How to fix MDF panels: the construction of battens and glueing
Table of contents
1 Methods panel mounting
- 1.1 Method №1 - batten construction
- 1.2 Method №2 - gluing panels
- 2 What is needed for work
- 3 Output
Attaching MDF panels to the wall - a process that is not complicated if you know all the features of the technology. I'll tell you how to get the job done with minimal time and resources, both options have repeatedly They checked me in practice, which makes it possible to assert with confidence that the mount MDF afford any developer. It is important to observe the recommendations listed below, and to have at hand a set of necessary tools and accessories.
In the picture: if the work is carried out carefully, the walls look great
Methods panel mounting
Let us examine, what are the ways of fixing MDF panels to the wall, only two of them:
- the groundworksWhich can be either wood or metal, below, we analyze both options;
- Bonding panels - here it is important to choose the qualitative composition of the base and prepare properly.
If you do not know which option to choose, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages of each of the solutions:
- In the construction of crates condition of the walls and the plane it does not matter, because you will build a framework that will set the status and future surface;
- For wet areas more suitable frame made of metal section, as it does not change its parameters at differences humidity and much more slowly damaged by water;
- If you want to lay the insulation under the finish, the crate is an ideal option structure beneath it is very convenient to put any heat-insulating material;
Warming is necessary before finishing panels MDF loggia
- Bonding is ideal for those places where you want to save as much space as possible. The elements are glued directly on the wall, and this finish does not reduce the usable area. In this state of the surface is of great importance - glued panels where you can not hit.
When bonding the panel only 10 mm over the surface of the wall bulge
Method №1 - batten construction
We look at how to fix MDF panel on the wall using a special frame, which is made from either wood or metal profile. We begin by considering a budget and affordable option when using a piece of wood.
A workflow is as follows:
Here is the detailed scheme of work
- The first thing to buy a bar of which will be built crate, the most commonly used version of the pine-section of at least 30x30 mm, since the design should be durable. When choosing a particular option, pay attention to such factors as humidity (it should not be above 15%) and geometric parameters - elements must be smooth, the deformation should not exceed a few millimeters in meter;
- Then you need to process the wood ognebiozaschitnym composition. This is necessary in order to prevent loss of material and mold borers, as well as to increase the resistance of the bar to fire. The work is done with a simple brush, all the features of the process will prompt instruction that necessarily present on the packaging;
Additional treatment of the wood does not hurt
- Next, you need to carry out measurements using a tape measure, bars length should be a few millimeters smaller than the distance between the walls and floor-to-ceiling windows, otherwise you have to squeeze the elements. It is important not to confuse anything, so as not to spoil the material, and this is often, if carelessly carried out measurements;
If the MDF panels are placed horizontally, the crate should be vertical.
And vice versa - for the vertical arrangement of panels to do the horizontal frame.
You must know in advance how it will be carried out finishing.
Elements crates are always positioned perpendicular to the position of MDF panels
- Dimensions carefully marked on the bar, and then made cutting elements into pieces of desired length. When cutting pay attention to the correct position hacksaw, it must be perpendicular to the bar, often inexperienced master cut the material at random and all the ends of the curves;
Cut must be carefully and slowly
- Fixing bars made either with dowels quick installation (when you have a concrete or brick base), or by using the screws (if you have a wall of the timber). When operating continuously monitor the position of the elements to obtain a flat plane. It is best to check how every single bar, and several have already embodied racks, and to do it in different positions level to accurately prevent the flaws;
Test the design should be very careful
- If you decide to further insulate the surface, this should be done after the skeleton structure. To work best to use mineral wool roll, which is easy to cut and which is very convenient work, simply fill her space so that it was tight, and then you can proceed to the next stage works;
On the balcony, you can use modern material with a reflective surface - Penofol
- Mounting panels can be done in three ways, and the first of them - use klyaymerov so called special hardware, which is a bracket. Second Embodiment - thin screws 3x20 mm that are twisted into a groove or a spike, and the third - thin finishing nails with a reduced bonnet. Choose the solution that is convenient to you personally, I find it easier to use cloves, the work goes much faster with them;
Klyaymery - the best fasteners for MDF panels for those who have no experience of work
- In the last turn attached inner and outer corners and connecting bars if available. The easiest way to glue these elements, even small finishing cloves will be visible, and with the help of glue, you can achieve the perfect look.
Corner is sold in the form of a plane, you simply bend it as you need to and paste Liquid nails
As for the version with a metal frame, it is suitable for environments with extremes of humidity, as the galvanized profile brings great adverse effects and is not deformed with time.
We will understand how to mount wall panels made of MDF on the design of the metal profiles:
- To start, you need to purchase the required number of core and wall-attached profile. Pristennye elements placed along the perimeter of and define a plane next surface, and the main carry load and keep the entire structure;
- The work begins with the attachment of wall profile, this line along the perimeter otcherchivaetsya and produced fastening elements to the walls, floor and ceiling. To work used either dowels or screws, all depends on the grounds on which mounting is performed;
Dowel holes are drilled using a punch
- Then, the line is labeled, which will be located along the main profile, it must be at a distance of 40-50 cm. Along the lines are attached directly suspensions that will help smooth the surface, and to strengthen it and make it resistant to corrosion. With these elements the alignment process will take place very quickly and very good quality;
Here is the prepared wall, then bent hangers
- Further, the resulting structure is inserted basic profiles direction lathing depends on how the final coating will be located above we addressed this aspect. Fastening profiles among themselves is performed by small screws, which are called builders medium bugs or seeds;
- Suspensions podgibayutsya to the profile, after which the level is determined by using the correct position, wherein the fastening element is produced. Extra tips simply folded out so as not to interfere with further work, to cut off all the ends does not make sense, and this process takes too long;
After fastening the ends of the suspensions simply folded
- We look at how to fix wall MDF panels to the metal frame. To work klyaymery used which are bolted to the profile by means of the same seeds - small screws. The work is best done using a screwdriver with a magnetic attachment, so you will lose far fewer fasteners;
To make better use of fastening screws with flat hat
- The last stage is the same as in the case of wooden frame: you have to paste all the decorative elements and place the plinth.
Method №2 - gluing panels
Attaching MDF panels to the wall without the crates will be a great option where the walls are smooth, and they furnish reliable, because you have glued elements, and if the foundation is weak, they may simply fall off after a certain period time.
Let us examine how the work carried out by the hands, in the process is no big deal, most importantly -soblyudat few simple guidelines and use only high-quality materials.
The sequence of operations is as follows:
- First you need to check the base for damage and unsafe areas, if any, they need to be repaired. All problems should be resolved in advance, the better prepared the plane and less on her flaws, the more attractive will the end result. Sometimes you have to spend on the alignment of the base longer than most of the work;
- Then the surface is treated primer deep penetration of the composition. It is necessary to strengthen the base and increase adhesion of adhesive to the surface. The composition is applied by roller or brush, Brushes, it is important to cover the entire wall evenly but avoid stains is not worth;
The surface must dry completely before proceeding
- Further prepared material - MDF panels, if necessary, the elements are cut to desired size pieces, cutting is performed using, it is important to accurately carry out the hacksaw on metal or jigsaw measurements and carefully cut plates;
- On the reverse side of the adhesive composition is applied, it is possible to make a point on the surface can be coated rim around the perimeter and in the middle point, the main thing that had a lot of bonding locations;
The wider the panel - the more adhesive application points must be on the surface
- Element gently pressed against the wall for a few seconds and is fixed in this position. Work continues until, until the entire surface is not closed;
- The last thing glued corners and connecting bars, it uses the same composition as that for the base coat. liquid nails used most often - the price is democratic and the quality meets the highest standards.
Corner covers joints and improves surface appearance
Sometimes a combined method, when the MDF panels are glued to a wooden crate.
This option is good when you need to warm the surface, or in cases where it may then be necessary to remove the coating.
Another option is to attach to the wall MDF panels, and combines the adhesive and frame means
What is needed for work
Naturally, you'll need a specific set of tools, I will list what needs to be on hand at the compulsorily:
hacksaw | If you glue the panel, you only need a hacksaw with a fine tooth fit and a variant of the metal. But if you make a frame made of wood, you need another hacksaw with a larger sized teeth |
Measuring tool | The first thing to have on hand a roulette, building level and pencil to mark. To the ends were perfectly smooth, you need to purchase a square, which simplify the work and allow the corners otcherchivat |
Screwdriver and hammer | If you use self-tapping screws, that can not do without this tool. For fastening anchors, a more powerful version - punch with the right diameter drill |
Glue guns | It is needed if you will stick elements. Device costs a little, but to work with it much more convenient |
Most often, everything you need is already in the set of DIY
If you do not have the same punch or a screwdriver, then buy them for a couple of hours there's no point. Borrow the tool with friends or rent, it will be much cheaper.
To cut corners from MDF is best not hacksaw, and a sharp knife to construction, so the result will be much better, and ends much neater and smoother, the main thing - that the blade is sharp and stiff and not bend when pressing.
In my subjective opinion work on MDF mounting one of the most simple and easy, you just do it once, so that you can quickly and efficiently produce lining both walls, and ceilings. Videos in this article will tell you more information on the topic, and clearly shows some of the important moments of the working process. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments under review.