Puttying walls with his own hands in the kitchen

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Many believe that puttying walls of the kitchen with his hands rather complicated process, because not everyone has the necessary knowledge and skills associated with the repair or construction. However, this opinion is erroneous. In reality, if you wish, you can putty walls with his own hands at times even better than make a true master. The most important thing to get acquainted with all the subtleties and tricks of this business and understand the basic principles of operation. This article is devoted to the secrets of the kitchen wall spackling.


  1. types of fillers
  2. Preliminary alignment kitchen walls
  3. How to make a finishing puttying walls?
  4. An important point: a primer
  5. How to prepare a solution for the plastered walls?
  6. Clean and proportions
  7. mixing time

types of fillers

Before you start leveling wall putty, you must first decide on her appearance. On the right choice of finishing material affects what you want to get in the end, as well as the original condition of the walls. Given these characteristics, you need to choose the putty.

Now in stores you can find a huge range of fillers from different manufacturers. They can be divided into dry and ready. Much difference in them is not the only thing that will have a dry kind of plant, and ready you can immediately put on the wall. In addition, the finished version is much better, because it is produced at the company strictly adhering to technology.

Caulking also varies by type:

  • Leveling or home page - usually via her eliminate deep cracks and unevenness in the wall surfaces. The starting filler should be applied layer 10-30 mm thick.
  • Finishing - This type of filler is applied a thin layer of no more than 10 mm, it has a fine grit.
  • Universal - this coat is very strong compared to the start, but fine-grained, so it can be used for the final alignment of the walls.

Each of them is used for a particular type of work.


After selecting the type of filler, you need to decide as to its views:

  • Gypsum. This type is used most frequently for any finishing decorative material thickness of 2 mm. The advantage of gypsum plaster is that it almost does not shrink. The disadvantage of it is considered to be a complete ban on the use in areas where high humidity prevails and frequent temperature changes. It is for this reason that this type of putty should not be used in the kitchen.
  • Polymer. Most often used for any finish finishing material. Its advantage is that it does not shrink and does not depend on temperature changes. The polymeric filler can be applied in a thin layer. The disadvantage of this type - the high cost and the risk of acquiring a marriage.
  • Cement. It is suitable for any finish finishing material. This type of filler is most often used in rooms with high humidity, such as in the kitchen. Its main disadvantages are that it quickly cracks and has low elasticity and a long curing period, as well as a large shrinkage. Last drawback often requires repeated application of putty on the wall.
  • Lime. This form consists of the sieved quicklime, cement and other polymers, therefore, have exactly the same advantages and disadvantages as cement plaster. In most cases it is used for the walls and facades, after applying lime plaster. This type is best used for finishing lime paint.
kneading putty

Preliminary alignment kitchen walls

The basic principle of spackling the walls with his own hands - it gradually. In any case it is not necessary to align the surface in a single layer, as this approach can only spoil everything. Alignment of the walls in the kitchen is the gradual filling of the large first, and after, and small cracks and holes with a special plaster solution.

To align the walls are commonly used starting putty, which is a big advantage granularity that enables it to apply a layer of up to 10 mm, the risk of cracking almost is reduced to zero.

The start of this type of fabric is applied with a spatula, which can be regarded as a practical tool in the case curvature does not exceed its width, as well as plaster rules Aligns huge curving and easy to form inner corners.

It is best to apply an even layer and pre-alignment of walls kitchen use a wide spatula. After starting putty coating surface, it should align rule moistened with water. After alignment, you must wait until the coat is completely dry. It usually takes at least 12 hours. If it is dry do not end up wet spots will be present on the walls. If they do not exist, then we can start finishing puttying kitchen walls.

Building putty

How to make a finishing puttying walls?

Apply finishing plaster with your hands on the kitchen walls will be much easier if the starting mix was distributed evenly and efficiently. In order to complete the work required to fill small holes and uneven thin layer of finishing putties. It should be applied in several ways. With this approach, you can easily identify the curvature of which remain on the surface of the walls, usually, it is considered one of the signs that there were minor irregularities.

At a time to eliminate them will not work - perfect putty, concrete or gypsum walls with his own hands, you can only by applying several layers of solution.

It is also necessary to understand and with putty before painting the kitchen walls and wallpaper. They differ only by the quality of work performed. To make the putty walls for painting It requires not only a careful approach, but also a high-quality surface. Under the walls of wallpaper can be small scratches and even curvature, and is not allowed under the paint, the surface must be perfectly smooth, as the paint immediately reveal all the irregularities. That is why the last stage of leveling the kitchen walls for painting considered stripping. This process should be carried out only after the surface is completely dry. This work is performed by vibroshlifovalnoy electric clipper or manual bar. Naturally, the power tool cleanup can be done much faster.

An important point: a primer

Many have repeatedly faced the problem of peeling putty when removing old wallpaper or the formation of large mounds beneath them. These effects occur in the event that prior to the application had not been carried out to wash the walls. That it makes it possible to avoid settling of dust and dirt on the surface and to improve their ability to putty compound.

The primer should always do, especially if the application of putty or taping the wall with wallpaper. The surface also is required to be primed before starting filler.

puttying walls

How to prepare a solution for the plastered walls?

High-quality plaster walls of the kitchen with his hands depends on how a plaster solution will be prepared correctly. After being hit by even the smallest lumps or debris can make the process of sealing of their own hands wrenching. It should therefore be for yourself to understand three important solution preparation rules:

Clean and proportions

Not only packaging for ready-mix must be clean, but also mixer, thanks to which you are mixing putty. Each correct proportions for himself defines empirically. However, for the kitchen walls with a strong curvature is best to use a thicker mixture, and for a small alignment suitable solution, resembling in its consistency of thick cream.

mixing time

Fillers are usually prepared in several stages. To start a container with water is necessary to pour the dry mixture and mix well. It is important that it is fully soaked. After which the plaster should be left for swelling for five minutes. After a time, stirring should be performed last. Usually it takes less than five minutes, but with a few interruptions. That is, the mixture was stirred for one minute, and then the same amount you can relax, followed by a stop again and so on until, until a homogeneous mixture without lumps.

Now dissolve the plaster with your hands, everyone can, but it is worth noting that over time it becomes very thick. Dilution with water or re-mixing is only possible if you plan to rough seal huge cracks or large holes in the walls. In fact, after stirring putty formed lumps that may be left on the surface of various patterns and designs.

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