Green refrigerator Atlanta, and other models of color

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No modern kitchen is complete without a refrigerator. This appliance not only preserves food, but also contributes to the decoration of the premises. Especially popular in recent years, color models give the kitchen brightness, newness, freshness, originality and a special aesthetics. Green refrigerators are an excellent choice hostess, giving a good mood, good appetite and easy digestion.


  1. In step with the times
  2. How to combine colors in the kitchen?
  3. shades of layout rules
  4. Popular brands of green refrigerators

In step with the times

In recent years, green has strengthened its position, penetrating into the interior of the kitchen in unexpected shades and bright colors. Symbolizing youth, freshness and newness, it gives comfort, causes positive emotions, relaxes and soothes. Color juicy leaves, renewing and transforming the interior - an ideal base for kitchen design.

The bulk of the manufacturers produce refrigerators bright and pastel colors. Individual brands deliberately give oven, dishwasher, microwave ovens similar hue. Although pick a full set is not necessarily colored refrigerator is good in itself. Adding cooling equipment with bright accents of other items, it will fade once the general background, especially if these items are quite large. Filling the interior vases, plates, napkins will give the room a fresh wave.

Mint, turquoise-colored refrigerators facilitate and mitigate the situation. Dark greens are good for filling energetic, a bit rude interiors. This technique will delight the eye every day, and to give courage. Green refrigerators produces a limited number of manufacturers: Gorenje, Ardo, Atlant and Smeg. Their characteristics are similar to the properties of modern freezers.

Green refrigerators Atlant

How to combine colors in the kitchen?

Perfect option refrigerator installation in the kitchen - its incorporation. Thus, it will become part of the interior, but it does not mean that it should be completely hidden. Isolated standing refrigerator will make notes of spice to the monotonous series of kitchen cabinets and transform its brightness rest of appliances, furniture, facing materials.

shades of layout rules

  1. Black and white composition - the main kitchen. Such colors are perfectly combined with any other shades, and their use in the interior of a single inappropriate.
  2. Using color in the kitchen, it is important to comply with the measure. So, more than five shades (curtains, material for the floor, walls) are not recommended to take, it is desirable to make out the facades of the headset in the two-color palette. Avoid unnecessary medley tasteless and allow the successful combination of colors.
  3. The dominant color is selected as the only one, while others are auxiliary.
  4. Harmony in the design of the ceiling, walls and floors is determined by a variety of carefully arranged each other and match the color of the materials. Initially chosen for the decoration of good tone to complement all sorts of shades. Well, if the lining of furniture acquires a deeper color than the floor surface.
  5. Overly flashy shade of the walls is better to combine with inconspicuous furniture. On the contrary, pale wallpaper perfectly combined with a rich coloring cabinets.
  6. The unique brightness and vividness interior give slight breeze as household towels, tablecloths, tacks, napkins. It is important to observe the rule of the unity of color, creating a harmony of a single space.

When making food so it is important to choose colors that were as arranged, this also applies to household equipment. Necessary that all devices have the same coloring. Originally looks combination of green freezer and microwave silver.

Green refrigerator interior

A refrigerator, a color that contrasts against the background of other household appliances, stands out from the crowd and be a successful combination with any piece of furniture. For example, equipment bright green shade on light kitchen acts alone or in close community with other household items.

Better when the refrigerator It has a completely different color, independent of the technology being in the room. Exceptions are devices metallic shades, requiring parts in the same performance. In this case, the refrigerator will no longer perform the function of a bright spot.

Popular brands of green refrigerators

Most of the property owners, accustomed to the existence of familiar things in your house, trying to add to its atmosphere of freshness and brightness. Achieve such goals may be different: to buy furniture, make repairs, add new accessories. Buying green refrigerator will change the usual notion of a standard kitchen interior, will flavor and a special glamor. Modern manufacturers have estimated such an aspiration and started producing the models of non-standard colors in cream, steel, black variations. Green refrigerators were no exception.

Known company Ardo produces color in a single-chamber models usual size and standard volume of 270 liters. The electronic control system helps to set the desired parameters for the job. Production of these models is absolutely safe for the environment and all users. The equipment operates in economy mode.

Green Refrigerator Ardo

Brand Gorenje is known for its retro models with unique design and functionality. Steel housing, convenient shelves for food storage bottles. Smeg Atlanta and produces a wide variety of dual-chamber models with a wide variety of technical features and sizes.

Refrigerator Rosenlew RT 291 Emerald Green with two chambers, top placing the freezer has an electronic control system, allowing yourself to set the desired operating parameters.

Roomy volume of the refrigerator 296 l which can accommodate a large number of products here. Four glass shelves, and the vegetable compartment container for eggs create order and harmony inside the refrigerator. Having two doors allows more carefully, with minimal disruption to expend energy devices. Products located in different branches of stably retain its temperature, keeping it at a proper level.

Model Smeg 500V - it is a separate, quite creative, refrigeration device without a freezer small size of the camera. Height equal to 125 cm it can be installed under any half wardrobe. This technique is ideally fit into the interior of a small room, do not clutter the space. Drip system facilitate thawing process, a total volume of 100 l accommodates considerable mass products.

Smeg 500V

A feature of the refrigerator Liebherr CUag 3311 is the presence of green collapsible shelves of the storage of bottles and cans, the original door, sliding of containers in the freezer. The device may be installed close to a wall or in a niche.

Convenience model 4012-070 Atlanta due to the lower location of the freezer, reversible at any height shelves and automatic defrost program.

DON R 291 - two compartment cooling device color jasmine with electromechanical control and manual defrost method. Model Smeg FAB32RVN1 green hue with two cameras and a separate installation.

Properly fitted under the kitchen interior, shades of green refrigerators will be a wonderful decoration of the premises, will bring zest and fresh impetus.

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