We make the insulation of the walls of the panel house outside and inside

We make the insulation of the walls of the panel house outside and inside

If you are tortured by the cold, then we suggest that you, together with us, deal with the issue of how the walls of a panel house are made.

Such houses were built in the Soviet times, when very little was thought about the insulation.

As a result, in winter in such apartments the temperature often falls to a mark of 12 degrees, and in fact there are also drafts!

Immediately it is worth noting that in such residential buildings, insulation can be made in two ways - inside and out.

More effective is the second option - outside.

Thermal insulation is produced with foam or mineral wool, which are airtight materials.

If you insulate from the inside - the wall will still freeze. That is, from the cold your house will be delimited only by a heat-insulating stove.

If you make the insulation from the outside, it turns out that the wall will also be protected from freezing.

So your house will be protected from the cold and heat insulating stove, and the wall itself!

Insulate walls from outside

External insulation of the walls of the panel house is carried out by two methods - the method of fixing the thermal insulation on the wall with a thin layer of plaster, or by the method of a hinged facade.

For single variants, the first one will be simpler and cheaper.

The most important thing is to first analyze the wall for possible detachment of the plaster layer. If you can withstand, then you can start working!

The insulation of the panel walls from the outside begins with the fixing of the waterproofing material.

It is desirable that this is a reinforcing layer, that is, which does not allow moisture to penetrate inside, but at the same time flows outward.

Mineral wool mesh is a good option. It can be attached with a construction stapler.


Further, the insulation of the walls outside the panel house is continued by fixing the foam or mineral wool plate( which is also called glass wool).

It is possible to fasten two variants - dowels, or for polyurethane glue.

You can combine these methods. This will be important if the density of the foam is very high( using a facade foam).

Thermal insulation of the outer wall of the panel house ends with the application of a decorative layer. And this can be - decorative plaster, decorative foam( with decorative carvings), siding.

The latter option is the most relevant, but high-quality and reliable siding will not cost you too much.

The most important thing is when the panel walls are insulated - this is to try to ensure the ventilation of the thermal insulation layer.

Therefore, between the waterproofing layer, as well as thermal insulation, creates an air space of a width of 3-5 centimeters. No more, and no less.

Due to the draft arising inside, the excess moisture will be output from there.

Please note that after warming it is desirable to equip a ventilation system in the house. Why?

Because the walls will lose their vapor permeability, so the humidity inside the house will be increased. And the mounted ventilation will equalize it to the required level.

And most recently - use a closed type of dowels to prevent moisture from penetrating inside the insulation.

If you use open dowels, it will necessarily penetrate through the cracks.

Insulated inside

The insulation of the walls of the panel house from the inside is carried out in cases where this work can not be performed from the outside.

This situation will certainly arise when the housing office does not give permission to work, or simply you will not have the opportunity to hire industrial climbers - their services are still not cheap.

Insulation from the inside is less effective than external, but still quite effective.


Begin the warming of the walls of the panel house from the inside with the removal of all possible slots. And they, as a rule, arise in the area of ​​the entrance door, windows.

Walk through these places with a lighted match. If the light begins to fluctuate, then there is a draft.

For insulation of the front door use a double-sided adhesive foam. For windows - just glue the gap. If possible, install modern plastic windows.

Then you can proceed to fixing the heat-insulating plate. It is attached to the walls with glue.

First, the waterproofing( mineral wool board or polyethylene film) is laid, after which the same foam is fixed with glue.

A insulation of the end walls of panel houses can be done in a similar way, but it is recommended to attach the finished hinged facade after all.

Do not forget that the balcony and windows will require the installation of fireproof slopes from the mineral wool plate.

If you live on the ground floor, then you can still try to conduct a warming under the basement. To do this, you need permission from the housing office, but they do not always give it out.

But if you carry out the insulation of the basement ceiling, the floor in your apartment will become noticeably warmer!

After insulation from the inside, ventilation is mandatory. Otherwise - the walls will soon be covered with a layer of fungus, mold.

And yet the external insulation of the walls of the panel house differs from the internal one in that it is necessary to insulate considerably smaller areas.


From the inside - it should be insulated from the balcony, along with the slopes. If you insulate from the outside - this is not required.

If you do all of the above work, then even in the cold panel house you will not be disturbed anymore.

The temperature in the room will not drop below acceptable and the drafts will disappear, which will undoubtedly benefit your health and your loved ones!

And the last question: where to mount the outlet for ventilation? In the most "wet" rooms, which include the bathroom, as well as the kitchen!

In the event that you have a two-storey apartment, it will be required on each floor to have at least one exit, and better - a few.

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