Ventilation in the kitchen: what could be the kitchen ventilation?

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properly organized Ventilation in the kitchen - a pledge of comfort and good mood when cooking. Unable to work, while in a couple of clubs, expiring heated pots and pans. Odors emanating from the various dishes, without being able to leave the kitchen, are absorbed into the curtains, wallpaper and items interior, becoming resistant and hardly removable without severe treatment with various chemical means. But if there is no well-organized air, unpleasant odors will come back again and again.


  1. The basic principles of the organization of ventilation in the kitchen
  2. Features ventilation of multi-storey buildings
  3. Types of ventilation systems for the kitchen
  4. Built-in ventilation systems and suspension
  5. Types of suspension systems
  6. Classification method work

The basic principles of the organization of ventilation in the kitchen

Modern houses are provided with built-in ventilation system. It is powered by the difference in density of the warm air in the room and cold - inside. For conventional ventilation of premises qualitatively designed and properly constructed Natural extract is sufficient, but in the active cooking conditions of its effectiveness It will be low. To protect themselves from such problems to solve two key challenges:

  • set in the kitchen exhaust ventilation system;
  • provide a steady supply of fresh air.

In medicine, there is a very important principle - do no harm. The same applies to the repair and construction work. If, do not understand the design features of ventilation systems, take them to conversion, you can get a diametrically opposite result.

Very often the tenants of apartment buildings are trying to expand the kitchen space at the expense of demolition or relocation of existing ventilation strokes. The result may be that in this reorganization make quality hood does not work, and the atmosphere of the room will begin to fill with scents of their own or a neighbor's toilet. The second issue on which the kitchen ventilation can not work - cheap plastic windows.

The window in the kitchen

Old wooden structure did not provide complete sealing of premises, so through their cracks occur naturally ventilated. Modern windows are able to completely block the flow of fresh air, which, of course, lower costs for heating of the room, but at the same time prevent it from airing in closed position.

Quality plastic products have special slots or valves that are dosed supply of fresh air. Therefore, when installing them problems at work will not exhaust ventilation. If the windows are not designed to fresh air intake, it can turn out most unexpected embodiment.

Working ventilation is to remove contaminated air from the kitchen, creating a low pressure area. For this reason, it will direct the air from neighboring premises, which in turn will delay flow of ventilation systems or stairwell. As a result, apartment is filled with the scent of common areas and adjacent apartments, it is unlikely that someone can be fun.

There are two basic rules:

  • any unauthorized interference with the natural ventilation system may result in failure;
  • kitchen window openings must be fitted with devices to ensure a flow of fresh air.
Ventilation in the kitchen

Features ventilation of multi-storey buildings

The vast number of houses have a separate ventilation system for kitchens and bathrooms. This is to ensure that the air is coming on them had not been able to mingle and get into the living space. Exhaust ventilation in the kitchen changes the calculation modes of these systems.

If you put quality cooker hoods, without providing fresh air through the window openings, the natural ventilation in the toilet did not start working on the outflow of air, and vice versa.

For the system to work properly you need to intelligently combine the principles of extraction and natural ventilation systems. If the kitchen are new windows, fail to provide the required flow of fresh air, then the problem is solved in two ways:

  • their priotkryvaniem when working ventilation;
  • installation in the wall of the supply valve.

Typically, the window has a comb that allows to control the degree of opening, but most of this adjustment is too rough and winter in the kitchen quickly become cold. For this reason, the use of the supply valve is more preferable.

Fresh air valve in plastic window construction

Types of ventilation systems for the kitchen

Even the most perfect natural ventilation is not able to cope with the food the atmosphere, so it needs to use additional systems that can intensify the exchange of air. Such devices are classified according to:

  • Fitting method;
  • the principle of operation.

Depending on what kind of design will be chosen to be different as the results and costs of setting up the outflow of contaminated air. Couples, concentrated in the kitchen atmosphere, contain a lot of fat, soot and other contaminants that, if not removed, will settle on the furniture, quickly bringing her in a bad state. The same faces svezhesdelannomu repair. Install the hood can be independently, using the instructions that came with it, and with the involvement of specialists, who will perform this work, taking into account the features of the ventilation system concrete house.

Built-in ventilation systems and suspension

Typical kitchen has a fairly standard set of furniture required for the storage of products and dishes. Ventilation system must fit into the interior, created by these objects, without taking up a lot of space, which in many old houses are usually not enough. kitchen ventilation can be performed:

  • built-in wall cabinet or desk;
  • suspension.
ventilation Suspension

The first is easy to fit into any interior, and especially good when the kitchen is made to order. There are many design projects to hide the technical design elements within furniture, so the presence in it of a powerful ventilation can guess only after it inclusion.

Suspended products are the most popular and common. They can be purchased separately and installed in addition to the already existing kitchen furniture, but there may be an element of a set, made to order for a specific interior. Such constructions are mounted on the plate and have a variety of designs and technical features.

Types of suspension systems

Suspension systems are classified mo placement them in the kitchen. This will determine which way and where they will be mounted. The following species can be identified among suspended ventilation systems:

  • wall;
  • angle;
  • island.

The most common first. They are made in a variety of design options, so easy to choose the product that fits in appearance to the earlier purchase of furniture.

Corners are most often used when the cooking hob is located in one of the corners of the kitchen, which determines the method of installation and support structure.

Island items can be placed anywhere in the room, as they are mounted to the ceiling. Such designs are often used in the design of kitchen furniture embodiments.

Classification method work

Depending on the ventilation system removes air from the room or just filters it, they are divided into two main types:

  • flow;
  • Circulation.

All the arguments relating to the need for fresh air intake relates to the design, working on the first principle. In this case, the polluted air is sucked from the highest concentration of contaminations places (near the cooking surface). Due to the reduction of pressure in the kitchen begins an intense flow of fresh air from the street, which refreshes the atmosphere of the room. The more powerful ventilation and bandwidth of house systems, the more effective working purification system. Air masses contaminated by combustion products, go through the chimney system, so the basic requirements to ensure its performance will be the organization the right to connect to it.

Products working on the second principle (circulation), are fundamentally different from the first. They are more like air conditioners, which are driven the same array of air in a circle. Only split system it is cooled or heated, and the circulation located in the kitchen, qualitatively filtered.

These devices do not require a connection to the chimney, but the possibility of their limited. If this product is installed in the kitchen, the key requirement to it is regular cleaning and replacement filters that rapidly accumulate a variety of corrosive substances, which may be a source of unpleasant odors. fresh air during operation of such a system is not ensured, however must additionally qualitatively natural ventilation function. Cleaning in the recirculation device is produced using charcoal filters that need to be replaced about once a year.

Activated carbon filters for hood

A key advantage of such systems - they can operate independently of the state of operability of natural ventilation. Only recently began to build a house with the possibility of connect cooker hoods. Therefore, not always in a typical building, you can install a powerful exhaust system. More precisely, install it, of course, it is always possible, but whether it will work efficiently and will not start if pump air from your kitchen to the kitchen neighbors - is the question. And that could be the basis for conflict.

Before purchasing ventilation advisable to consult with experts versed in its operation, which can be in place to check the condition of chimneys in a residential home and recommend the right solution for the purchase and installation of the necessary products.

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