Retractable outlet for the kitchen: built-in socket strips

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The modern kitchen is replete with a variety of appliances. For its comfortable use is necessary to acquire a sufficient number of outlets. At the stage of repair, many wonder how many of them should be in the kitchen? The answer is simple, sockets should be 20% more than appliances. This amount will ensure the smooth functioning of all the necessary equipment, and it does not have to pull the cord of the kettle to turn on the vacuum cleaner or a fan. Beyond the usual set of options on the wall, there are others, such as sliding sockets. These blocks allow comprise several appliances.

Pull-out unit can be placed in the table top, in a cupboard or cabinet. Wall cabinets are considered to be a more suitable place for such outlets. There they are reliably protected against moisture, dirt, dust and steam. In the retracted state of virtually invisible, the unit is located inside the housing. This option is a good alternative to a power strip that is almost impossible to hide. This is especially true in families where there are small children, for which the socket, located within reach, is very dangerous.


  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. mounting Features
  3. Criteria for selection and operation rules

Advantages and disadvantages

Retractable outlet in another called hidden or embedded. To push it out of the body of the cabinet or countertop, press the lever. Wires are also hidden in the furniture, which is an advantage, since these parts can hardly be called an aesthetically appealing. The advantages of such outlets are:

  • versatility and modern design;
  • vertical and horizontal arrangement;
  • the need for a minimum amount of space;
  • The range of available Waterproof, grounding, and other species;
  • suitable for installation in any surface like wood and artificial stone;
  • there are variants with additional pockets for phone, internet, cable TV, etc.

Among the shortcomings can be identified:

  • require specially allotted space in a cabinet or countertop;
  • not suitable for cabinets with drawers;
  • high price;
  • the possibility of deformation with time.
Horizontal extension socket

Built-in sockets are of two types: horizontal and vertical. The first considered to be more practical and reliable in operation. They are opened by pressing on the edge of the lid. Horizontal variants are more resistant to damage and will last longer. But they are difficult to connect angled plugs, just wire up. Vertical also moved out of cabinets or cabinet by pressing the button.

In order not to damage the product when unplugging best to stick to the very socket arm.

Tip! Retractable socket is usually reserved for small household appliances, which does not run continuously. It is a modern and more functional version of the extension. two or three of these blocks can be used for a spacious kitchen. Before the repair is better to decide on the location of furniture, appliances and outlets, including to perform a detailed drawing with dimensions.

mounting Features

Installation of sockets in the kitchen requires adherence to certain rules. Embedded appliances most suitable place of accommodation outlets are adjacent cabinets. The distance from the floor may be from about 30 to 600 mm. Moreover, they should be located within a radius of one meter to the necessary technology. Small appliances such as kettle, coffee maker, toaster, etc. The outlet must be in the apron area.

Extendable outlet

The installation of retractable socket as no big deal. Since the process is quite possible to cope on their own, if not ignore the instruction. First of all, it should be drilled in the tabletop circular opening of the desired diameter, which depends on the block size (vertical pattern). Next, you need to insert the block itself in the resulting hole and fasten the nut. Then, connect the outlet to the line wiring. If the wire is too long, it can be hidden in cabinets housing. Installation in wall cabinet is made in the same way, but from the bottom up. To install a horizontal model, should be cut in the countertop rectangular hole.

What you need to know about the connection:

  • All nests built-in power are connected in parallel. It is necessary to know when calculating the load capacity.
  • Worktop thickness should be from 25 to 52 mm.
  • It is best to connect the built-in socket for a separate power line.

Criteria for selection and operation rules

Despite the fact that the choice of outlet may seem fairly straightforward, there are also some difficulties may arise. It makes it easier to decide if you should take into account some tips.

  1. The stylish design of course important, but first of all you should check the product in the absence of any damage, including that of the body.
  2. For a large number of appliances required retractable socket with grounding.
  3. In kitchens humid be installed sockets, marked accordingly.
retractable sockets

Retractable socket is considered universal and suitable for countertops, as well as for hanging lockers.

When installing the same should follow some rules:

  • It is not necessary to install recessed socket in the washing area or plate. The housing stone block is protected against ingress of water, but in the extended state can be seriously affected by moisture. Stove also has a negative impact on the outlet of any type, so it is better to mount away.
  • Care should be taken Wiring block. It should not be exposed to high temperatures, clamped furniture or bend.
  • Devices that are used regularly, it is better to connect to the usual outlets. Also, do not operate the sliding outlet with a maximum load to avoid its overheating.
  • Vertical blocks better to stick with the hand is pulled out or turned on the fork.

Retractable sockets - a successful addition to the stationary version, as well as a good alternative to an extension cord. They are suitable for small household appliances, which does not require a constant connection. Appearance embedded blocks can not but rejoice stylish, modern design, and their installation is very simple, since it can handle even a novice.

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