Stretch ceilings in the kitchen: reviews and a way to set their own hands

Suspended ceiling in the kitchen today is not uncommon, and many set his own hands, because he not only has a beautiful appearance, but also practical in use. Stretch ceiling will decorate the kitchen, and will last for many years, it does not require special care, and it can always be easily washed, if necessary. Stretch ceilings for kitchen, you can install yourself, but in this case it is necessary to carefully study the characteristics of their installation, read the reviews about what kind is best to choose. Let us consider how you can install suspended ceilings in the kitchen with his hands.


  1. What is a stretch ceiling?
  2. What is suspended ceiling for the kitchen better fabric or film?
  3. The installation process is a stretch ceiling for the kitchen with his hands
  4. Choose a chandelier for a stretch ceiling kitchen
  5. Mounting tension ceiling chandeliers for

What is a stretch ceiling?

Suspended ceiling represents the web as a film, which is attached to a special profile. Depending on the site of attachment, there are three types of profiles:

  • ceiling;
  • wall;
  • universal - it is attached to both the ceiling and the walls. This provides a profile view of the fixation webs that are a complex structure. Installation of ceiling with his hands is the most difficult and only by experienced craftsmen.

To secure the ceilings in the kitchen, you can use the following ways:

  • Wedge. This method is most simple, because it does not need to carefully measure the fabric and a film base when installing the blade. In the process, it is necessary to pull strongly ceiling film, and after fixing the cloth should remove its remains around the edges.
  • Harpoon. During the installation of stretch ceiling in the kitchen in such a way should be carefully measure the web and carry it to the mounting machine special hooks on the sides. After that, it should be attached to the profile by using these hooks.
  • Shtapikovy. This method is similar to the V-method, but the ceilings in the kitchen attached by a special tape.
Profile for mounting tension ceiling

What is suspended ceiling for the kitchen better fabric or film?

Many people can not decide what the ceilings set in the kitchen. To date, there are two types - seamless fabric and PVC film. But to make the right choice it is better to read the reviews of consumers and artists. And now look at the features of each type of suspended ceilings, which can be set in the kitchen.

At suspended ceilings in the form of a film has a seam, and the width of the web is not more than 2 meters, so during preparation for installation of webs welded to each other.

The presence of the seam is not only noticeable, and delivers certain inconveniences during assembly, but also reduces the strength of the web. After all, most of ruptures suspended ceilings occur in the joints.

Film ceilings can be installed with their hands only in rooms where the air temperature pljusovaja round, since the negative temperature indicators may appear on them cracks. Film ceilings less stable, unlike tissue.

Installation ceiling of the film is made at a higher temperature than the ambient. Not all furniture is able to stand it, so often it is necessary to make. Cloth web is mounted at room temperature and do not require removal of furniture, the kitchen such ceilings will look perfectly.

Fabrics tissue stretch ceiling

Despite some flaws, film ceilings have a number of advantages:

  • Film ceilings are not afraid of high humidity in the room, so they are easier to install their own hands in areas such as bathrooms, toilets, swimming pools.
  • an abundance of decorative film properties - Film ceilings are glossy, matte, mirror, colored, and so on..
  • with glossy stretch ceilings kitchen will be visually larger;
  • film is considered waterproof material and roof during flooding water will collect within, caved in from its weight. Tissue same ceilings do not bend and the water runs down the walls.

In this way, the best stretch ceiling in the kitchen It is considered to be fabric, while he looks like an ordinary classic, so will add to the comfort and warmth the room. However, the choice is up to the landlord, and that he was right, be sure to check consumer reviews on the Internet.

The installation process is a stretch ceiling for the kitchen with his hands

Before you finally decide what kind of stretch ceiling in the kitchen to choose, you need to read the reviews in Internet, see pictures of finished versions, made with your own hands, as well as watch videos of the process installation. To discover the main stages of mounting tension ceiling kitchen.

First you need to think about where would be the chandelier and replace the wiring and prepare the ground for lighting if necessary. The web of the future stretch ceiling kitchen should be accurately measured with a small seizure, if selected harpoon way to install it.

Installation of suspended ceilings

After the measurement can proceed to consolidate the profile according to the selected mounting method. First you need to define the lower ceiling point and measure from it the necessary distance, marking the level around the perimeter of the kitchen horizontal line. If you select the ceiling profile, then it must be attached to the ceiling as tightly as possible.

Profile to start to fix with glue along the marked line, and then tighten the screws. Their interconnected best fastened at a distance of at least 8 centimeters and about 1 centimeter from the edge of the profile.

The room temperature during fabric installation to be about 40 degrees. However, if the choice is made in favor of fabric stretched ceiling into the kitchen, then in this case the room to warm up is not required.

The web should be heated to a temperature of 60 degrees, which can be done with a heat gun or hair dryer construction. His heating is carried out to impart elasticity, if this is not done, the blade may break during stretching. Fastens the canvas on the diagonal principle - first in one corner of the kitchen, and then in the opposite. On the other angles is done the same job, with the most difficult task is to mount the last corner.

The web is attached to a profile with a pitch of about 8 centimeters. Then, using a spatula must be spread over the entire perimeter, pulling evenly. If the surplus will remain, they must be neatly cut. The pleats and the strips must be carefully spread, heating the web through the dryer construction. Once in the room the kitchen set the room temperature, the canvas will look perfectly flat and smoothed. Now you can start the installation of chandeliers with their hands.

Suspended ceiling with lighting in the kitchen

Choose a chandelier for a stretch ceiling kitchen

kitchen lighting is important, the number of lighting depends on a comfortable stay in the room and comfort. If the kitchen is a small area, the ambient light can be set with their hands in the form of lighting of the functional areas. For a spacious kitchen facilities suitable general purpose lamps. Before selecting the manufacturer does not hurt to check out reviews and to spend time on the selection of chandeliers to the design of the kitchen and to the texture of stretch ceiling. Spectacular and convenient spot is lighting around the perimeter of stretch ceiling in the kitchen.

Overhead lighting in the kitchen makes the room bright at night, and if there is no room in the kitchen window opening, then using a chandelier can be replaced with natural light. Since in the kitchen of this type lamps are lit all day and night, the lighting is better to create multiple fixtures. They provide a uniform distribution of light in the room.

Today on sale there are many different versions of chandeliers. All of them are divided into two types of installation technologies:

  • Suspended. These chandeliers to hang suspended ceilings necessary to the fixed hook in the ceiling. Them differently is also called the chandelier on the hook, the hallmark of which is a long cable with a moveable cover cap, which is needed to mask fixation and connection point. Usually mounted so bulky and long chandelier, which have massive ceiling.
  • False. Such lamps are mounted to the ceiling on special mounting pad that is attached with screws on a mortgage platform. After wiring the chandelier screwed together with a fixed metal cap on the mounting member.

Suspended ceiling in the kitchen for overhead and hanging chandeliers types prepared in different ways. Therefore, before proceeding to the installation of stretch ceiling in the kitchen with his hands, it is necessary to determine the type of chandeliers and study reviews on the Internet.

Mounting tension ceiling chandeliers for

First, you need to prepare a seat for chandeliers. Outboard option should prepare a hook, and for surface establish a special area on the suspension. When using a remote stepdown transformer to prepare niche where it will be located. It is better, if it is not the void. The ideal volume of the niche for the transformer is considered not less than 12 liters.

Once the suspended ceiling in the kitchen will be stretched at the point O to be glued tread ring and withdraw wire. It will serve as a stabilizer and thermally insulating lining in the opening scene. Mount chandelier must be together.

Connecting device should be carried out by means of terminals, which must be isolated before laying into the hood. Be sure to observe polarity when connecting, make the connection of the grounding conductor, to check how the chandelier in his hands, to be installed on the ceiling.

Select the option you want to install chandeliers and ceilings for the kitchen with his hands is a snap, as it is combined with virtually any model. A self-installing chandeliers ceilings in the kitchen, not only serve as a useful experience, but also save money.

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