Built-in washing machine: as the set built-in machines?

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If you do not have enough space in the bathroom to set washing machineKitchen will come to the rescue. There it can be put on any available space, such as a wall or next to a table, or embed in your headset. Integrated Home Appliances recently enjoyed increasing popularity, despite the relatively high cost. And it is no coincidence: Hidden from view, it does not violate the harmony, not distracting from the overall style, not to mention the fact, which saves a lot of space. If the oven and the hob still need to choose the design, the Dishwasher, Built-in washing machine and even a refrigerator in a particular installation will be completely hidden in the closet, so that a stranger did not immediately determine where it is located.


  1. Built-in washing machine: Pros and Cons
  2. Is it possible to build a free-standing machine?
  3. How to choose an embedded washing machine?
  4. dimensions
  5. Loading
  6. Washing class, power and spin
  7. Additional functions
  8. Installing the Washing Machine

Built-in washing machine: Pros and Cons

Plus a built-washing machine:

  • It saves space in the bathroom;
  • You can set the unit to the heavy load;
  • easily connected to conduits and sewers, the hoses are hidden at the back of the headset is not visible from the front side.

Cons built models:

  • high price - they are more expensive than their freestanding counterparts by 2-3 times;
  • inconvenience disassembly for repair;
  • the kitchen can appear unpleasant smells from the laundry when storing it in the washing machine;
  • a small selection compared to freestanding models;
  • if stored detergents for the washing machine next to the product, you can get poisoned.

However, it is possible to fight effectively enough with the last two outs. Powders, air conditioners and other household chemicals stored in the bathroom to the kitchen and bring just before washing. And the dirty laundry, in order to avoid unpleasant odor packaged in a plastic bag, tie tightly and then clean the drum.

Installed in a cabinet washing machine

Is it possible to build a free-standing machine?

Since the embedded washing machine is quite expensive, the buyers are often the question arises: "Is it possible to build a conventional automatic car?" It is possible, with several ways:

  1. Install compact machine in one of the empty cabinet. Compact models below and have their counterparts in both height and depth, so that any problems with the placement does not arise. The only thing worth considering that these units are quite light, so they will vibrate strongly during the spin cycle.
  2. Hide under the table top an ordinary machine, after removing it from the cover. Perhaps it is the easiest and most convenient way to build a conventional model. It should only take into account that the cover can not be removed at all models. Without removable cover can be found machines brands Samsung, Hotpoint-Ariston, for example, Samsung WF600B0BCWQ entire series Aqualtis.
  3. Freestanding dishwasher can be built completely, that is set deep into the closet, and separate front door set. And you can leave the front panel open. In the first case, the technique will be a suite with a single entity, in the second - the car will make it easier to lay and remove clothes (do not have to first open the door, then the door, then all close in reverse order).
  4. Make a set of customized non-standard sizes immediately below the existing equipment. Thus it is possible to build even vertical patterns.

How to choose an embedded washing machine?

Before you choose an embedded washing machine, you must pay attention to its size, washing classes, spin and power and additional features available.


In the case of built-in equipment dimensions are critical. Always bought a washing machine built, and only then arrange for her place. Dimensions for installation are listed in the instructions, you can not rely on size, written in the reviews on the websites or, worse, on the price list, as they are usually rounded. Thus 57.4 cm can become 57, but in practice it appears that these would be the machine 4mm wider opening.

Among the built-in models are no bottlenecks, and this is understandable. Standard depth headset - 60 cm, respectively, to maximize the use of space Built-in washing machine should fill it almost completely (only need to leave room for hoses). Therefore such models depth ranges from 53 to 60 cm.

The principle of maximum filling of space and guided the design of the height and width of the built-in washing machines. Therefore, their height ranges from 82 to 84 cm (standard headset in height are 85 cm), and width - from 58 to 60 cm.

Driving with the dimensions for the installation of the washing machine in the closet


Loading in the case of built-in units rarely affects the choice of the model, as opposed to a stand-alone technology. The thing is that the built-in washing machines is quite roomy, they contain from 5 to 8 kg of dry clothes, which may well satisfy most consumers.

Washing class, power and spin

There are no special nuances not - the higher the grade, the more economical will work embedded washing machine, the better it will be washed and spun. But it can be expensive. At this point in the class of washing all commercially available models belong to the class A, and one can easily find models with Spin Class A and Class A +++ energy.

Additional functions

The more, the better. Embedded washing machines usually are multifunctional, so the pre-wash, quick wash, delayed start is in all models. We should pay attention to protect against leaks. The fact that a stand-alone technology breakthrough hose or a hole in the tank is much easier to detect. Built-in washing machine hidden in headsets, water may accumulate underneath it outside visibility and learn about the leak can be only a few days, when the bottom will come with neighbors claims.

Installing the Washing Machine

Set the washing machine can be embedded in several stages. Firstly, it is necessary to connect to the water supply, sewerage and electricity, and secondly, in a cabinet. Connecting the internal models begins with the removal of the transit bolts and setting plugs. Then, the machine must be leveled on a level by tightening the legs with a wrench. The next stage - to connect to the water supply.

Kitchen with integrated washing machine

Embedded washing machines connect only to the cold water. The inlet hose should be at an angle to the horizontal plane, it is impossible to lower perpendicular. The angle should not exceed 35 degrees when the water intake point is located on the left of the washing machine (as viewed from the rear) and 45 degrees when it will be right.

you can not lengthen the inlet hose, if not enough of the standard 1.5 meter, which is included, will have to buy a new, longer.

Water connection:

  • set the crimp sleeve (on a metal pipe) or crashed tee-fitting (on metal and plastic);
  • a threaded joint or branch fitting is connected to the ball valve faucet;
  • fastens a flexible inlet hose ¾ inch, bundled with the machine.

By sewage recessed washing machines can be connected in three ways:

  1. Install a siphon with a special challenge, connect to the withdrawal of the spout and attach the clamp.
  2. Install the tee into the sewer pipe. The hose lead into branch through the seal in such a way that its end does not touch the drain water.
  3. Secure the spout in an arcuate plastic guide and throw it across the edge of the sink.
Connection of the washing machine

This is the easiest, but not the best option. It does not securely fasten, in operation it can be broken, and refill all around (and sometimes goes and wash at 90 degrees). In addition to the kitchen sink to clean dishes, cutlery, clean vegetables and fruit and pour it into the water after washing dirty socks is not very hygienic.

Installation discharge point should be at least 60 cm and not more than 90 cm from the floor. The last stage of connection - incorporation into a grounded outlet.

Next, you need to install curtain walls in the at the level of instruction loops and mate magnet and set the car on the place allotted to her, trying to keep the hoses were not overwound. When installed in the headsets as necessary to provide free access to the filter, which is located in the lower portion of the front panel.

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