Steel rivets - fasten securely any designs

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Characteristics and application of rivets

In form these elements resemble rod-cylinders, at one end of which the embedding head is located. It can be secret, semi-secret or semicircular. Usually they are selected depending on the thickness of the connection, and also considering the volume of the rod.

The main principle of rivet selection is the exact correspondence between the thickness of the elements that will be fastened. In case of inconsistency, the person conducting the work simply can not give a guarantee of quality and safety of the structure.

Rivets are important elements used in construction for fastening sheets and fasteners, thin sheets between each other, for fixing parts in door and window openings, for high-quality execution of frames, and for creating boxes of aluminum.

In mechanical engineering, rivets play an important role of fixation elements. They can be found in consumer goods - rivets are actively used in the design of washing machines, refrigerators and various fans.

All rivets are made in strict accordance with the requirements of GOST, which is why builders are sure of the reliability of the connection and try to select the rivet length as precisely as possible. As a result, all-in-one designs are obtained, which can only be dismantled using additional strength - machinery and special tools.

Principles of selecting and installing rivets

To fix them easily enough, as mentioned earlier, is the main thing - it's right to choose the size and thickness of the variant. On the one hand, the parts are riveted, and on the other hand - the fixation with the expectation that the rivet does not fall out and slip out on impact.

As a result, the builder receives the hats at once from two sides, they retain those elements that are required to be fixed.

If you took a rivet shorter than necessary, it's simply impossible to do the work, if the builder chooses a long one, it will not allow to fasten all the elements tightly. You should buy materials, not only passed all the necessary checks, but also popular among builders.

So, the riveted steel rivet can hold the facade elements, its importance can not be overestimated, so the manufacturer should pay special attention. In electronics, rivets are often used, their size is much smaller, they can be made of special alloys, but the principle of installation and their functions remain the same.

How to fix the steel rivet correctly?

In order to conduct a competent installation, the workers pull together the elements, drilling holes in them. After all the debris formed between the parts is removed, and the bolting takes place. Experts say that the percentage of bolts can not be less than 35% of the total number of nodal holes.

Observing all the rules and guidelines for working with elements, you can get a great result. Durable rivets reliably hold the parts, help to maintain the stability of the structure.

The construction site for the installation of rivets often use heating elements, so that the riveting takes place under the influence of temperature up to 1000 degrees, which significantly improves the quality of the work done.

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