Mirror ceiling in the bathroom: choice and installation

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Mirror ceiling in the bathroom
  • Pros
  • Cons
  • Material
  • Types
  • Options
  • Manufacturing companies
  • Assembly
  • Assembling by yourself
  • Lighting
  • Designer design tips
  • Care
  • Conclusion

The mirror ceiling is considered one of the most unusual and spectacular interior design options in the bathroom. Even if the room itself is decorated quite normally, then the ceiling with a mirror surface will transform the interior.

But many install a mirror ceiling not only because of its original appearance, but in order to visually expand the dimensions of a small room - reflected in the mirrors, the size of the room seems to be doubled.

If you plan to install a mirror ceiling, it is worthwhile to take a responsible approach to the topic of choice and explore all possible advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of

The main advantages are:

  • The mirror ceiling will look great on the uneven ceiling of and close all the roughnesses and joints;
  • Glass is considered an environmentally friendly material, so you do not have to worry that this material can adversely affect the health of people living in the apartment;
  • Thanks to a wide selection of design varieties in the design, the can easily choose an option that will harmoniously blend with the interior;
  • This ceiling is easy to install, the does not have to wash the bathroom after doing "dirty" work;
  • Care for the mirror ceiling does not require much effort and time, contamination is easily removed with the help of window cleaners;
  • The mirror surface will increase the room's lighting, and, even if the bathroom does not have a window, it's easy to create a bright and cozy atmosphere.
Mirror ceiling in the bathroom
Mirror ceiling for bathroom
Mirror ceiling lighting


But do not forget about the shortcomings, to which you can include a lot of weight, requiring reliable fixation. That the ceiling was reliably strengthened and not collapsed, it is necessary to be spent for manufacturing of a metal skeleton.

In addition to heavy weight, the minus mirror ceiling can be attributed to its high cost, in comparison, for example, with plastic panels. Not everyone is ready to spend a lot of money, but, thanks to the fact that the mirror ceiling can be done independently by following the instructions, this design is available to almost everyone.

If you have not yet decided on the type of ceiling, we suggest that you read our article about choosing a shelf in the bathroom.


The ceiling can be made of various materials. For example, it can be strips of aluminum, which are applied by mirror coating. In this case, these bands can not be called a mirror, but they are one of the most popular for creating a mirror ceiling.

Mirror ceiling

In addition, use mirror tiles, which are usually attached to the structure of plasterboard on the ceiling. Also, mirror ceilings can be made from a film that is glued to the ceiling, but in this case it is desirable that the ceiling surface be as flat as possible.

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom mosaic

Glass is very rarely used for making a mirror ceiling, as its installation will be quite difficult and labor-intensive. To install a mirror ceiling of a large area, which will consist entirely of glass, is not worth it for security reasons. At such a ceiling, the weight is too heavy and after a while the structure can collapse, which can be very dangerous for your health.

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom

Types of

The total number of types is 4 types of mirror ceiling constructions, which effectively look and are in great demand: the

  • ceiling made from prefabricated frame, to which are attached mirror plates of suitable dimensions with screws;
  • ceiling of a special Armstrong outboard system, which also consists of a frame, but the mirror plates are not attached, as in the first type, but are inserted into the cells. With this kind of ceiling it is much easier to provide access to the space and, if necessary, it will be enough just to take out one of the tiles;
Beautiful mirror ceiling in the bathroom
  • a ceiling made from a frame to which decorative tiles are glued. This type of construction is considered the most expensive, in comparison with the three previous versions, and is used to create an exclusive interior;
Mirror ceiling bathroom
  • also meets ceilings, the mirror on which is placed in the form of a pattern and is an insert. In this case, the mirror surface is not the primary surface.
Mirror ceiling in the form of inserts
  • ceiling tension type, when the frame with the help of special equipment stretched film, but, as a rule, the installation of this type of ceiling alone is impossible due to the expensive cost of tools.


Not only mirror plates can be installed on the ceiling, but, for example, can be combined with wooden tiles or made of other materials. Large selection of options will create an unusual interior in the bathroom, which will cause admiration.

In addition to the classic idea of ​​a mirror ceiling, you can purchase mirrors with a pattern or facet of different colors and shapes, can also be combined as you wish. It is possible to put a mosaic and a panel on a mirror ceiling or your logo.

Mirror ceiling in the bathroom-basin lighting
Mirror ceiling in the bathroom with zodiac signs
Mirror ceiling and tiles


For the ceiling to last a long time, you do not need to rush to make decisions, and before you decide on the first company you come across, you should study the market of companies engaged in the production of a mirror ceiling.

If you choose among domestic products, then one of the largest firms is "Albes".

Among foreign firms, you can distinguish the company Donn from Germany and Armstrong from England.

As a rule, prices for Russian firms will be slightly cheaper than those of foreign manufacturers.


There are several methods that, in accordance with the type of mirror ceiling, are used for mounting.

  • The first method is the fixing a mirror surface with screws to the ceiling or frame. This option is considered more complicated than the others, and may take longer.
Mounting the mirror ceiling

The installation of a mirror ceiling on the is the second way, and is performed much faster than mounting with screws. But it will work only if the ceiling is in a perfectly flat state, otherwise all the irregularities will attract attention.

And, finally, the third method is the using special suspension systems, which are attached to the base of the ceiling, and the formed cells are inserted mirror plates.

Mounting and aligning the mirror ceiling

In general, in order to establish a mirror ceiling at home does not require special skills, and anyone who knows how to work with construction tools will cope with this matter.


Before starting the installation of the ceiling, you need to accurately calculate the required amount of material. After you are convinced that the material is available, you can proceed to the preparation of the process of eliminating unevenness on the ceiling, they must necessarily be smoothed with a moisture-proof drywall.

Fastening drywall on the ceiling

If you plan to use the method of gluing the mirror plates, the next step is to apply glue to the surface of the tile. After which it must be pressed to the ceiling and held for a while, so that the tile is firmly adhered. Now you can go to the next plate, and so on until the very end, until the entire ceiling is not decorated.

A little bit different with the fixing the ceiling with screws. In this case, it is necessary that your set of construction tools consist of a perforator and a screwdriver. To start installation, drywall should be attached to the ceiling, then make holes in the corner of the tile. After that, fix the tile on the ceiling surface with screws. And continue to fix the tiles until the ceiling is ready.


Installation of luminaires on the ceiling should occur during installation, in special holes made in the plates, and in no case after the ceiling installation is completed.

The choice of lighting fixtures and their location in a bathroom with a mirror ceiling should be given special attention. It should be remembered that the mirror surface will double the illumination level, therefore, when choosing the light bulb's power, do not choose too bright.

If there is a pattern on the mirror ceiling, it is best to place the fixtures in such a way that the pattern is illuminated evenly on each side.

In general, you can use lamps of any type, but do not forget that the main accent of the bathroom will be directed to the ceiling and the fixtures should only complement the interior, and not pull all the attention to yourself.

Mirror ceiling lighting

Designer advice on design

In general, mirror ceilings are easily combined with almost any interior and only decorate it. But, in order to give the design a finished look, it is worth making the design of all the mirrors in the room in the same style. For example, the same decor should be repeated both on the mirror plates on the ceiling, and on the mirror at the sink and on the walls of the shower. But, if the bathroom is shabby walls, old tiles and no repairs have been done for a long time, this option will look rather ridiculous.

With the help of mirror panels of different colors, you can distinguish the space of the bathroom into several zones, but this option is only possible if the bathroom size is larger than the standard one.

Design mirror ceiling

To ensure that the furniture in the room is harmoniously combined with the ceiling, you can glue on it mirror decorative elements, which can be easily done by yourself using pieces of mirrors and glue. Or immediately purchase furniture with a glossy surface, but do not overdo it - the emphasis should remain on the ceiling.


At first glance it seems that it is very difficult to look after a mirror ceiling, and any dirt will immediately strike the eye. In fact, is enough to wipe this ceiling once a week with using cleaning agents, which are usually used for washing windows. If you have a steam cleaner, care will take even less time.

But if your children like to take a bath with games and spray, then to eliminate streaks on the ceiling, it may be necessary a little more often. But, due to the fact that it is enough to apply detergent to a dirty place and wipe it with a napkin, such care will not take much time.

Do not forget that the mirror ceiling looks beautiful only with proper care, but if it shows streaks or drops of water, then its appearance does not seem so attractive. Only a careful and weekly care will give the ceiling a brilliant and well-groomed appearance.

Clear mirror ceiling


Regardless of which type of ceiling you choose, and whether you will do it yourself or refer to the help of professionals, your bathroom will always look spectacular: thanks to the large number of reflective surfaces, the room will be light and spacious.

Do not be afraid of experiments, and let the new interior in the bathroom will only please you!

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