Replacement of kitchen fronts: how to change the facades of the kitchen?

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When the headset is worn out very much, and repair and conventional staining results have not given, there is one way out: the replacement of kitchen fronts. In most cases, this can be done with their own hands - quite correctly remove the size, and choose the material. For standard sets to find a ready-made facade is not difficult, but the kits are manufactured to order, require the same individual approach and their repair.


  1. The choice of materials
  2. take measurements
  3. The procedure works
  4. The transformation of the old kitchen in a new one. Replacement of the facade. Video

The choice of materials

To new facades served for a long time, and again did not require replacement after a few years, you should pay attention to the material of manufacture. Lack of options:

  • Laminated chipboard - affordable, but short-lived. Not tolerate high humidity, though the protective polymer film prevents the penetration of water and steam into the loose structure plates. But damage on its surface, as well as poor quality processing facade ends, open the way moisture. As a result, after a few months of using these doors begin to swell and deform.
  • MDF is also sensitive to moisture, but to a lesser extent. The structure of these plates is much denser than that of the particleboard, fibreboard making well-kept facades metal fasteners. Other characteristics and the cost of such products will depend on the decoration layer. The best thing in the kitchen behaved durable plastic and acrylic. Natural wood veneer is more expensive, but at the same time he will require additional protection against moisture and temperature fluctuations. Here, it is desirable to replace the artificial ekoshponom.
  • Array - of which produce expensive and beautiful facades. Thanks to the good workability of wood they can be given an interesting shape, carving and decorating panels. But do not forget that natural array is very sensitive to moisture, and it responds to the change in volume. Over time, this can lead to warping and cracking of facades, so that the use of such shutters in the kitchen is not worth without refinishing.

an example of the replacement of the facades before and after

Optionally all the cabinets headset close blind doors. In most cases, the best is the use of framework designs with clear or decorative glazing. The performance and life of kitchen furniture service will not be affected, but the set will look more harmonious, and the whole interior - easier.

take measurements

The simplest option - it is to measure the old door that you want to change, and they find a new size. If this is for some reason impossible, the facades of buildings are selected by size. In this case each flap should have a depth of 3, and a width of 4 mm smaller than the external contour of the cabinet. Only in this way they will not cling to each other during the opening and rub on the countertop.

To replacing kitchen facades was carried out with the utmost precision, and set to look nice, it is necessary to carefully measure the distance from the edge to the landing slots for the hinges. Otherwise leaf will be uneven, and the total number will be disrupted.

Replacement kitchen facades had become

Since the change will not only swing doors, but also lining the drawers, they should also be measured. Also required to determine the distance from the outer edges to the walls of the box. It will consolidate the lid smooth and securely.

The procedure works

Before replacing the facades of the kitchen, they need to prepare for installation. Usually on the inside of each door have to make a milling attachment loops. You can use the mill (26 mm nozzle) or a drill with a drill bit or crown Forstner.

In the case of the framed facades also need to install the glass one of the following ways:

  • Insert the prepared groove at the stage door assembly - it is important to match the exact dimensions of the glass and the frame. This method is mostly used for simple facades from MDF or aluminum profiles.
  • Mounting on the clamping holders - way to a simple and does not require great precision. Glass slightly larger superimposed on the reverse side of the door and fixed by special fittings. If you want to glaze a custom contoured frame from MDF, chipboard or wood, this option is the only one possible.

facades prepared for the installation are mounted as follows:

  1. Insert in the bearing seat hinge loops and secure them with screws.
  2. Attach the door into place and mark on the cabinet housing the point canopies mount.
  3. Markings on the walls of the cut in response blind holes and fasten screws foot loops.
  4. Secure sheds on the cabinet housing, and adjust the clamping screws respective facade.

Horizontally, each hinge is displaced at a twisting nearest thereto screws on the moving plate. Next screw is responsible for pressing density. Height adjustment is performed using the screw on the "wings" of the canopy.

Sometimes on furniture repair is not enough time and effort. Or want to get a sophisticated intelligent open systems. In these cases it is better to turn to professionals who will perform the work for you. Usually together with measurements and production of new facades it takes 5 to 15 days. Actually assembly takes only a few hours.

The transformation of the old kitchen in a new one. Replacement of the facade. Video

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