Finishing siding with his own hands: the technology and detailed instructions

Finishing siding with your hands (36 photos). Types of material and basic characteristics. The main assembly rules


Table of contents

  • 1 Types of material and main characteristics
    • 1.1 Specifications
    • 1.2 Classification
  • 2 The basic rules of the siding assembly
  • 3 Output
  • 4 Photo Gallery

In the 19th century in the United States finishing siding with his hands began to be applied to the owners of houses to protect structures from rain and strong winds. To do this, they nailed on the facade of the building at a certain angle with painted boards.

Types of material and main characteristics

Finishing siding with their own handsCurrently, this type of coating materials has changed significantly and has become one of the most popular answers to the question of how to decorate the facade of the house. In addition to the protective functions, the panels give the house an attractive and neat appearance.


The panels are available in a rich range of colors and shades. All manufacturers offer about twenty primary colors, and each of them has many shades.

Stoned his house with the help of siding panels may be on their own. This case is quite simple, the main thing to choose the right material, its coloring and understand technology. From the quality of the panels depends durability lining and to their colors - harmonious combination with the design portion.

ground siding

Ground siding (price - from 570 rubles. pcs.)

Installation of siding is made with the help of the frame of timber or metal profiles.

Before starting the coating assembly, check the preparation of the facade to the wall. Work should start with the bottom of the series, which is put on the reference profile or plinth.

Siding cladding can be produced by two methods: horizontal and vertical.

vinyl siding

vinyl siding

For finishing facade vertical manner taking panel having the form of logs. Under facing ro produce two types of vinyl siding - "herringbone" and "ship-board."

The first type of material has a double fracture and has great popularity in Europe. The second type is more common in the US and Canada.

Depending on the variety of panels, the frame can be made of wood, metal or plastic slats. For the installation of metal siding is used a galvanized frame. For plastic and wooden crate suitable of any material.

If the panels are going on stucco facade on the grid or unlined facade of brick, It recommended that the assembly of the metal frame, as the wood will strongly absorb moisture and eventually will rot.

Saydingovym panels require ventilation, therefore the framework must be collected only from the vertically disposed racks, which must not be interconnected horizontally. Otherwise, the airflow path will be blocked.

One of the main advantages of this type of cladding materials - it is an opportunity to further insulate the facade. In the space between the chassis and the panels is laid thermally insulating material, and on top of it waterproofing layer is fixed, necessary in order to prevent water from seeping in insulation.


  • wooden;
  • vinyl;
  • ground;
  • steel;
  • aluminum.

Vinyl panels are used for lining as the plastered exterior walls and unplastered surfaces of private cottages, houses and cottages. Material is practical and can be mounted on any base. Metal siding is used for facades of industrial buildings.

The basic rules of the siding assembly

Fixing screws siding

Fixing screws siding

Siding, as well as any exterior plaster technologically applied correctly, It shrinks and expands with temperature changes. For example, a panel length of 3 m can change their length to 0.6 cm.

  • Should not be used for decorating the frame of wooden slats poorly dried wood.
  • When mounting panel enclosing a force which is sufficient for complete connection of fastening elements. It should not affect the siding after the lock is connected. This will lead to considerable tension will result in the hinge parts and the thermal expansion of the material.
  • He is deformed, horizontal lines will be broken and the appearance of the facade of the house trimmed siding will be spoiled.
  • Use galvanized steel, aluminum corrosion resistant nails or screws for fixing the panels. The service life of the material - about 50 years, unprotected iron hardware destroyed earlier. Additionally, due to its corrosion, rust may appear on the surface.
  • All fasteners must be in the frame or wall not less than 3.5 cm. At screws or nails, the cap must be at least 0.8 cm.

It is known that the thermal expansion of any building material, whether it's decorative finishes of walls with his own hands or other type of lining, it is in all directions equally, and the elongation is directly proportional to its original length. Therefore, a nail or screw to be mounted in the mounting hole flange exactly centered. Thus the gap between the fixture should not exceed 45 cm for the panels themselves and 25 cm for fixing elements.

Tip! Do not screw the screws and do not hit the nail close to the material. Leave a gap of 2-3 mm. Siding must breathe and light pressure to move slightly in a horizontal plane.

  • Put fasteners exactly at an angle of 90 degrees to the wall, it will prevent the panel deformation. Coso hammered or bent screw / nail will pull the material to create a barrier to thermal expansion. Mounted panel should move freely from side to side in the castles.

Tip! If you have no experience of installation of siding, make a choice in favor of mounting screws. They must be screwed to the end, and then turn out on one turn.

  • In no case do not hit nails and screw the screws through the material itself. If the panel must be secured near the end of its perforated holes on the mounting rail, extend the hole by means of the punch. For fixing the cut sheet without mounting slats drill new holes. In areas where strong winds blow under the cap screws need to lay a nylon washers.
  • When assembling the coat look at the current outside temperature mode and make thermal gap adjusted to it. At high external temperature of panels already in the elongated state. Because of this gap needs to be done a little less.
  • Always start to beat the nails from the middle panels, arranged horizontally, and move them to the top of the vertical edges or sheets and head down.
  • After mounting a horizontal drag at the wall panel to the right / left and vertical sheet up / down. If the motion is, therefore, correct attachment.
  • When mounting the sheet from corner to corner of the wall or partition panel, measure the desired piece, is added to the resulting double-digit gap distance temperature. Calculation of the temperature gap length 1 meter vinyl becomes longer by 0.5 mm at raising the temperature to +10 ° C and vice versa - is shortened by 0.5 mm when the temperature drops to -10 ° C.
  • Strictly adhere to a rule: when joining the two with full size sheets of horizontal siding, between the need to leave two lengths thermal backlashes, since graphics all manufacturers instructions thermal gap not depicted for the whole sheet, and only one of its end.
  • When docking the two vertical sheets leave two gaps therebetween. Elongate vertically disposed panels and 1/3 up to 2/3 downwards.
  • Overlaps sheets always made equal to 2.5 cm, so that the joints did not get snow. Whipped with a cut panel mounting brackets.
  • Remember that you can not balk at the intersection of the mounting rail in the profile. Its undercut for arranging the thermal gap when joining sheet "butt joint" or put on top of another fastener strap when joining "overlapped". In the second case, pay attention to the vinyl slip is not limited to mounting put back in the profile.
  • Do not seal the siding sheets in those places where they are whipped to each other, and also connected with gutters of internal, external angles and profiles.
  • Change overlaps place every two rows. If possible, avoid overlapping of sheets under the window and door openings. When fixing lanterns, gutters, antennas, and other external objects to the siding, make sure that they do not restrict the thermal expansion and the residue of vinyl. Be sure to leave between the panels and fasteners external objects thermal gap.
  • Be extremely careful in the beginning. It is important to exactly set the first page; otherwise, the defect will be repeated in subsequent rows.


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