain rules:

  • sheet joints and joints lag should not coincide with each other;
  • before placing the tile on the DSP, the sheets must be secured by means of screws at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other;
  • All seams are sealed with a special solution for the water-resistant gypsum board;
  • after complete drying of the seams need to be sanded.

All instructions on how to put the tiles on the wooden floor indicate that a properly prepared base tile is placed under the standard scheme. First we need to knead obtained adhesive solution as instructed. It must be applied both on the floor and on the back of the tile. Dropping furrows should disperse in different directions for a better grip.

Need to start laying off the wall, it is desirable with good viewing places to cut all the elements were out of sight. You can explore a variety of materials on how to lay tile on a wooden floor: the video will be good assistants in the process of work.

The use of cement-bonded plates provides a perfectly flat surface, which greatly facilitates the laying of tiles

The use of cement-bonded plates provides a perfectly flat surface, which greatly facilitates the laying of tiles

After you have laid a small piece, using a spirit level and a rubber mallet to align the tiles. Except for the rather complicated preparatory work to lay tiles on a wooden floor in a wooden house is quite simple. Application of DSP boards for the floor under the tile to create a maximally flat surface, which greatly simplifies the task.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to put the tiles on the wooden floor, unambiguous. And though it will require a lot of effort in comparison with other materials, the result is worth the time spent. You can always resort to additional sources of information about the preparatory work on the occasion of how to put the tiles on the floor with their hands (video and photo). In addition, it can be mounted even underfloor heating in the wooden house under the tile to provide a high level of comfort.

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