Warming of the ground floor

After a floor of the first floor, a significant amount of heat can escape from the building. To minimize heat loss, and with it, and reduce the cost of heating the house, you need to perform a quality and proper insulation of the surface.

Warming of the ground floor

Underfloor heating of the first floor

There are several ways to implement the task at hand. In this case, to create a reliable heat insulation layer, you can use different heaters. Read the features of the most popular materials, choose the most suitable method and proceed with the installation of thermal insulation.

Comparison of heaters

Compare heaters

Popular insulation materials and their characteristics

Article Contents

  • 1 Popular insulation materials and their characteristics
    • 1.1 Mineral wool
    • 1.2 foam
    • 1.3 Ecowool
    • 1.4 Fiberglass
  • 2 Choice arrangement method of thermal insulation layer
    • 2.1 Loose insulation
    • 2.2 Solid thermal insulation
    • 2.3 Liquid heat insulation
  • 3 Floor insulation options and instructions for their implementation
    • 3.1 If there is a basement
    • 3.2 If the basement is not
  • 4 A warming option using the floor heating
    • 4.1 Video - floor insulation over a cold basement
    • 4.2 Video - Underfloor heating of the first floor

The modern construction market presents a large selection of materials, characteristics and propertieswhich can be used for warming the floor of the ground floor. Each isolator has both a number of advantages and a certain list of weak qualities.

Mineral wool

Types of mineral wool by density

Types of mineral wool by density

Tech.characteristics of mineral wool Parameters
Density 115 kg / m3
Absorption at full immersion, no more 1%
Average fiber diameter, no more 0,2 μm
Content of non-fibrous inclusions in mass, no more than 4,5%
Thermal conductivity at 283 + 1 K, not more than 0,044 W / m * K
Shear strength, not less than 50 kPa
Compressive strength, not less than 100 kPa
Tensile strength, not less than 150 kPa

The most popular material for insulationA variety of designs is mineral wool. Among its main advantages can be identified:

  • high thermal insulation properties;
  • resistance to fire;
  • good sound insulation;
  • is relatively low cost.
    The photo is a mineral wool insulator

    On photo warmer minvata

    Comparative characteristics

    Comparative characteristic of

The main disadvantage is the weak resistance to moisture, against which there is a need to arrange a high-quality waterproofing layer, otherwise the insulation will collapse very quickly.

Comparative characteristics of different types of mineral wool

Comparative characteristics of different types of mineral wool

Mineral wool is produced in the form of plates and mats, which makes it possible to choose the most convenient option for a particular situation.

Foam plastic

Physical characteristics of foams

No less popular thermal insulation material. Advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • is small in thickness and relatively light in weight;
  • strength;
  • longevity;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

Unlike mineral wool, polystyrene foam does not require a device so serious moisture protection.

Polyfoam PSB-S-15

Polyfoam PSB-C-15

If you have enough budget, you can buy foam polyethylene. In the production of this material, its surface is covered with aluminum foil, eliminating the need for additional waterproofing.

Foam plastic foamed

Foam foil




Represents a cellulose-based insulation with a variety of additives to improve its fire-resistant and eco-friendly characteristics. The structure is a loose material. Ecowool is very simple in arrangement - it is enough to pour it in the pre-mounted lathing and cover with decking.

Comparative evaluation of some types of insulation

Comparative evaluation of some types of insulation

A significant disadvantage of ecowool is its low resistance to moisture. Under its influence, the material very quickly loses its operational properties and collapses.

Ecowool does not burn

Ecowool not lit

Warming of the floor with an eco-wool

Warming of the floor with an eco-wool




This insulation is rapidly gaining popularity. The main performance characteristics of fiberglass are beyond praise. The material is excellent for warming the floors of rooms located on the first floor. Also among the advantages of fiberglass is the affordable price.

Choosing the method for arranging the thermal insulation layer

Before starting to conduct insulation measures, it is necessary to study not only the properties of the most popular heaters, but also to become acquainted with the peculiarities of their arrangement. Depending on the structure, the materials are classified into:

  • loose;
  • are solid. This category includes roller heaters, as well as heat-insulating materials in the form of mats and slabs;
  • are liquid.

Bulk heat insulation

Loose heat insulation

Bulk heat insulation

Performed using the already mentioned ecowool, as well as the following materials:

  • slag;
  • crushed polystyrene foam;
  • sawdust.

Bulk materials are convenient because they can isolate even the most difficult places with their help. The method is equally effective both in private houses and in apartments on the first floor.

However, despite its effectiveness, loose insulation has not become widespread, because more modern and simple insulation in the market are available.

Hard insulation

Types of mineral wool by density

Types of mineral wool by density

Rolls, plates and mats are most often used for insulation. Such materials have a relatively small thickness - an average of 100 mm, so the residential space when used, decreases insignificantly.

Typical representatives of the category - mineral wool and polystyrene. Also, mats made of plant fibers of natural origin are gaining wide popularity.

Liquid heat insulation

Not very common, but very effective method. The following materials are used:

  • cement mortar with the addition of sawdust, expanded clay and other fillers;
  • polymer-based spray formulations.
    Warming with liquid thermal insulation

    Warming with liquid heat insulation

For quality, this thermal insulation is in no way inferior to plates, mats and roll materials. However, special equipment is needed to spray the compounds, which does not reflect the cost of the work in the best way.

Floor insulation options and instructions for their implementation

Options for floor insulation

Floor insulation options

The order of the floor insulation of the first floor will vary depending on whether there is a basement or basement below.

If there is a basement

Warming of the floor

Warming of the floor

If there is a basement or basement in the house, the thermal insulation work should begin with them. First, you must insulate the walls and the ceiling of the basement. Secondly, before the insulation, the surfaces must be waterproofed qualitatively. Otherwise, groundwater will leak through the walls and destroy the insulation.

If you do not want to disassemble the floor or intend to create the best quality insulation, use the method, the essence of which is to insulate the basement ceiling.

The first step. Spread and fix the moisture-proof film. Lay the strip of film with a 10-15-cm overlap. Joints must be sealed with adhesive tape.

The second step. Pull the rebar of the crate to the waterproof surface. The width of the slats and the step of their placement should be selected in accordance with the parameters of the insulation used.

Waterproofing of ceiling

Ceiling waterproofing

Third step. Place the slab or roll insulation in the space between the slats. To fix the thermal insulation, use wire or thread the cross bars.

Fourth step. Nail the flooring elements( boards or OSB) to the racks.

Warming of the ceiling

Insulation of the ceiling

After the insulation of the cellar, you can go directly to the insulation of the floor.

The first step. Lay the logs and attach cranial bars to them.

Lay the lags and attach cranium bars to them.

Lay the logs and attach the skull bars to them

Place the wooden boards or OSB on the fixed boards. The flooring should be such that at the joints of the elements there were not even insignificant cracks.

The second step. Cover the flooring with a waterproofing film.

The third step is .Place the chosen insulation on top of the film. Nail to the base of the support lag.

Heat and waterproofing Laying of heat and waterproofing

Heat and waterproofing laying

Laying of heat and waterproofing

Heat and waterproofing laying

Fourth step. Make another flooring from the OSB or planks. The clearance between the flooring and the heater should be about 10 mm.

The algorithm for floor insulation

Floor heating algorithm

If the basement is not

In the absence of a basement or socle, the work on the insulation of the floor will be easier and faster. If there are no such rooms, then the floor, as a rule, is located directly on the ground or on the foundation.

In this situation, the sequence of insulation will be as follows.

The first step. Remove the flooring if it is available to gain access to the foundation or ground. If the floor is made on the ground, carefully level the ground.

The second step. Pour claydite on the base with 10-15 cm layer. Such backfilling will provide additional thermal insulation.

Pour on the base of expanded clay

Fill the base with

. The third step. We lay the reinforcing layer. The necessary rigidity will be provided by the ordinary mesh-netting. Lay it on the ground.



Lighthouses under the screed

Lighthouses for screed

Fourth step. Make a new coupler. Fifth step.


. Cover the frozen screed with a moisture-proof film.

The sixth step. Nail to the bottom of the rails of the crate.

The seventh step. Place the selected heat insulation material in the space between the slats.

Warming of concrete floor

Warming of the concrete floor

The eighth step. Fit the floorboards and complete the finish in your own discretion.

Thermal insulation with the floor heating system

This technique is not a thermal insulation in the literal sense of the word, but it allows to make the room much warmer. The system can be electrical( film, cable) and water.

Types of floor heating systems

Types of systems underfloor heating

The easiest in the arrangement is a film infrared warm floor. To install it, simply align the base, lay out the film in the required places and connect the system to electricity. The screed is not poured. The key advantages of such a system is the possibility of its laying under any finish coating and ease of installation. The disadvantage is the relatively high cost.

Infra-red heated floor, installation

Infrared warm floor, installation

The cable floor is also relatively easy to install and can be combined with most varieties of existing finishing floor coverings. Do not screed. The main disadvantage is the high cost of operation.

Cable floor heating

Cable warm floor

The most popular is the water-heated floor. Such a system is the most economical. It requires preliminary arrangement of waterproofing of the foundation, laying of special mats( it is best to use plates with so-called bosses, since in this case it will not be necessary to use additional fasteners) and subsequent pouring of the screed.

Technology of laying the water-heated floor

Warm flooring technology

Warm floor water

Warm floor water

How to make a warm water floor

How to make a warm water floor

Thus, for the warming of the floor of the first floor, you can use a wide variety of materials and techniques. Now you are aware of the features of each available option and will be able to make the best choice.

Heat insulation material Thermal conductivity coefficient( W / m × K °)
Mineral wool 0,045-0,08
Ecowool( cellulose insulation) 0,038-0,046
Steklovata 0,033-0,06
Styrofoam( expanded polystyrene) 0,031-0.040
Expanded claydite 0.16
Claydite concrete 0.31
Foamed expanded foam( foam foam) 0,032-0,037

Good work!

Video - floor insulation over the cold basement

Video - Floor heating of the first floor

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