Surfaced roll roofing materials: installation instructions with their hands, videos and photos

Surfaced roof - the secrets of the work on their own


Table of contents

  • 1 How to carry out the work
    • 1.1 preliminaries
    • 1.2 Warming surface and screed
    • 1.3 Apparatus roofing
  • 2 Output

Fusing roofing will suit you if you have a flat roof surface with little or bias. To qualitatively put it, you do not need to be professional enough to know the basic rules of work and implement all the recommendations of this review. Read the article, and in the process of laying the roll roofing for you there will be no secrets.

Photo: Stacking of rolled roofing - a process that requires accuracy

Photo: Stacking of rolled roofing - a process that requires accuracy

Such a roof is a long and well-protected roof leak

Such a roof is a long and well-protected roof leak

How to carry out the work

First of all you must understand the structure of roofing pie. It is for this scheme, we will work, so study it carefully.

Here is the perfect design of a soft roof

Here is the perfect design of a soft roof

Based on the scheme, it is possible to understand that the work consists of training and vapor barrier surface, laying insulation, screed and installation of roll roofing. All these steps we will discuss separately.


For the construction of the roof of the deposited materials, we need a specific set of materials. All of them are listed in the table below.

Roll roofing is represented by many brands, but "Technonikol" the most popular of all

Roll roofing is represented by many brands, but "Technonikol" the most popular of all

Material Recommendations for choosing a
roofing Roll roofing are always stacked in two layers. The bottom layer is the foundation in the form of a web or fabric impregnated with a modified bitumen.

The upper has been dressed with small stones, which gives a special coating strength and resistance to precipitation and ultra-violet radiation of the sun

Material screed It is possible to prepare the composition of cement and sand, and can be purchased ready-made dry mixture, which is diluted with water and used as intended. The price of the first option, a much lower second is more convenient to use
reinforcements special reinforcement mesh or rods laid to strengthen the screed 6 mm
insulation The most commonly used mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam thickness of 100 mm. I prefer the second option, since it is much harder, but it weighs a bit, which reduces the load on the load-bearing structure
vapor barrier material Laid on the roof surface under the insulation
The presence of the slots at the ends of extruded polystyrene foam simplifies installation and docking

The presence of the slots at the ends of extruded polystyrene foam simplifies installation and docking

When choosing a roofing material note basis. Options on the glass more durable products on fiberglass, so it is best to choose them.

As for tools, you will need a set of:

  • The gas burner and the gas tank to heat the deposited material;
Burner - the main tool when working with roll roofing

Burner - the main tool when working with roll roofing

  • Knife for cutting roofing material. Need a version with a rigid sharp blade;
  • Level for checking plane;
  • Mixer for preparing a solution;
  • Rule for leveling screed.

The basis of the concrete slabs, which are durable, but do not protect against water.

To prepare the surface, it is necessary to conduct a variety of activities:

  • The first is to thoroughly clean the base from contamination and remnants of the old materials, if available. It is important to remove all the excess from the roof;
  • Examined the joints between the boards, if they are in poor condition, the old mortar is removed, laid Valves and poured cement-sand mortar, which is prepared as follows: 1 part cement to 3 parts sand. Composition fills the void, and the plane aligned slats;
Seams need to plug very carefully

Seams need to plug very carefully

  • Then verified roof plane on it should not be more than 5 mm drops per square meter. If irregularities larger or have a lot of damage and cracks, all the problem areas are sealed.
    For this preparing the same solution as in the above case, it is applied with a spatula or other instrument and aligned. The smoother will be the foundation, the easier it will work;
All irregularities necessarily closed up

All irregularities necessarily closed up

  • On the surface of the vapor barrier is placed. Material simply laid on the surface. On overlaps the joints should be at least 100 mm, in the vertical surface material should extend at least 150 mm.
Insulating material creates a barrier between the concrete and insulation

Insulating material creates a barrier between the concrete and insulation

Warming surface and screed

Installation instructions for this part of the works of their own hands is as follows:

The scheme is simple enough, but the work is time-consuming

The scheme is simple enough, but the work is time-consuming

  • In the first place on the surface of the insulation is laid. It is important to arrange the elements as close as possible to each other. Penoplex in this regard, better due to the grooves on the edges. If you were on the roof of the old paint in good condition, the insulation can be placed directly on it without preparing the surface;
Warming Penoplex - a simple process

Warming Penoplex - a simple process

You can put material directly on the old roof, if it is smooth

You can put material directly on the old roof, if it is smooth

  • On top of a heater can lay a waterproof film. In the case of Penoplex is optional, but the mineral wool is better to close, as it absorbs moisture from the solution. When installing all standard: overlaps at the junctions 100 mm, their reliability is desired to glue adhesive tape;
  • Further reinforcing mesh is placed. Options may be different, they all reinforce the surface and make it many times more durable;
Grid makes the solution stable to cracking

Grid makes the solution stable to cracking

  • Runners exhibited from the edges toward the drain. For these purposes, you can use the metal elements or a wooden block. The elements are exposed so that the slope is not less than 2 cm per meter (and preferably 3 cm), and then secured to the solution. Can continue to work no earlier than 12 hours;
The guide asked slope, so it is important to put them right

The guide asked slope, so it is important to put them right

  • Filling is performed by the screed rails, the solution is distributed over a plane, and then is contracted by a rule or a flat rack. The easiest way to fill in parts of the surface, then you can align it well and not to spoil the neighboring areas.
The easiest way to fill in parts of the roof

The easiest way to fill in parts of the roof

After the screed must be at least a week, preferably two. The solution dries long, so do not hurry with the work.

Apparatus roofing

We now consider the installation process of fusing roofing.

It consists of the following steps:

  • Surface treated primer. This special compound based on bitumen, which strengthens base hydroprotective create an additional barrier and improve adhesion of the coating roll. Application is made using a roller or brush-maklovitsy;
Primer - an important part of the preparatory process

Primer - an important part of the preparatory process

  • Mounting surfaced roll roofing starts from the lowest portion. First roll (we take the lower layer) is completely rolled, its integrity is checked and regulated by the arrangement. Thereafter, the edge width of 20 cm and adhered warming. The remainder of the rolled back into a roll;
After gluing edge material is rolled back to the roll

After gluing edge material is rolled back to the roll

  • Bonding is performed as follows: the roof portion near a width of about 20 cm burner heats up until Bitumen is soft, then it gently against the surface, and the process continues on the same way. It is important to warm up good material across the width and press it to the surface as well sticks;
Material gradually warms and turns

Material gradually warms and turns

Do not overheat the material to such an extent that the bitumen dripping and opened basis. This reduces the reliability of the coating.

  • When bonding web materials formed at the sides of the rollers bitumen 1-2 cm wide. This is an indicator that you're doing it right, and the material adheres well. When aligning focuses on joints, they are best prikatyvat special roller. If somewhere is behind the material, the edge is lifted with a spatula and warming up again;
It pays special attention to the joints

It pays special attention to the joints

  • At joints made overlaps at least 8 cm. Connecting material according to length is undesirable, but if the length of slope is large and single stripe do not, overlap on the compound should be at least 15 cm;
  • If you want a special strength, then glued to the bottom two layers, it is necessary to dispose the second shifted, the larger the offset joints, the better, because the likelihood of leakage is significantly reduced. Minimum desynchronization must be not less than 100 mm;
Fusing roofing necessarily glued offset to ensure reliability

Fusing roofing necessarily glued offset to ensure reliability

Glue different layers perpendicular to each other in any case impossible. Remember this rule.

  • As for the upper layer, it is glued in a similar manner. At first it is necessary to deploy a roll to check its integrity, then the edge is glued and the remainder rolled back. After that the mount in a standard manner, it is important to remember offset joints;
Roll is checked, and then rolled back

Roll is checked, and then rolled back

  • When bonding, pay special attention to the joints, they are easy to control on the band width of 8 cm side. Apply the connection quality and do not walk on the fresh surface so as not to damage it. As a result, you should have a continuous coating with joints that are filled with bitumen;
Svezheprikleennomu walk on the top layer is not necessary

Svezheprikleennomu walk on the top layer is not necessary

  • If you have railings or other protruding structures, the sheets are raised to a vertical surface at 30-40 cm and glued. For reliability can be fastened on the edge of the bar or close joint metal apron.
Vertical sections as far as possible cover as high as possible

Vertical sections as far as possible cover as high as possible


Fusing roofing - excellent material for flat roofs, and you can easily paste it, if you use the tips in this review. Videos in this article will help you understand better still in question. And if you do not understand something, write questions in the comments, we will deal with your problem and prompt optimal solution.

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