How to lay a sidewalk tile so that the ground does not go away from under your feet?

We choose the paving slab

Sidewalk tile is an important element of modern design. The low price and excellent appearance put it out of competition with other types of road surfaces. Tiles can be laid out many different drawings and compositions, which will depend solely on your taste. This article will tell you how to lay the sidewalk tiles with your own hands and help to avoid the main problems arising in this case.

Before correctly laying the paving slab, you need to know how it differs within the class. Depending on the manufacturing technology, it can be vibrating and vibropressed. Vibrolite tiles are performed in the widest variety of color and texture options. Ideal for decorative decoration of gardens and other territories. It is widely used for paving areas experiencing low loads.

Vibro-pressed tiles are distinguished by their high strength, resistance to loads, including those created by heavy transport, excellent temperature tolerances. Suitable for paving of pre-paved areas, central pavements, squares and so on.

Before laying the paving slab, it should be noted that it is divided into several types depending on its purpose. It can be landscape, pedestrian, road, industrial. If you want to better understand how to put the paving slab, the video attached to the article will help to sort out all sorts of technical nuances.

Preparation of the tool and marking of the territory

So, how to put the paving slab yourself? First of all, you need to decide on its shape and color. You should imagine how it will be combined with surrounding objects. Then you need to prepare the necessary tool: trowel, rubber hammer, nylon cord, construction level, rake, tamper, broom.

After this, it is worth planning the territory. It is required to level and moisten the soil, after which it must be thoroughly tamped. The technology of laying paving slabs is quite simple and does not require any special skills. After the alignment, you should proceed to the markup.

On the perimeter of the territory it is necessary to hammer the stakes and, noting the height of the cement-sand mixture on them, at this level pull the nylon cord. To make the territory of the correct geometric shape it is necessary to lay curbs. They must be stacked at the same level along the perimeter of the marked area.

Technology of laying paving slabs

After the preparatory work, you need to prepare a cement-sand mixture in the proportion of 8/1, fill it with a patch and level it. The laying of the paving slab is made from the top down and from itself in the diagonal direction. Each subsequent tile is applied from above to avoid thickening of the joints.

If one of the tiles has failed, it is required to remove it, pour the mixture and add it with a rubber mallet. After the end of laying, all joints should be sanded with a cement-sand mixture, and then pour them with water from a hose with a divider. Seams should be carefully filled with a mixture, so you need to add it if necessary.

You learned how to lay the paving slab correctly. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this. After you finish laying the tiles, you will feel a sense of pride in the work done. This will give you confidence in your abilities. If it remains unclear how to lay the paving slab with your own hands, the video will help answer the questions.

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