Choosing a steamer for home: how does it differ from Multivarki?

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Human desire to receive adequate nutrition is associated with taking care of their own health, longevity and prosperity. Therefore, most of the people are opting for steamers, as an object, which allows food to cook the most gentle way. The dishes treated in this manner, no carcinogens, vitamins are retained and useful components. Many consumers in the agonizing search for suitable models gather information about the differences between the steamer from Multivarki and seek the best option. So choose!


  1. Mechanism of action of a double boiler
  2. Multivarka and the appliance: the difference in the details
  3. Preferred buying options
  4. Why is it helpful to buy a steamer:
  5. Modifications
  6. Important characteristics Multivarki:
  7. Modifications

Mechanism of action of a double boiler

Household appliance value, steamer, allowing you to prepare meals due to the evaporation of boiling water. The electrical models of a special container is filled with liquid up to the indicated values ​​and is connected to the network. The heating device creates a vapor cloud, gradually penetrating into the bowl set at the bottom. Enveloping warmth of the product from all sides it provides a gradual warming.

Attention! This cooking method does not involve the use of fat and oil, it is important for people on a diet. Steam the food is considered to be the most gentle and healthy.

The bulk of the steamers of the last generation have a set number of tanks unequal capacity that allows you to cook at the same time, several types of dishes.

What functions are performed by steamer?

  • heating and defrosting;
  • All cooking, including a complex dinner;
  • sterilization of bottles;
  • heating baby food.
Steamer in the kitchen

Multivarka and the appliance: the difference in the details

Device for steam treatment products allows to realize a main function. Therefore, speaking about the differences Multivarki by steamers, is to provide versatility of the first household appliance. It replaces more than one kind of kitchen appliances, however, different dishes can be prepared in both devices. The presence of various functions Multivarki will present a variety of flavors, although some models do not have certain features, for example, they can not cook rice and cereals.

Steam treatment products is permitted in both cases. However, the device steamers convenient in that it allows the food to cook the most careful manner, and it is particularly valuable for people on a diet. Such dishes are recommended for young children, people with stomach and intestinal diseases. If multivarka can immediately bring to readiness only one dish, the steamer such possibilities expands. The presence of containers of different sizes allows you to handle multiple products simultaneously.

Multivarki mode of operation, in contrast to the steamers, involves the use of a significant number of functions: cooking, baking, boiling, frying. There is a significant difference in the speed of cooking: multifunction modern device is slower steamer is compact and easy to maintain, the food does not stick to it.

In both types of household appliances set the timer, which eliminates the need to constantly monitor the cooking process. The cost of steamers are much lower, although Multivarki with a small set of features may have a budget price.


Preferred buying options

Speaking about the differences between the steamer and Multivarki, it is worth noting their positive properties. Regardless of the types of appliances, each of which requires the use of soft water, eliminates limescale.

Why is it helpful to buy a steamer:

  • absolute benefit cooked foods;
  • diet food;
  • saving time and money.


Important characteristics Multivarki:

  • ease of use, high comfort;
  • variety of dishes.


Almost all varieties of the species of household appliances can be integrated or stand alone. the first model type are compact and are relatively expensive. Desktop versions of a volume, the price is much lower. Therefore, if the kitchen is enough space to install them, you can purchase appropriate samples.

When choosing between the two options of home appliances, it is important to weigh your material possibilities, determine the need for a given volume functions, appreciate the convenience of the model and make the appropriate findings.

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