Installation and connection of the oven with his own hands

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Installing the oven - is not such a complicated operation as it seems. In most cases, it is possible to perform and with their own hands, without resorting to the help of experts. Here, only the need to act on the instructions and follow safety rules at all stages of work.


  1. Connecting gas oven
  2. Included in the overall system
  3. We connect the oven
  4. leak check
  5. Features installation of the electric oven
  6. Safety regulations
  7. erection work
  8. inspection

Connecting gas oven

Included in the overall system

Where on a branch of the pipeline is shut-off valve, it is necessary to install a special tee. Thus under good thread enclose layer tape or tow winding, covering it with a paint or a graphite lubricant. To both holes tee bolted metal bellows hoses. In each such "sleeve" is set one more tap (traditionally a yellow handles).

We connect the oven

Oven itself connected to one of the hose through the union nut with a rubber gasket - it will need to pre-coat with thick grease. Second Liner is designed for the installation of the hob.

leak check

As soon as the connection of the oven to the gas pipeline is completed, check for loose connections to prevent leakage through leakages. Verification is carried old-fashioned way - with a soap solution. These are coated all the joints, and then opened the gas taps.

If the hoses will "blow bubbles", it means that in these places the thread fits loosely. Knotty problem you need to understand, and then repeat the installation, trying this time to make things right.

When all the connections are intact, the oven is installed in the niche assigned to it and is fixed with screws.

Gas oven

Modern technology often has additional functions using AC power. In this case, the body normal electric cord must be removed from the plug. Accordingly, it will need to plug it in to make it work. Work will be faster and will not cause too much difficulty if all the dimensions in the manufacture of furniture to built-in appliances We were exactly fulfilled.

Features installation of the electric oven

Electrical equipment is much simpler, and therefore preferable to install their own hands. However, here it is important to make installation as a short circuit may be as fatal as the gas leak.

We can not allow overheating and technology in the process. For this oven setting rules prescribe leaving air gaps between the walls and cabinet furniture hardware:

  • 50 mm on each side;
  • not less than 40 mm to the rear wall;
  • 50-90 mm from the bottom shelf cabinets.

As a rule, manufacturers of kitchen furniture and built-in appliances adhere to uniform standards, so that should be no problem. But check out the size of a tape line before connecting the oven, would be superfluous.

Oven, built-in headset

Safety regulations

Caution should be exercised during the preparation of wiring, and when performed properly, or conventional connection Embedded oven. In particular this applies to personal safety.

Since the electric oven has a high-power, it would be required under it additional branch using undamaged wire with a cross section conductors about 2.5 or 4 sq. mm, if you got an oven capacity of more than 3.5 kW.

A conductor is connected via a separate machine, which can throw and electrical hob. Details of the automatic protection, selected depending on the entire load supplied to it with a 10% margin.

And to the further operation of the electric oven was safe, you will need to mount the ground correctly. In my house it's no problem. But in the apartment buildings of the old buildings, a separate conductor will need to ground yourself on the total of the electrical bus.

Grounding in the kitchen

If we are talking about the technique of relatively small power up to 3 kW, and the wiring in the house, and reliable designed for modern load allowed in the standard for the installation of ovens evrorozetok.

erection work

If the device did not have a factory wire plug, it can be put to. Euro required sample plug with a grounding plate - it will connect the corresponding conductor cable (usually it has a green or yellow braid). The remaining two wires are tightly pressed against the terminals to the brass contacts. By summing up the power cable from the junction box in the same way you connect sockets under the oven.

Some do not even have an oven wire to supply power. In this case, it will need to purchase and perform a mount to the appropriate terminals.

For work required VVG wire (if he lived in section 2.4 sq. mm is enough) or PVA - such a length that it can extend from the oven to the nearest junction box.

wire VVG

Driving matching the color-coded wires and terminal block is shown in the table.

Type of Color braid conductor marking of terminals
Phase Brown L
Zero Blue N
Earth Green yellow PE

In accordance with the table the other end is fixed to the terminals of the oven.


When all work on the installation of ovens are made, it is recommended to test their work in "idle" mode. To do this, turn on the oven to the network and to perform checks in the following order:

  1. Including cabinet, as specified in the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Check the operation of the LEDs.
  3. Make sure that all the heating elements began to heat up evenly.
  4. Install heating at full capacity.
  5. Oven calcined at a temperature of +150 to +250 ° C with open windows or incorporated drawn to completely burnt grease factory.

Everything is fine? Then we send the equipment in the niche left for her expose on the level and fasten the bracket.

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