Ice and water in the fridge: causes and remedies

Breakdown of household appliances always unexpected and annoying, especially if they happen to everyday use objects. With periodic frequency is out of order both expensive and cheap devices. Thus, the appearance of water in the refrigerator, filled to overflowing products always causes confusion and perplexity. As in that case, and it is possible to manage without the help of a specialist?


  1. Examination of the problem area
  2. Causes of leaks in the refrigerator
  3. Clogged drain? Not a problem!

Examination of the problem area

The first step is determining the magnitude of the problem. normal refrigerator work It said that failure is not very serious. Next, seek out the place leaks.

The reasons that appear raw areas:

  • Fluid can escape overflow special container.
  • The appearance of cracks due to mechanical displacement of the refrigerator. Rate position can, pushing it away from the wall and defining a condition of the tube for removing fluid and the reservoir water. Breakage of such a plan requires the intervention of a specialist.

Accumulation of water in the freezer with an established system know-frost indicates damage of the heater of the evaporator: in the cooling compartment appears ice, and in large quantities. Replacing a broken part in this case is obligatory.

Accretion of ice in the refrigerator

Causes of leaks in the refrigerator

Accumulation of water in the refrigerator occurs for various reasons:

  • Wear sealing gum. The door in this case is closed tightly enough, and warm air penetrates inside, leading to an increase in the load on the machine. As a result of its wall covered with icing, which melts at higher temperatures in the compartment. Surplus water moving to the drain, and the part is in the refrigerator. Fix this problem can only be replacing gum.
  • Improper installation of the unit. In this case, the door is weakly closed, and the warm air flow inside the cooling device causes the appearance of puddles. The problem will be resolved quickly, if you set the refrigerator accurately the level and eliminate the distortions.
  • Breakage of the thermostat stops the operation of the compressor, the water is flowing, filling the refrigerator. To begin his body free from the product, wipe the inner tank and invite specialist.

Clogged drain? Not a problem!

Sometimes there are situations in which the appearance of moisture in the refrigerator indicates contamination of the drainage system. This happens when the dirt, mold, foreign objects accumulate in the tube. Eliminate the problem can usually be medical pear.

medical pear

The procedure for the purification of the drainage holes:

  1. Block access to electricity.
  2. Fill pear hot water.
  3. Put sharp part of the instrument into the drain hole is strongly pressed to its pressure jet cleared the problem area. If the drainage tube still have pieces of food, the operation is repeated.

Attention! During the cleaning process must not be allowed to overflow the tray motor-compressor, and the elimination of excess water can be carried out the same rubber bulb.

Avoid such problems in the future will help to preventive measures - disinfection 1 times per quarter.

Despite the insignificance of the damage to the cooling of the household appliance, let the situation out of control is not necessary. First discovered raw areas in the refrigerator, you need to defrost it, wash and possibly independently determine the cause of leaks. If you cope on their own does not work, it is recommended to call a specialist.

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