The bar counter in the balcony

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Have around home bar counter the dream of many, but, unfortunately, not everyone has that opportunity. In small kitchens are often not enough space for the equipment fully working space with kitchen, not to mention the comfortable dining area, and the more the bar. But the correct approach in this situation there is an exit. If the apartment has a loggia or a gazebo, you can install the rack there. This redevelopment will require carefully designed actions competently made project design and a special permit for renovation. In any case, the bar on the balcony can bring many advantages to the environment.

A few decades ago, was considered a bar object is intended for specialized establishments: bars, cafes, restaurants, clubs, etc. It served as a place where guests can enjoy soft and alcoholic drinks, sitting at a table top on high chairs.

Now rack are increasingly found in urban apartments, while it performs other functions, in addition to the possibility to cook for her cocktails. For example, it can be used as:

  • additional workspace;
  • storage space for kitchen utensils;
  • place for snacks or tea in the company of family and friends.
balcony bar


  1. Features
  2. materials
  3. The choice of shapes and designs


The presence of a balcony or loggia in an apartment has many advantages. Thanks to them, you can slightly increase the floor space, if combined with the kitchen or the living room (there is looking out to the balcony to a room). Before you start re-planning, you should obtain permission from the special services, otherwise it will lead to a fine or even litigation. In addition, the lodge has space will not be will spam unnecessary things, and have been known to get rid of trash it carries a lot of positive moments.

Link between the bathroom and balcony can become a bar. This is the most viable option, also very attractive and functional. Since the balcony - specific and non-standard room, you will need to create furniture for the individual sizes for him. That is to buy ready-made bar and perfectly fit it into the interior will not work. But this has its advantages. You can design an object corresponding to the personal preferences and needs.

First you need to decide on the size, design, shape and material of the bar, as well as its style and color scheme. It can serve as an interior accent or overlap with other furniture and shade materials.

bar instead of the sill on the balcony


The choice of material is one of the leading roles in the design of the bar. The product should fit perfectly into the environment and, therefore, be combined with kitchen unit or other furniture, harmonious look in the interior. The material must have the strength, durability, safety, health, and have an attractive appearance.

  1. Chipboard and MDF. It is considered to be the most cost-laminated particleboard. Now this material is widely used by different companies in the production of furniture. Its surface has a diverse décor and texture, can mimic wood, stone, to be glossy or matte, one-color or patterned. If the choice fell in favor of chipboard, it is necessary to make sure that the material has the necessary certification, and it does not contain harmful substances.

A bit more expensive is MDF in the film. MDF differs from chipboard higher strength, reliability, humidity resistance. A quality product is also safe and has a wide variety of surface decoration. MDF surface may be covered with a thin plastic or enamel paint. Furniture made from this material will look stylish and presentable, but cost many times more expensive than MDF and chipboard in the film.

  1. Wood. Natural wood - noble and beautiful material. It is used for making furniture and gives the interior a luxurious and expensive look. choosing wood for the barShould ensure its strength and resistance to moisture and temperature extremes.
  2. Glass and metal. The interiors in the hi-tech style involves the use of glass and metal in large quantities, and not only in the decor and accessories, but also the furniture. If the kitchen is set with glass facades in aluminum frame, then the bar is quite possible to be made of the same material. In this case it will look minimalist and have a glass or stone countertops with metal chrome legs. The surface can be decorated glass blasting pattern or printing the photo.
bar of marble on a balcony

In addition to these materials for the bar on the balcony, you can use a plaster base with a decorative veneer stone, brick or tile, as well as plastic, concrete, etc. For countertops suitable artificial or natural stone, glass, wood.

The choice of shapes and designs

Size, design and shape of the bar should be directly dependent on the size of the room in which it will be installed. To have balconies provide a more compact version than in the spacious living room or dining room. The ideal option would be setting a straight or angled strut separating the room from the loggia. Also fit the window sill on the balcony, which can play the role of a convenient high countertops. In this case, the bar is long and narrow.

Furthermore countertops, in the structure of the bar on the balcony can provide shelves for storing dishes or other small parts, holders for glasses and glasses, various rails and other convenient system Storage.

We should not forget about lighting. After all, it stands between the bathroom and the balcony is not less important and significant than the working surface of the kitchen units. Mount spotlighting can be above the tabletop stand or to equip its fixtures on the suspension.

When creating a bar on the balcony, it is necessary to solve a number of important tasks. Firstly, it should be properly create a design project and obtain permission to redevelop. Secondly, you need to blend well the subject in the interior. This can be done independently, using photos on the Internet, or seek help from a specialist. Thirdly, it is necessary to select the material that will be different for the reliability of the bar, durability, safety and attractive appearance.

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