Induction furnace and oven for the kitchen

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Induction furnaces, especially with an oven - it is not too common phenomenon in our kitchens, but gradually these models win back his place. They are stylish, efficient, and most importantly, the safest, since warm only the metal base of the pan. If you decide to buy such equipment for your kitchen, you need to at least get to know her in absentia to not make a mistake in choosing.


  1. induction problems - real and contrived
  2. Selection oven with an oven
  3. Installation of induction cookers

induction problems - real and contrived

All that seems unusual, causes mistrust, and the appearance of each gadget is often accompanied by myths and horror stories. In the case of induction cooking surfaces and ovens it has not acquired much scope as the principle of their work, in general, we all learned at school in physics classes.

The operating principle of induction cooker

Here, the heating element does not raise its own temperature, and affects only the dishes, if enough iron content in it. All other items can be safely left to the induction plate - nothing will happen. This is a concern for the hosts, who think that now it is necessary to change all the pots, pans and buy a new set. In fact, the majority of utensils made of stainless steel and enamel continues to perform well under the influence of induction.

To determine if your favorite pan to a new plate, just hold the magnet to its bottom. If he is attracted, then the coil burners on him, too, will work.

However, the induction furnace is indeed very selective in terms of dishes. All models have limitations in diameter mounted on a pan or a skillet them - if the bottom is less than 12 cm (rarely to 8 cm), the coil will not turn on. On the one hand it ensures you that accidentally left on the stove spoon not provoke triggering of the induction hotplate. On the other - your favorite Turk and small casserole still have to send to the rest.

Induction furnace with utensils

Do not scratch, and there was an opinion that under the induction hob can not be installed other appliances, since electromagnetic field coils will affect its work. This is partly true, but modern manufacturers offer small kitchen out of this situation - purchase model, where the magnetic effect on the surrounding metal objects neutralizes special heat.

The rest of the kitchen induction cooker - a great example of easy-to-use and effective technique. This is not a myth but a fact. Although its power is not lower than that of other electric stoves, about 90% is spent on just cooking. At the same time a conventional oven spend a fair amount of energy to heat food. Savings achieved through several technical solutions:

  • Automatic disconnection of induction hobs, as would be the bottom of the pot inches from the cooking surface.
  • Independent choice of sufficient capacity plate depending on the size of the pan.
  • Available programs for cooking without the expenditure of energy - this oven will not be in vain simmer soup, if it is already cooked.
  • Rapid heating and cooking a higher speed (about 1.5 times as compared with the gas burner), although it is, of course, still be used.
Display of the residual induction heating cookers

When using induction cookers do not forget that the glass-ceramic on the surface is not heated by the coils, but in contact with the hot utensils it simply can not remain cold. Be careful near the stove and not touch the burners, where the food is freshly prepared. To prevent accidental burns, many manufacturers equip their models display the so-called residual heat.

Selection oven with an oven

Freestanding induction furnace, where there is a hob and oven, on our market is still quite rare. And if the range of embedded boards simply breathtaking in its diversity, purchase multi-functional equipment that will meet all the requirements of the owners, is more complicated. Nevertheless, the options are, and then you need to navigate the features provided by stoves with ovens.

In the store, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • dimensions

If you cook your own hands often and much, you need a roomy induction surface and surround the oven. Such requirements are met standard oven 60 cm wide and large 90-centimeter model. For a small kitchen installing a separate plate is undesirable and it is better to turn to built-in appliances. But as a compromise, it is quite suitable narrow oven 45 cm wide.

Induction AEG oven with oven
  • Functionality

Electric cookers generally pleased with the number of modes and options, but there is no possibility of induction models of their smooth adjustment. Therefore, the more different programs on your oven, the delicious and varied will be a table covered with his hands. In the oven necessary to have browning functions, it is highly desirable fast cooking and defrosting (aka drying), microwave and grill modes - at the request of the hostess.

  • Internals oven

On this depends the convenience of using an induction furnace. For example, retractable telescopic rails or shelves, leaving when the door is opened, simplify control dishes in the oven. Welcomed the presence of convection for quicker cooking, especially if you use multiple levels. Embedded models is mandatory tangential fan - it will save the kitchen furniture from overheating during operation of the oven.

Installation of induction cookers

Installation and connection of furnaces with electromagnetic coils with their own hands is not too different from working with a similar kitchen appliances. Due to the high power, as always, will need to spend an additional line on the panel and install separate RCD. But if you are new electrical wiring, it is better to leave this part of the work to professionals.

Induction cookers

It is also necessary to carefully examine the complete set of induction cooker. If there is provided a cord with plug, stretched cord connected to a grounded outlet, the presence of terminal box says that the connection would have to be done directly and, most likely, to a three-phase network. Their own hands to do it is not difficult, if you carefully examine the scheme in the instructions and correctly identify the phasing and the terminal strip, and three-wire cable:

  • The phases on the box denoted by the letters A, L (1 and 2), a return is carried out in brown and black braided.
  • Zero marked the letters B or N, and it throws up living in a blue shell.
  • PE and yellow (or any other color) is performed - it is ground.

When connecting an induction stove with his hands to the network 220 is necessary to use an additional jumper that put between the two phases.

Returning to the embodiment of a plug, we should also pay attention to the characteristics of the socket. It must withstand the power that uses an induction cooker and a current strength of at least 25 A. Prerequisite is the complete agreement between the wall outlet and plug connectors, as the use of adapters is not allowed.

Freestanding oven does not require any complicated installation, but their connection to the mains. But the built-in two-module system will make you a little more to work with his hands to take a comfortable place in the case of kitchen cabinets. The order of installation is as follows:

  1. Mark the countertop for installation of the cooking surface and to saw jigsaw aperture size.
  2. If this laminated chipboard, the edges must be treated with silicone sealant and put on him a tape gasket to a plate no water or debris.
  3. Set in a mounting enclosure for induction furnace (are included) and fix them electric.
  4. When installing an induction plate with his hands, be sure to check the fasteners produced short carpenter level to ensure that they are horizontal.
  5. Print the cord or the power cord out and connect to the network.

That's the whole assembly of the hands, it remains only to check how an induction furnace will show itself in the work. Place dishes on the burner suitable steel with thick bottom, filled with water and turn on heating.

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