How many meters in a roll of wallpaper: how to calculate the quadrature


  1. Common Wallpaper Sizes
  2. Calculation of the required quantity
  3. Method number 1
  4. Method number 2

The most popular decoration material adorning the walls of our apartments over the years remain wallpaper, the diversity of which continues to grow steadily. Going to acquire the wall covering of your dreams, you should make an accurate calculation of the necessary amount, which directly depends on how many meters in a roll and what is the width of the selected Wallpaper.

Knowing the footage of the wallpaper, it is easy to calculate the number of tubes

Common Wallpaper Sizes

A large size range of wall coverings is explained by a variety of materials, textures, types, manufacturers, as well as manufacturing countries. An approximate list of standard values ​​of common species is as follows:

  • Paper wallpapers, as a rule, have a width of 53 centimeters and a length of 10 m (sometimes 8 and 12 m);
  • vinyl canvases - 50 cm wide and 15 m long;
  • non-woven material - width 106 cm, footage - 10 or 12 m;
  • textile coatings may have a width in the range of 53 to 80 cm and a length of 10 m;
  • options fiberglass - 53 cm wide by 10 m in length.

Interesting! High-demand meter-long wallpaper for painting is found in rolls of 25 or even 50 m, and super-dense non-woven, used as accent elements, 5 m each.

Finishing material in different sizes

Note! The standard width of the canvas of British, Italian and some German manufacturers is 74 cm, so it is worth checking the marking once again.

Calculation of the required quantity

There are two methods to calculate the number of specific wallpapers:

  • based on the area of ​​the pasted surface;
  • determining the desired number of lanes.

USEFUL INFORMATION:The choice of wallpaper for the hall: the basics of design

Choose a calculation method

Method number 1

The calculation based on the area value is as follows:

  • The height and length of each wall intended for gluing are measured, calculated total surface area.
  • If necessary, the area of ​​window and door openings is subtracted from this value. The resulting value in m2 is the required amount of coverage.

If the room has a single small window and a single-leaf door, then their dimensions are usually not taken into account in the calculations, leaving the estimated surplus “in reserve”. In case of non-standard layout (panoramic window, several or enlarged doorways), the difference can reach a whole roll, which means it makes sense to calculate the working area as accurately as possible surface.

  • Now we determine how many square meters in each roll of wallpaper. To do this, the length of the tube is multiplied by its width.
  • It remains to calculate the number of tubes themselves. The area of ​​the working surface is divided by the square footage of the material in one roll and rounded to a larger integer value.
Wall Measurement


The width of the wallpaper is 50 cm (0.50 m), the footage is 15 m.

Room height - 2.7 m, parameters - 4 × 2.8 m, window and door in standard sizes.

  1. 4 × 2.7 = 10.8 (m2) - the area of ​​one wall.
  2. 2.8 × 2.7 = 7.56 (m2) - the area of ​​the other wall.
  3. 10.8 × 2 + 7.56 × 2 = 21.6 + 15.12 = 36.72 (m2) - the total surface area for gluing.
  4. 0.50 × 15 = 7.5 (m2) - coatings in one roll.
  5. 36.72: 7.5 = 4.8 (round to 5)

USEFUL INFORMATION:Sticking wallpaper on drywall: is it possible to do without putty?

First we think, then we go to the store

Method number 2

The second calculation method is convenient to use in cases where the number of rolls of specific, pre-selected wallpapers is determined, and the space has a standard layout. It consists of the following:

  1. The perimeter of the room prepared for pasting is calculated.
  2. The resulting value (in linear meters) is divided by the width of the banner, the result is rounded to a larger integer. Thus, it turns out how many strips of the selected coating are required.
  3. The length of the material in 1 tube is divided by the planned height of the paintings. The result is rounded down to the nearest whole, and the number of stripes per 1 roll is obtained.
  4. The total number of strips is divided by the value of the calculated canvases in each tube, the required number of rolls is obtained (rounded up).
Measurements in the calculations


The width of the wallpaper tube is 53 cm (0.53 m), the footage is 10 m.

Room height - 2.6 m, dimensions - 5 × 3.5 m.

  1. 5 × 3.5 = 17.5 (m) - the perimeter of the room.
  2. 17.5: 0.53 = 33 is the number of stripes of material.
  3. 10: 2.7 = 3 - the number of bands per tube (2.7 - taken with a margin).
  4. 33: 3 = 11 - the desired number of rolls.

Important! If the selected wallpaper requires fitting the picture, then the value of the length of the tube is divided by the sum of the height the room and the rapport step (the distance in centimeters by which the canvas is shifted to match Images).


Note! The first calculation method sometimes causes difficulties when working with canvases requiring adjustment. The disadvantages of the second option, many masters include measurements "by eye" of window and door openings.

USEFUL INFORMATION:What wallpaper to stick in the bedroom: types of material and color

A preliminary calculation of finishing materials is recommended to be carried out as thoroughly as possible. The lack of wall coverings will slow down the repair work for the time spent on the purchase. In addition, shade mismatch is possible, since different parties of the same type of wallpaper sometimes differ in color reproduction. The acquisition of excess material entails an unjustified increase in repair costs.



Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

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