Repair of the roof of a private house: Tips for installation

Repair of the roof of a private house. Fixing truss systems, cement-sand, ceramic, shingles, metal roofing slate


Table of contents

  • 1 Start roof repairs
  • 2 Repair of truss system
  • 3 Restoration of roofing
    • 3.1 Repair of cement-sand or ceramic tiles
    • 3.2 Updating the roof with shingles
    • 3.3 Recovery of metal roofing
    • 3.4 Repair of the roof of slate
  • 4 Completion of
  • 5 Summing up

Roof without damage - the key to protect the house from bad weather, but no matter how quality may be performed roofing work, sooner or later, the roof requires repair.

Should not delay the repair of the roof of a private house for a long time, because the stronger the damaged structure, the greater the forces and means will have to be spent on its restoration.

Start roof repairs

Repair of the roof of a private houseBefore making repairs on their hands need to assess the condition of the roof. First need inspection from the inside of the roof: checking the state of the rafters, flooring in the attic. Then inspected outer surface, particularly the state of the roofing material and the place of its junction with the roof elements (ridge, ventilation ducts, cornices).

After the inspection decision on the need to repair a truss system and roofing repairs, which can be as follows.

  1. Emergency repair - is restoring the local most damaged areas, which is carried out in the areas most likely leaks, and in places that already exist.
  2. Maintenance - Perform scheduled partial restoration of the roof covering, the area of ​​which the damaged areas is about 10-40%.
  3. Repair - removal and replacement of a new coating of significant portions (over 40%) or roofing the entire roof.

Tip! The easiest way to identify the place of leaking roof on a rainy day. If they occur immediately after the rain, with a clear designation of places, so damaged portions of roofing materials or the place of their junction. If a leak appears periodically, but not immediately after the precipitation is likely presence of microcracks in roofing canvas and have a need for major repairs.

Repair of truss system

Overhaul of the roof system repaired a detached house is only necessary in the case of an extensive, more than 50% of the area of ​​defeat rot. Most often perform replacement of the damaged areas.

With a single defeat rafter used wooden lining.

The process takes place in several stages:

  • if the rafter snapped on the floor of the attic is laid board and set it on the jack, which line the bruised part;
  • on both sides is applied to the rafter lining thickness from 3.2 to 4 cm and a length at least 80-100 cm, they must rely on all mauerlat end;
  • lining is nailed to the rafter with long nails;
  • make four holes with a diameter of 16 mm on each side;
  • invest in opening and tighten the mounting bolts.
Strengthening wooden plates

Strengthening wooden plates

When using a mass lesion Semifinished prostheses. Changing the rotten parts rafter consists of the following steps:

  • dismantle the damaged portion and the roof lath;
  • mounted rack for temporarily fixing rafter;
  • rotten cut out portion of the structure;
  • on the rafter foot wear dentures and placed it on mauerlat;
  • sawn end abut a support surface to prevent slipping;
  • after verification of the reliability of structures dismantled temporary racks.
Strengthening rod prostheses

Strengthening rod prostheses

After recovery trusses likewise carried mauerlat replacing damaged sections. At the time of replacement of the end of the adjacent rafter hold jack. Thereafter, replacement of damaged parts lathing.

Tip! When replacing the decaying element portion truss system, after the removal of a healthy end of a damaged timber must antiseptic, for example, cover the bitumen.

Restoration of roofing

Repair of cement-sand or ceramic tiles

Further renovation of the house the roof depends on the roofing material and in essence reduced to putty joints and cracks, and in the case of damage to individual components - to replace them.

Repair of cement-sand or ceramic tiles Private homes repaired involves the removal of the old putty and filling tile joints of the new solution. This solution is mixed in two parts sand to one part lime with rags.

If you need to replace some damaged plates, do it in the following way:

  1. Wooden clog wedges under adjacent overlying plate.
  2. Read the plate damaged by hooking its edge trowel.
  3. Plate, nailed to the rail, is removed by turning and lifting the trowel.
  4. If the plate is not thus withdrawn, pulling out nails or claw of the cap is cut grinder.
    Replacing damaged several plates

    Replacing damaged several plates

  5. If necessary, additionally must replace roofing felt.
  • the nails are removed, which rails are fixed to the rafters;
  • alternately enclose the ends removed under rail portion hardboard;
  • cut the damaged roofing material with a sharp knife;
  • applied patch larger than the cut portion, brushing edge of mastic asphalt;
  • cut new rails of the same section as the remote and nail them in place of the old;
  1. Install new shingles, nailing it to the rails.
    Installation of new rail sections on a patch

    Installation of new rail sections on a patch

If you need to replace the plates in several rows, the work is carried out starting from the bottom.

Updating the roof with shingles

Replacing the shingles

Replacing the shingles

Similarly, there is a replacement of the damaged shingles. Remove old nails, gently remove the damaged tile, gently insert new elements and fix them with nails with a broad hat and a length of 25 cm.

Such a replacement is needed very rarely. Much more often required promazyvanie mastic asphalt backlashes in places of contiguity. Just coat with newly installed tile and sheets, which were raised to replace.

Recovery of metal roofing

Repair of metal roofing includes:

  • with major damage, replace the entire sheet;
  • at medium - overlaying steel patches;
  • at small - overlaying the patch of burlap, thick paint impregnated for 1-2 hours;
  • in the event of gaps - their elimination silicone putty;
  • with cracked paint - purification problem areas with a steel brush, removing them from the dust and painting the new paint.

Tip! Damaged areas on the metal roof is easier to find together. One man is from the attic and knocks a stick on the rusted places. The second is located outside on the roof and says Chalk problem areas.

Repair of the roof of slate

Repair of the roof of slate are mainly reduced sealing of cracks:

  • crack embedded thick sticky mass layer (suitable silicone rubber) with the gun mounting;
  • top smeared cracks sealed with adhesive tape made of aluminum foil;
  • glued surface is rubbed with a wet brush and allowed to dry;
  • tape stained paint, suitable for color;
  • damaged corner elements are removed from the roof;
  • mounted on a flat surface and the adhesive tape is glued from below;
  • the crack is filled with epoxy or other liquid adhesive, which will be spread over it, and then allowed to dry completely.

If the slate roof repaired village house began to "knock" it means hanging loose nails. In this case, they are changing to new or fastened with screws, self-tapping screws with a broad hat.

Slate sheets are very brittle, so when you remove the old nails need to share the load a few waves with a wooden plank.

Removing nails from the old slate

Removing nails from the old slate

Completion of

After completion of repair work and the removal of waste from treated areas, should conduct preventive waterproofing update. Special roofing adhesive or resin treated space around manholes, pipes, and the space to install additional devices, e.g., antennas. Recommended use Klober Permo Seal, the price - from 840 rubles.

The best time to carry out all the above works - it is spring and autumn, when there is a dry, warm and at the same time not hot weather.

Let weatherproof protect you already repaired the roof.

Summing up

We hope our article has been helpful to you and now you will be able to hold your own hands all the repairs. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issues on our website provides detailed photo and video instruction, in which you will find useful information on the question.

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