Wall-mounted kitchen scales: electronic or mechanical?

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The modern kitchen has a lot of items of household and electronic appliances, which significantly facilitate the cooking process, saving time and effort. Additional devices can be convenient to allocate wall kitchen scales. Find a suitable option can be in specialized stores that offer a wide choice of models with different specifications, design, price, brand and other features.


  1. And if the instrument is needed?
  2. Criteria for selection of wall of kitchen scales
  3. Mechanical or electronic device
  4. Weight Limit
  5. Appearance
  6. The shape of the bowl
  7. Additional functions
  8. What to not hurt to pay attention?
  9. Kitchen wall scales Beurer KS52

And if the instrument is needed?

It may seem that the scales - an optional part kitchen, but they will become an indispensable tool, especially for those who prefer useful homemade food and watching their figure. This device is quite functional and at the same time takes up very little space. The positive qualities of kitchen scales:

  • Convenience: since the wall scales are not at the table, so they do not "steal" of the working surface. This is especially true for small kitchens.
  • Attractive design: the appearance of modern electronic models not only successfully fit into any kitchen interior, but also become a real decoration of the room.
  • Help: kitchen scales needed people sitting on a diet, requiring strict compliance with the amount of food consumed.

Criteria for selection of wall of kitchen scales

In order not to get lost in a large assortment of models, you need to understand what guided when buying scales. Make it easier to understand, all options can be divided into categories according to the measuring method (mechanical and electronic), the maximum weight, appearance, bowl-shaped, etc.

Mechanical or electronic device

The most economical option is mechanical scales. They work on the principle of spring tension and compression, which is connected with an arrow showing the weight. They are much cheaper electronic analogues due to its simple design. In this case, mechanical devices do not require the use of energy. When obvious advantages, there is one significant drawback - a large error in the weight measurement. On top of that there is not a lot of useful features: calorie counting, memory.

Mechanical Wall Scales

Electronic versions require periodic recharging your batteries, or the purchase of new batteries, sometimes you may need even work from the mains. The measurement are accurate and have many other useful features.

Weight Limit

An important indicator in the selection of weights is the amount of kilograms that they can withstand. Each model has its maximum limit, but usually two to six kilograms. For those who are on a diet and gets the balance just to count calories, enough instrument to three kilograms of the maximum weight. Fans of home pickles and other preparations necessary scales for five or six kilograms.

Minimum weighing limit is also important, but for a more accurate result is better to select a device with a scale division of one gram.


Design wall scales is also important. After all, they can adequately emphasize the interior style. Modern kitchens require compliance with harmony in the organization of space and, therefore, the scale will serve not only as a functional device, but also a decoration. To produce weights are most often used: plastic, glass, metal (steel), wood, and a combination of several materials. The shape and colors are not less diverse. And, then, choose the appropriate option for your interior is not difficult.

Wall-mounted kitchen scale

Do not forget about practicality, such as touch keys will serve much longer. Panel with a rubber covering - as a good durable alternative.

The shape of the bowl

Wall weights there are two forms of bowls: recessed and flat. The first is more suitable for products in liquid or particulate form: cereals, flour, cream, milk or dough. Flat bowls allow to weigh the ingredients directly into the container, which adds to the convenience of use. They are also suitable for measuring the weight of the fish, meat and other products, awkward shapes.

Choosing a suitable option, better to stay on an electronic scale with removable bowl. If necessary, it can easily be removed and cleaned, as well as use a different container for weighing.

Additional functions

It is also important to consider other possibilities of kitchen scales, for example, sequential weighing. This allows the products to lay in the bowl after each other, wherein the display will show the weight of each ingredient.

A very handy feature is the weighing capacity without taking into account, that is, you can see the weight of the product directly. Sometimes it is possible to determine the volume of liquid and food.

Some models are equipped with an auto start-up and shutdown, timer, clock, thermometer. You can customize the unit of measure: grams, ounces, kilograms. There are those devices that can determine the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the product. It's kind of - miniature computers.

Electronic wall scales

What to not hurt to pay attention?

It is no secret that the durability of the scale is determined by their quality and reliability. First of all, we should pay attention to the appearance and the material from which they are made. The mechanism should disappear completely in the housing, preferably made of a metal. Then the moisture and steam can not have a negative impact, and can say with certainty that such scales will last for many years.

Any plastic parts lower cost model, but it does not add to her reliability. This is especially true of the plastic base. In addition, such devices are exposed to heat or moisture over time begin to deform and not work efficiently, and can and do fail.

To wasted not discharge the battery or batteries, it is best to choose a model with automatic disconnection. It is very convenient as it does not require constant reminders to yourself about having to turn off the device.

The best opportunity for the wall version of the scale, because they do not take up space on your desk and need not be permanently removed and clean. But there may be a model, folding into a special container for storage or even in their own scales.

Wall scales with a deep bowl

Appearance is also important, especially for those who regularly use the weights. They want to select, in accordance with the kitchen interior to accentuate his style and personality. Some models can be made of wood, metal, plastic, glass or a combination of several materials.

Financial factor when choosing a wall scales too is important. Since this is a small appliance, in contrast to, for example, a refrigerator or stove, then it is likely planned some specific amount or her limits. First of all, it should be defined in advance with the model and its capabilities, not to buy in a hurry too expensive thing, and later some of its features just do not use it.

Kitchen wall scales Beurer KS52

Among the best-selling Kitchen wall scales can distinguish the model KS52 Beurer German company. It is ideal for people on a diet, or just lovers of cooking. Using weights can dispense different types of products and to count them in the exact proportions required a particular dish.

In addition, scales Beurer KS52 will be a great addition and an ornament of any interior of the kitchen due to its stylish look and some useful features such as a clock and a timer. Model easily folded and expanded when necessary.

Wall scales Beurer KS52

The flat shape of 16 mm diameter bowl will allow the product to weigh directly on it. The display shows the exact weight, the function of "container" will eliminate the weight of the container, and the possibility of add-on weighing will determine how much weight added product separately. In addition to the manual, is present here, and automatic shutdown. Also, you can manually set the unit of measurement.

To wall electronic scales Beurer KS52 served for a long time and worked correctly, you should observe some moments:

  • Placing the balance away from heat sources, try not to expose them to vapor, moisture and extreme temperature fluctuations.
  • Do not shake, do not use aggressive cleaning chemicals and detergents, try to avoid getting dust on them.
  • Glass bowl is designed for washing, not only manually, but also in the dishwasher. The housing is enough to wipe with a damp or dry cloth.
  • Try not to use mobile devices near as strong electromagnetic radiation may adversely affect the performance of the balance.
  • It should not be weighed, weighing in excess of five kilograms.

Choosing wall weights depends on the needs of the buyer. For someone is important appearance harmony with the interior, or the material from which they are made. Someone prefers to design functional characteristics. In any case, high-quality product will not only be a worthy ornament, but also an indispensable tool that helps in the kitchen.

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