Washing machine in the kitchen: a kitchen with built-in washing machine

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Most often, washing machines installed in the bathroom. However, if it is not large in size and favorite model there is simply no place to place, rescue kitchen. In fact, it can easily make a box on the cold water from the pipe, suitable to the sink and set the sink drain. In the room to do eyeliner is much more difficult - have to pull the hoses for many meters, and here, as in the bathroom, everything is at your fingertips. In addition, when properly installed a washing machine in the kitchen may well play a role more countertop.

Set the machine can be different: some just put it on the space, others are trying to place between the cabinets, and others - hide under the table top, the fourth - to build in headsets. The installation method depends on what - built-in or freestanding model will become the owner. This topic will be the focus of this publication.


  1. Built-in washing machines
  2. Freestanding washing machines
  3. installation options

Built-in washing machines

These include models that can be completely hidden in the set and close the hinged panels. kitchen with

built-in washing machine looks nice and modern, no extra parts, buttons and levers do not disturb the harmony. Such models can be found in the store at a glance: as a rule they have no top and side decorative panel and the front has a loop, which is attached to the cabinet door.

Advantages of this technique is that it can be harmoniously fit into the interior, disadvantages - high cost of washing machines and a limited selection.

Built-in washing machine

Freestanding washing machines

Embed possible not only designed specifically for this model, but also ordinary detached. The main thing - to determine the dimensions that the unit came under the tabletop. Place the machine in two ways: either its front part is fully visible or hidden door. In the first case, the main thing - to adjust the model height, in the second - and height, and depth.

Headset standard height of 85 cm, width - 60 cm. The thickness of the countertop -16 mm, in some cases can be up to 20 mm. Therefore, the washing machine in the kitchen at the height set should not exceed 83 cm. Most manufacturers have provided the ability to install their own models under the tabletop. To do this, simply unscrew the two rear screws and remove the top cover, which they were fixed. The thickness of the cover - 20-30 mm. After its removal machine height is reduced to the necessary for embedding centimeters.

If the owner is planning to cover the washing machine door, it is necessary that the selected models include depth. Some manufacturers make the front panel of the convex, so depth must be measured not on the cover, and in the most extreme points. You also need to leave room for the hoses. Set too narrow a model not make much sense - it will not enter into a lot of clothes, besides it will vibrate strongly during the spin cycle. The optimal size - 45-50 cm.

To prevent leaks or debris gets inside the machine should pave the top surface of a thin sheet or film of insulating material.

Washing machine in the kitchen, standing between the cabinets

Kitchen with built-in washing machine, disguised door, indistinguishable from the kitchen with the usual internals. It should be clarified that not every model it is possible to remove the cover. A striking example - Aqualtis series from Hotpoint-Ariston. If you look closely to the washing machines of this series, you can see that hatch from them comes up to the top of the front wall and ends at the level of the horizontal plane. Accordingly, even if it will be possible to remove the cover, the hatch will prevent build this model under the tabletop. Also a model without a removable cover, there are other manufacturers.

installation options

If the owners are not in principle, to the kitchen with washing machine looked like a unit, you can opt for the standard models with front-loading. Plus their evident - a variety of sizes and price range allow to pick up the technique to your liking. Freestanding model is not necessarily embedded in the headset, you can put it on the wall space. If the space in the kitchen enough, is worth looking into Full version, if not - take a narrow car, which does not interfere with the movement.

The technique is not always specifically inserted into the set, very often the owners just put the appliances next to each other, alternating them with wardrobes. In the same row, for example, can be a refrigerator, cabinet, stove, another wardrobe, washing machine and sink.

The main thing in this case - do not install the washing machine next to the stove, or plastic edging on the top panel to melt.

Installation choices for the washing machine in the kitchen

Lineup of modern washing machines is not limited to white models. To better equipment looked in the kitchen, you can opt for the color version. On sale there are not only the silver, black and gray model, but beige, blue and even pink. Choose the option it is possible for anyone, even the most unusual kitchen interior. Washing machines such original colors can be found among the equipment issued by the Italian company Smeg. However, there are more low cost options, such as red and black models of the brand Gorenje or silver on the eyelid.

Customer reviews indicate that the built-in washing machines due to the high weight stability than detached. Some craftsmen manage to be installed in kitchens washing machines with top loading. Since these models have to tilt the cover up, serve as table tops, they can not. The standard set them too is not built, the only way to make furniture to order.

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