Drywall putty for painting

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  1. Tools and materials
  2. Calculation of the amount of mixture
  3. Training
  4. Roughing
  5. Putty Technology

Drywall ─ one of the sought-after materials for interior decoration. It is used to align walls and ceilings, construct partitions, niches and various decorative structures. However, the surface is not monolithic: the sheets of material have a certain size and when they are joined, joints are formed. Putty of drywall for painting will mask all defects and irregularities, and prepare for the final stage of finishing. To obtain a perfect result, you must follow the technology of the work and choose the right materials.

preparation of putty mixture

Tools and materials

For puttying walls and other surfaces, it is necessary to purchase a special mixture, a primer and a sickle for sealing joints.

serpentine tape

In addition, you will need:

  • a drill with a nozzle for stirring or a mixer;
  • construction knife;
  • set of spatulas;
  • a container for kneading putty (if it is bought in the form of a dry mixture);
  • sanding grater with a set of sandpaper;
  • wide brush.

When preparing various surfaces for painting, the quality of the preliminary treatment with putty is important. The most noticeable flaws in the decoration of the ceilings. To avoid them, it is advisable to provide additional illumination of the room with a spotlight.

set of tools

Calculation of the amount of mixture

The amount of putty needed to finish drywall depends on the surface condition of the sheets. The more defects, seams and irregularities, the greater the volume of solution will be needed to eliminate them. On average, taking into account the preliminary primer, the consumption of putty in the form of dry mixes based on cement is 1, 1 kg / m2, and on the basis of gypsum - 1 kg / m2. A smaller amount will be required when using the adhesive mixture, only 0.5 kg / m2. More precisely, the flow rate is indicated on the package with the mixture. To calculate the required amount of putty, you should also know the surface area to be treated.

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When using dry mixtures, usually bred slightly more than necessary for work within 30 minutes. It is advisable to dispose of unused putty, as it loses its elasticity and can cause cracks and other defects on the ceiling and walls.


Before starting work, it is necessary to eliminate large defects and delaminations. The self-tapping hats are recessed so that they do not protrude above the surface of the sheets. With excessive penetration, they are removed and the material is reinforced.

If there are delaminations on the walls and ceiling, they are cleaned with sandpaper, and the joints of the cut sheets are cut with a knife at an angle of 45 ° along the entire length of the seam. After fixing defects on the ceiling and walls with a roller primer. The seams pass with a brush, otherwise it is difficult to process all the bumps.

roller primer


Drywall painting without putty is impossible, first of all, due to the presence of seams. To completely disguise them, you will need:

  • Fill the recesses with a mixture. In this case, the spatula is placed almost horizontally, which allows you to get the most even surface.
  • Glue seams with serpentine, which will prevent the formation of cracks. Putty is put on top and level it.
stitching seams
  • Seal all existing cavities on the ceiling and walls from self-tapping screws.

After drying, the seams are first ground with a grater, and then primed with a brush.

surface grinding process

At the end, all the joints on the ceiling are glued with paper tape, which will become an obstacle to the appearance of microcracks. To fix it, use PVA glue.

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paper tape gluing process

The processing of the corners of walls and partitions made of drywall has its own specifics. First, they, like door and window slopes, are reinforced with perforated aluminum corners, for which they use putty. The corner is pressed so that all the holes in the profile are filled with the mixture. Then, using a wide spatula and mortar, smooth the surface.

Putty Technology

The final stage plasterboard walls and ceilings allows you to get such a smooth surface that subsequent painting does not reveal the slightest defect. First, everything needs to be cleaned using a grater and sandpaper. It is advisable to use a respirator to protect against particles of material and dust. This treatment provides good adhesion of drywall and putty.

To obtain a thin and durable layer on the walls and ceiling, the coating is carried out in several stages. This will require a wide spatula and putty, ready or diluted from the dry mix. The solution is applied with sufficient force, eliminating all irregularities and the slightest malfunctions and achieving its uniform distribution. To process the ceiling and walls for painting, on average, three layers of putty will be needed. Especially carefully align the border between the corners and the rest of the surface and in the seam area.

puttying process with a spatula

After the last layer has dried, the walls and ceilings are sanded. To simplify the work, it is advisable to use grinding machineby connecting it to a vacuum cleaner. This will allow you to get a flat surface and provide protection from dust. To check the quality of the putty on the ceilings and walls, additional lighting is used, including a spotlight or a lamp. With their help, it is easy to detect flaws and eliminate them before the end of work.

USEFUL INFORMATION:Mount "butterfly" for drywall: dimensions and types of dowels

Then the walls and ceiling are treated with a primer, and after drying, they are ready for painting.



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