The light in the kitchen: how to make the backlight?

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An important part of the kitchen interior design is lighting. Matter how well planned it, it depends not only on appearance of the premises, but also comfortable work and rest. In the kitchen, especially if it is medium or large, one is not enough ceiling chandeliers. Now designers are turning to local fixtures located in different zones. The light in the kitchen must be of high quality and well thought-out, that will not let your eyes get tired during cooking and other work.


  1. varieties of lighting
  2. The light in the dining area
  3. Lighting the work area
  4. Spotlights or spots
  5. Illumination light beams
  6. Using LED strip
  7. Installation of LED strip with your hands

varieties of lighting

The most familiar source of light in the kitchen is ceiling chandelier. It would seem that the more brightly it burns, the more light in the room. This option is suitable only for a dining table, where it seems that the light in the kitchen enough.

If the center of the room is well lit by one device, it does not mean that the work plane kitchen units will also be comfortable. Modern designers are advised to pay special attention to lighting worktops that none of its area may not remain in the shadows.

To date, lighting shops offer quite a wide range of illumination:

  • chandeliers;
  • sconces, Wall lights;
  • floor lamps;
  • spot lights;
  • Lamps on the suspension;
  • LED and neon tape;
  • bus systems and spots.

kitchen lighting

To avoid problems in the future, you must plan kitchen lighting on the stage of the design project. It is advisable to work carried out by expertsWho can advise you how and where to place the lights and what to use. For lighting usually taken lamp: halogen, fluorescent, incandescent, LEDs. The choice depends on the preferences of the owners and the design of the room.

In the kitchen, there are three main options highlights:

  • central (or ceiling light fixture, spot lights);
  • specific (the light in the working and dining areas);
  • directed (coverage of a particular part of the kitchen).

The light in the dining area

Usually, no kitchen is complete without a central chandelier. Sometimes added to it spotlighting on the ceiling perimeter, depending on the interior design. If a small room that option is appropriate and the light will be enough, it is possible to separately highlight also a dining area in the spacious rooms.

For a table, you can use a hanging lamp. each irradiance degree selects for himself, depending on the convenience. Some like a bright light, or, conversely, muted.

the light in the dining area in the kitchen

The size, shape, color and material of the lampshade is directly dependent on the interior design and concept. For high-tech kitchens better to use metal or glass ceiling strict geometric shape without unnecessary decoration. Country style and Provence allow lamps to decorate the room with wood and metal elements. Shades can be a fabric with a floral pattern or a checkered. In classical interior dining area can decorate a crystal chandelier or a lamp with shade in the form of a dome.

In the kitchen with light, made in a modern style, are frequently used light fixtures in the length of the suspension, the height of which can be adjusted to your own convenience. If the plan is possible permutation of furniture, in this case it is better to use a special bus system, mounted on the ceiling, where the lamp can be moved to the right place, if necessary.

Table standing against the wall, can not be illuminated ceiling chandelier and sconces or other wall lamps. Such an embodiment is suitable for small kitchens.

Lighting the work area

High-quality illumination of the working area cuisine is very important. It will allow to cook comfortably, without straining your eyes. It is known that if you stand back to the chandelier, own shadow will fall on the table, making the process of work is not very comfortable. Correct illumination can solve this problem.

Spotlights or spots

Such an option would be the best if you install the lights directly under the overhead lockers. They can be wall mounted or embedded in the bottom of the furniture, but it is better to use the model of a small size.

point light above the working area

Spot lighting can be replaced by spot - a tiny lights in the roof rail. They are mounted under the cupboards, or over the bar, which does not spoil the look of the kitchen units. But there are also disadvantages - relatively high price compared to other options. In addition, the bright light emanating from them can irritate the eyes.

Illumination light beams

Light beams are in the form of fluorescent lamp tube. Its sizes range from fairly large to compact. It can be installed in plain sight or hidden. Installation of such lamps requires no special skills and effort, and their light is sufficient quality. The only negative - they do not look in the interior. No matter what style made kitchen, fluorescent lamp tube is unlikely to serve as a decoration of the interior and emphasize its expressiveness.

lighting cabinets light beams

Installation of such illumination is quite simple. It is installed under the overhead lockers and fixed to their bottom. Each lamp can be switched on and off separately, independently of the others, which is very convenient. Unfortunately, the cost of this option is quite high.

Using LED strip

Today more and more common kitchens with illumination of the working area, with the help of LED tape. This is not surprising, because it has much more benefits than the previous versions.

The main advantage is considered compactness of the fixture. The interior is impossible to spoil absurd or inappropriate view of the lamp, since it is almost invisible, especially in the off state. Despite its small size, the diode band copes with its function. She can illuminate any part of the table top easily.

Compared to previous versions of lighting, tape - much more economical and practical. In addition, it offers great opportunities for interior design, as it has a variety of color options from standard white to color.

LED ribbon light cuisine

LED Strip consumes little power and is quite long. It can be installed almost anywhere: both under wall cabinets, as well as highlighting the kitchen apron from the inside, if it is made of glass.

Installation of LED strip with your hands

To cope with such a backlight setting may even a layman. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and do the job accurately. First of all, it is necessary to determine the place of fastening tape. This may be the bottom of the hanging cabinets, apron, table-top, cap or any other kitchen area.

An important point is the definition of the place for the power supply. To it needs access to in the event of a breakdown you can easily reach it and fix damage. Power transformer illumination may come from the electricity cable drawing. There's also easy to hide from the eyes of the power supply.

Further, it should stick tape LED itself. Usually it's pretty easy to do, since the products are supplied adhesive backed on the reverse side. Cut the tape to properly, focusing on the special notes in the form of white stripes.

The final stage is the connection. It is important to properly identify the polarity. On the tape itself can be found corresponding to the signs "+" and "-".

Kitchen with a diverse and sophisticated illumination not only stylish and impressive look, but also makes it comfortable to cook and entertain. Shops offer a wide range of lighting fixtures all kinds of designs with different price, durability, functionality. Among the most popular types are: chandeliers, spot and LED strip. Recent quite economical, very easy to use and with the right approach, they are easy to install yourself.

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