Built in appliances for the kitchen: a set of household appliances and installation

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Transform the kitchen and make it unique, stylish and contemporary is not only well-chosen furniture and decoration materials, but also built-in appliances. Headsets and built-in household appliances looks harmoniously, it is comfortable and functional, also allows efficient use of the available space. Now the interior with integrated appliances are nothing new. Installation of cuisines available to almost everyone and are no longer a luxury, but rather - a necessity. Devices with embedded space makes ergonomic, space-saving and greatly facilitate the cleaning process.


  1. Pros built-in appliances
  2. Stylish design
  3. No seams, solid table top
  4. Possibility of separating the hob and oven
  5. Cons embedded devices
  6. Varieties of techniques with the possibility of embedding
  7. Hob and oven
  8. Fridge
  9. Dishwasher
  10. Washing machine
  11. extract
  12. Microwave
  13. Features of plugs and sockets for the built-in equipment
  14. How to choose a built-in kitchen appliances?

Pros built-in appliances

To choose the right model you need to analyze the ratings of household appliances manufacturers to study the responses carefully The clever design of kitchen units and the location of the equipment, because in the future, without major changes in the furniture, it can not be move. To be sure of the quality of household appliances is better to buy luxury items German, Italian and other European manufacturers.

Among the obvious advantages of the device with the ability to embed, some still prefer to buy Freestanding appliances manufactured in Europe, for example, German, because it is more familiar and has the opportunity to reshuffle, is connected to an ordinary wall socket, in addition to select it much easier, thanks to reviews and rated.

Stylish design

Due to its attractive design, built-in kitchen appliances transforms any interior, making it an elite, beautiful and relevant to modern fashion trends. But in choosing suitable models need to be very careful and take into account the quality and the highest ranked manufacturer.

Built-in kitchen appliances

Firstly, you should think carefully about the design of the kitchen units and facilities in general, establish the necessary sockets, and then select the equipment that will be harmonious complement of furniture. Secondly, it is important to decide on the necessary functions of household appliances, to analyze reviews and ratings of manufacturers. Third, the kitchen will look harmonious and attractive, if you purchase a set of household appliances at once, similar in style, shape and color.

If there is no confidence, the job of designing the interior, installation of furniture, household appliances and outlets are best left to a professional. Then you can not worry about the outside kitchen perfect form.

No seams, solid table top

Another undeniable advantage is the whole working surface. In the presence of embedded equipment there is no need to divide the table top, thus eliminating the gap between it and the devices. This not only adds to the workplace, but also much easier to clean, as it does not have to clean the joints and crevices of mud generated in the cooking process.

Built-in appliances

Possibility of separating the hob and oven

Unfortunately, freestanding cooker, thanks to its design, does not allow to divide the oven and hob. But it is the power of built-in appliances. For your own convenience, you can install the devices in different locations. Built-in ovens are often arranged in columns at eye level, so much easier and more convenient to use, no need to bend down to check the dish during cooking.

Cons embedded devices

  • Cost: compared to the detached devices, built-in appliances is much more expensive, especially if it belongs to the well-known manufacturers, it has high ratings and positive reviews.
  • The necessary links to furniture: built-in appliances only harmonious look, complete with kitchen set. So before you purchase equipment, you must carefully consider the design of furniture and choose the exact location of appliances arrangement. In addition, embedded devices require a different type of outlet.

Despite the cons, kitchen with integrated appliances looks particularly attractive, stylish, she convenient to use, because its equipment and the distribution of seats is thought out to the smallest details.

Built-in kitchen appliances

Varieties of techniques with the possibility of embedding

By the built-in kitchen appliances include:

  • ovens and cooktops;
  • fridge;
  • dishwasher and washing machine;
  • hood;
  • microwave etc..

By the standard set that is most commonly used in kitchens, include built oven, hob and microwave.

Some people prefer to use built-in refrigerator and dishwasherThat will not stand out from the general form of kitchen units as hidden behind facades. Kitchen, you can see more art can be supplemented and other appliances: coffee machines, fryers and other devices.

Hob and oven

With a wide range of models to choose for themselves the appropriate option oven and hob is not difficult. Manufacturers offer devices such as gas and electric with lots of handy features, stylish design of the original, with mechanical or touch controls.

Built-in panel and oven

In this case, built-in kitchen appliances can go as a set or separately, are different from each other. Judging by the reviews and ratings, in terms of price and appearance of the package is considered to be the best option.

Hob and oven as two separate elements are considered very convenient in terms of operation. Because they allow to experiment with the design of the space and place them the way you want. The oven may be in a column-oven at eye level above the washing machine or drawers. For the hob there is a place in any part of the table top or even in the center of the island, if you allow the dimensions of the room.

Built-in equipment itself is safe, it does not cause a fire, due to intelligent construction and design. Double, and in some models, and triple-glazed oven door protects against accidental burns or fire. Wall technology with thermal insulation is not allowed to warm surroundings. But, despite this, the installation of appliances must be carefully thought out and entrusted to experts.

Stylish design and user-friendly electronic control have electric hobs ceramic glass. They are easy to operation and maintenance, as well as safe. Depending on the size of the family is selected and the number of the burners on the stove.

Built-in hob


Appearance embeddable refrigerator does not play a big role, as its front part will be hidden behind furniture fronts. Much more important is to find a suitable internal filling. Since the built-in model is somewhat smaller in size than the detached, the good planning of interior space is particularly important.

When choosing a refrigerator, in particular, should take into account its functional features, the overall dimensions and the dimensions of the freezer. These parameters depend on the number of family members, as well as the eating habits of the hosts. The most popular are models with a freezer, two refrigeration compartments and a section supporting the zero temperature.


Installing in a kitchen dishwasher is optional, however, it is a very useful addition to the existing technology. If the family consists of less than four, then buy it is not necessary. But for the large family of the dishwasher can be a real salvation. Moreover, it not only saves time and energy, but also the water when it is necessary to wash every day a large number of dishes that can not be said about washing by hand.

Integrated dishwasher

Like any other equipment, dishwasher different useful features, size, design and value. Choose a suitable model, which will last a long time and will be really useful is not difficult, if pre-determine the functionality, examine reviews on producers and ensure that they are high-ranking.

Washing machine

If the bathroom does not have enough space to accommodate a washing machine, it is quite possible to install in the kitchen is inserted between the tables. On request, the front part of the equipment is visible or closed fronted kitchen units. Upper cover in washing machines usually removable, which allows them to fit under the sink easily.


One of the most important components of modern kitchen hood is. More familiar options - freely placed, but no exception and are built-in models. They fit harmoniously into the kitchen, as placed inside the cupboard.

Built-in hood is not only convenient to use, but also compact. Moreover, in the wardrobe, in which they are installed, it can be used for storage of various kitchen utensils and products.

Built-in hood

This type of device has a sliding panel, thereby increasing the volume of air to be filtered. Do not forget that ventilation should be the same size as the hob or more, otherwise the cleaning will not be as effective.


This kind of built-in appliances in the kitchen is especially convenient because it does not occupy space on the countertop, and hence does not steal precious centimeter of surface. Setting the microwave oven is usually assumed in cupboards and columns on an oven or separately from it, and if space permits necessary sockets are installed. Can be purchased complete with oven hob and oven. The interior will look harmonious if all the equipment is of the same design.

Features of plugs and sockets for the built-in equipment

If you compare a detached large household appliances and embedded, then the latter instead of the usual fork sockets are three wires of different colors. Wiring for built-in equipment is behind the kitchen cabinets and the appliances connected to it not by means of plugs and sockets, and thanks to the terminal blocks. It is necessary for products with high power. In addition, the pads will not heat up when operating machinery.

Socket for built-in equipment

Manufacturers of household appliances around the world have their own characteristics in the production of sockets and plugs. In European countries like Germany, as well as in Russia in recent years is common earthing-pin and two-pin plug. Italian, British and American plugs have three pins, but each has its own characteristics.

When choosing a technology is important to pay attention to the cable, it is best to purchase devices with familiar europlug that exactly fit into a standard wall outlet and will not cause problems during installation.

How to choose a built-in kitchen appliances?

To purchase and installation of household appliances was not too painful and difficult, it is necessary to define the basic criteria for its selection. Competent approach and familiarity with reviews and ratings significantly simplify the choice and will not be allowed to spend money wasted.

The first thing you need to determine for themselves the price limits in which to meet. Save on household appliances is not necessary, but too expensive to purchase elite equipment is not necessary, since it does not guarantee better results. you can select and buy the right set of equipment if desired.

Built-in appliances in the kitchen

Rating of the manufacturer is very important, as well as reviews of his product. So before you buy need not be lazy and see the information online on websites and forums.

Quality and safety of household appliances is very important, so make sure you have the certification for gas and electric appliances, as well as test their warranty period. If there are no special skills and experience, the installation technique best left to professionals, so it will be much more reliable and safer. Built-in appliances require pre-installed sockets, which are also best left to a professional to install.

Buying household appliances - it is always a time-consuming process, consuming not only time and effort, but also a significant part of the budget. Therefore it is necessary here to approach responsibly, to determine in advance the selection criteria. Built-in equipment must not only like the look, but also to be functional, practical and safe to use, in harmony with the kitchen furniture and interior design.

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