The bar counter made of bricks with their hands (photo)

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Bar table - it's not just the original decoration of the kitchen and part of the modern interior, but quite functional and useful furniture. It can serve as a coffee corner, or use for a quick breakfast when all the hurry of business, and no one is waiting. In small kitchens bar and completely replaces the dining table, thus saving their owners a lot of living space. So that the desire to make it a strong and soundly should not be regarded as a whim or a superfluous expense - rack made of bricks with their hands will last a really long time.


  1. Getting Started
  2. The choice of materials
  3. Construction of the bar

Getting Started

The first thing to make sure that the overlap in the kitchen withstand the weight of heavy construction. If the concrete floor - no problems, but the wood in a private home will have to dismantle, to masonry rested on a solid foundation. On the ground floor should not even pour the concrete into the mold a little bed, making vertical outlet valves - they will give to the future design of brick maximum stability.

If no problems are expected with the base, you can start drawing a sketch of the future of the bar to decide on its appearance. The necessary impetus to the imagination will give a photo from the Internet and design magazines. Possible design options:

  • Reception room with furniture set - a base is attached at an angle to the base wall, and becomes an extension of the working table top surface.
  • Console - the most simple in the manufacture of rack, where brick is laid out only a narrow lateral support, and the tabletop itself is mounted directly to the wall.
  • Island - this design looks great in the photo is very spacious kitchen and is a continuation of the imposition of the center of the technical facilities.
  • Stand-partition of bricks (photo) - has a similar structure and is used for spectacular cuisine zoning, combined with other facilities.

Standard is considered to be the height of the bar 1.1-1.15 m and 1.50 m, but its self-manufacturing size is chosen arbitrarily. Most importantly, between the seats to high chairs and tabletop future remained a gap of 30 cm.

an example of the bar made of bricks

When compiling a drawing to calculate the amount of materials to millimeter accuracy is not needed, and is unattainable, because the bricks can differ from each other in size. His contribution will make a seam and thickness of masonry - experienced builders know about your solution flow rate, and beginners will only get hand.

In preparation for the work includes the purchase of necessary tools. You will need:

  • trowel;
  • carpenter's level;
  • Drill with a special nozzle-mixer;
  • a mixing solution;
  • rubber mallet;
  • Metallic fasteners (anchor bolts) or segments of reinforcement.

To joints between bricks were prepared the same width, using a homemade suture line or pattern - a piece of metal bar of 8-15 mm in thickness.

The choice of materials

brick itself for the construction of the bar can be anything - from the corpulent clinker to lightweight silicate. But are best used in the lining piece materials, which have a smaller weight and high decorative. This eliminates the need to trim the base of the rack, as it will have a neat appearance.

Solution for bricklaying is prepared from dry cement and sand in the ratio 1: 3. After mixing the components added cold water, stirring the composition with a mixer until uniform. Liquid better administered in small portions, constantly checking the viscosity. For this trowel picked up from the vessel and the mixture slightly inverted - properly prepared composition must stay at the tool surface.

Expect a single portion to a solution of about a half-hour operation. Two hours later, the cement starts to set, and it is necessary to mix fresh.

Countertop, too, you can choose to your taste, the more so that in time it will be easy to replace. With a brick base in good harmony natural and artificial stone, a powerful natural wood board (see photo). However, it can be laminated MDF / particleboard with the desired surface effect or tempered glass, if the bar is planned on the inside "shelf."

small brick bar with wooden top

For the self-production of wooden worktops, only need a thick board and means for processing. All surfaces need to be leveled a plane or simply freshen up, then fine sandpaper or a belt sander to remove the roughness. Then the array is applied on wooden suitable primer composition, and the top several layers - varnish (a yacht ideally). On the reverse side countertop drilled response recesses for the pins in the brick base. But do it better, when clutch is fully ready, so as not to miss. One option would be to put on the table top liquid nails.

Construction of the bar

Primarily concrete base and a wall, which is adjacent rack rascherchivayutsya in accordance with the sketch. For linear structures is better to pull a horizontal cord - on it will be convenient to align the wall masonry. Further work is being done in this order:

  1. Marking on the substrate along the floor lay strip solution.
  2. Top to make a number of bricks, promazyvaya Unmodified binder on each side of the stone.
  3. Ready to check the level of the line or the long rail - clinker, not "stranded" in its place, rap gently with a rubber mallet. If some of the bricks was lower than the main line, remove it and add a little of the solution.
  4. The following rows of racks spread in the same way, checking not only horizontal but also vertical outer wall.
  5. Every 3-4 rows on the wall hammered long anchor at masonry seam and closed with bricks. This is to bundle the bar and the supporting structure.
  6. The last number is embedded a pair of short pins, which will keep the countertop.
  7. When the clutch is complete, make unravel: sharp edge trowel gently clean spoke remnants of the cement-sand mixture.
  8. After setting the solution within a day or two seams rack can decorate fugovochnym composition suitable for color interior. His effort to fix in line between the bricks to ensure the best adhesion to the substrate.
kipricha masonry

In the formation of the series you can create different decorative effects, alternating stretcher and bonder side blocks, as shown in the photo. But even if you do not plan any highly artistic calculations do not forget each additional number to shift relative to the previous half or one-third the length of the stone. This will provide greater rigidity and resistance of the base.

To masonry look good in the kitchen interior, do not absorb water and dirt, it can be treated hydrophobizator. Such mixtures give varnish gloss stone surfaces and clog their outer pores.

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