Finishing slopes: plastic, wood and other designs, options, instructions, videos and photos

Finishing slopes - 4 modern assembly method


Table of contents

  • 1 finishing technology slopes
    • 1.1 Method 1: Wet process
    • 1.2 Method 2: The slopes of plasterboard
    • 1.3 Method 3: Plastic
    • 1.4 Method 4: wood
  • 2 Output

How do I finish slopes of windows? Today I will share their experiences and talk about the four most common types of finishing. You will learn the important nuances and secrets of this work with their hands.

Finish window openings affects the design of the entire premises

Finish window openings affects the design of the entire premises

finishing technology slopes

How to decorate the slopes on the windows inside? There are several ways:

Methods of finishing

Methods of finishing

Method 1: Wet process

Wet process finishing is the most traditional. Its essence lies in the plastering of the opening with cement or plaster solution.

Plastering - the cheapest way to finish openings

Plastering - the cheapest way to finish openings

The process of finishing slopes windows plaster looks like this:

illustrations Description of the action performed
table_pic_att14954883820 Preparation of materials. Plaster slopes you will need:
  1. Mortar;
  2. Primers, deep penetration;
  3. Water-resistant putty;
  4. Plastering corners;
  5. Water-resistant latex paint.
table_pic_att14954883821 Priming slopes. Apply a thin layer of liquid by means of a paint brush. To achieve the greatest effect, treat the surface of the ground in two layers.
table_pic_att14954883842 layout implementation.
  • Mark the sill right angle with respect to the frame;
  • Then withdraw from him a few centimeters to the left for the left slope and the same distance to the right for the right slope.

The same principle is done counting for the upper slope.

table_pic_att14954883893 Installing racks on the perimeter of the opening. On the side walls of the perimeter of the opening needs to be fixed wooden slats or metal profiles.

To do this, use a plaster solution.

Installation is performed as follows:

  1. Vertical slats align marking on the windowsill;
  2. Press down the rail to the wall;
  3. Adjust the position of the rails with the help of level, so that they are vertical in all directions.

Likewise, set for the upper horizontal rail slope.

table_pic_att14954883954 Preparation of the solution. Pour dry plaster mixture into a clean bucket, fill with water and mix thoroughly with a mixer or an electric drill.

The ratio of water and the mixture is indicated on the packaging.

table_pic_att14954883975 Pre-leveling slopes.
  1. Apply solution narrow spatula or a trowel;
  2. Smooth out the spatula solution.
table_pic_att14954884026 Dismantling rails. After setting the solution atdalite own hands slats, prying them narrow spatula.
table_pic_att14954884087 Installing the corner.
  • Glue on the perimeter of the opening plastering corners starting putty;
  • During their installation, use levels, in order to avoid deviations from the corners of the vertical and horizontal directions.
table_pic_att14954884148 Alignment walls. Level the surface on the side wall of the starting filler with a trowel.
table_pic_att14954884209 Applying the solution. Apply the mixture on the surface of the plaster with a trowel or slope Malki small surplus.
table_pic_att149548842410 Alignment surface. Remove excess solution wide spatula, Malkov or a laminate pattern as in the photo-example.

The principle of operation is the same as in the lining of the walls of the rule on beacons.

table_pic_att149548842911 Cleaning solution from the frame. Wipe the frame with a sponge to remove the detergent.
table_pic_att149548843412 Shpatlevanie surface. Zashpaklyuyte slopes, taking advantage of the finishing putty. Apply a thin layer using a wide spatula.
table_pic_att149548844013 Grinding. Use the jointer with a tight sandpaper P120-150. Work out tool circular motion to wipe all the small bumps and other imperfections.
Painting slopes. Put on a slope with latex paint paint roller or brush with a thin layer.

To achieve best results, paint the surface in two layers.

On the slopes of this finish is completed.

Method 2: The slopes of plasterboard

Alternative plastering - "dry" finishing options, such as plasterboard lining slopes.

Slopes of plasterboard plastered similarly can be painted in white or any other color

Slopes of plasterboard plastered similarly can be painted in white or any other color

The advantage of this method - the ease and speed. In addition, it is possible to perform the heat slope soundproofing. As a finishing coat of paint, you can use the slopes.

Installation instructions slopes of plasterboard is as follows:

illustrations Description of the action performed
table_pic_att14954886980 Preparation of materials. For finishing window slopes this method, prepare the following materials:
  1. Moisture resistant gypsum board;
  2. The starting profile - may be a plastic n-shaped or L-shaped metal;
  3. Gypsum plaster;
  4. Perforated corners;
  5. Primer.
table_pic_att14954886991 Removal of foam. If you get off the slopes for the new window, cut the foam core using a sharp knife.
table_pic_att14954887042 Padding. Prime with the surface of the scheme described above.
table_pic_att14954887053 Performing profile location marking. Apply on the perimeter of the frame number of points on each side, stepping back from the edge of one and a half centimeters. Next, these points connect line.
table_pic_att14954887144 Mounting profile. Secure the perimeter of the frame starting profile, align it with the markup. For these purposes, use self-tapping screws. Twist them in increments of about 10 cm.
table_pic_att14954887155 Application Markup surplus on the windowsill. At first, says even the angle from which to fall back a few centimeters surplus.
table_pic_att14954887226 Installation of the profile on the window sill. If between the wall and sill has a space as the photo-example, it is necessary to fix a metal sill L- or U-shaped profile.
table_pic_att14954887287 Foaming slots. With foam Insulate space between starting profile and the opening.
table_pic_att14954887358 Metering slopes. Measure the height of the inner and outer side slopes, as well as their depth.

For the top of the slope you need to know it inside and outside of the length and depth.

The values ​​obtained record.

table_pic_att14954887399 Marking drywall. Apply to drywall layout according to the size of the window to the inner slopes on the windows turned out smooth and symmetrical.
table_pic_att149548874110 Cutting drywall:
  1. Cut on a marking topsheet paperboard;
  2. Sheet and bend fracture;
  3. Cut the cardboard along the fold line on the reverse side.

If you have a jigsaw, you can speed up the process, cutting out the panel with it.

table_pic_att149548874211 Application of putty. Apply on the surface of the slope starting putty or a special adhesive for drywall.
table_pic_att149548874612 Bonding slopes. Cut drywall attach to the opening, align and press down lightly. The position of the slope should be checked level.

According to this principle okleyte plasterboard entire window opening.

table_pic_att149548875413 Fixing screws panels. Additionally lock plasterboard sheets with screws, positioning them with a pitch of about 250 mm.
table_pic_att149548875914 Mounting corners. Along the perimeter of the window opening stick perforated corners. Their position sure to check the level.

To insulate the slope, into the space between the wall and the plasterboard can be laid mineral wool.

In this installation of slopes completed. Drywall - a rough material, so the surface must also poshpaklevat and paint.

Method 3: Plastic

Choosing from what to do on the slopes of the windows, many expressed a preference for plastic. In contrast to the drywall, the material does not need a fine finish. In addition, the plastic more practical, as is not afraid of moisture and easy to clean.

Slopes of different plastic glossy surface

Slopes of different plastic glossy surface

Slopes of plastic have a peculiar glossy appearance. Therefore, the choice must take into account the nuances of the design.

Instead, you can use plastic panels sandwich panels. They consist of two layers of plastic, which is located between the heater.

The process of installation of plastic panels begins in the same way as the installation of slopes of plasterboard:

  • on the perimeter of the window is cut foam;
  • the opening is processed antiseptic impregnation.

Further plastic slopes are assembled as follows:

illustrations Description of the action performed
table_pic_att14954888800 Preparation of materials:
  1. Plastic panels for the slopes (usually selected by the color of windows);
  2. Entry U-shaped profile;
  3. Corner guide profile;
  4. Finish F-shaped profile, often serves as a casing;
  5. Antiseptic.
table_pic_att14954888821 Preparation guides. Measure the window frame, and then cut into the starting profile height and width of the window.
table_pic_att14954888842 Installation guide. Secure the perimeter of the window profiles with screws.
table_pic_att14954888913 Pruning angular profile.
  • Corner profile cut in the depth of the window opening. You can do it locally, as shown in the photo example .;
  • two corner trims need to prepare - to the right and upper-left corner of the opening.
table_pic_att14954888974 Preparation casings. Finishing profile, which serves as a casing, must be applied to the opening and trim.

As a result, you should get two strips equal to the height of the outer opening and one - equal to the width.

Clypeus (part of the profile which lies on a wall) should be slightly longer than the U-shaped profile into which the panel.

This difference is the width of the jamb. Therefore, it is necessary to trim the profile, as shown in the photo.

table_pic_att14954889035 Installation casings.
  • Secure the trim on the perimeter of the opening with screws or dowels, nails;
  • If a profile piece, the fasteners are installed from the opening, ie, on the inside, as in the photo;
  • If the collapsible casing, fixing is carried out by the wall.
table_pic_att14954889086 Preparation of plastic panels. The panels should be marked according to the size of slopes, then cut jigsaw or hacksaw.
table_pic_att14954889097 Mounting panels. Produced plastic panels just need to fill in the guide.
table_pic_att14954889108 Filling the gaps with sealant. Existing cracks in places of joints of panels to gently fill with silicone sealant, pick up the color of the slopes. Excess sealant immediately remove.

Now the slopes of plastic ready.

Sheathed lining slopes look harmonious with wooden paneling walls

Sheathed lining slopes look harmonious with wooden paneling walls

Method 4: wood

In wooden houses usually operate wooden lining of slopes. They are well fit into the interior of a wooden house.

Of course, the wooden slopes can be used for conventional houses if the wall will sheathe clapboard. For example, such a solution can often be found on their balconies.

If the slopes are set for plastic windows, then, as in the previous cases, the work begins with the foam cutting and preparation of the opening. Further instruction is as follows:

illustrations Description of the action performed
table_pic_att14954890050 Preparation of materials. You need to prepare:
  1. battens;
  2. wooden slats;
  3. klyaymery fasteners;
  4. wooden decorative corners.
table_pic_att14954890061 Preparing the rails. Slice adjustment slats slope (inner and outer) and also in width. As a result, should get six rods - 4 for vertical slopes and 2 horizontal.
Mounting rails.
  • Fix the rail on the perimeter of the window opening, using screws or dowels, nails;
  • In the process of mounting rails must be aligned to the standards. For this purpose, the pad may be used in the form of chips or shreds of plywood;
  • Reiki should be placed across the lining. If you want to place battens along the slopes, you need to install rails across in increments of about 40-50 cm.
table_pic_att14954890092 Foaming slots.

If the strips between the wall and cracks were formed, they need to fill with foam.

You can also fill space Mezhuyev foam strips,

The price of the mounting foam is quite high, so it is more expedient to use for insulation foam or mineral wool frame.

table_pic_att14954890173 Cutting the lining. Cut battens on plank length equal to the depth of the opening.
table_pic_att14954890174 Installation of siding. Battens must be secured to the frame. You can do this in two ways:
  • In the formation. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the center, with the cap screws necessarily deepens. Subsequently, the cap screws shpaklyuyut;
  • Flush mounting. Molded fastened with klyaymerov to fix it on the part of the spike. You can also use self-tapping screws, screwing them at the base of the spike.
table_pic_att14954890215 Installation of decorative corners. All internal and external corners, set the decorative corners.

To fix them, you can use the window with nails bitten off hats.

Alternatively bunk can use laminated MDF (fiberboard medium density) panel. Outwardly, they may mimic the precious wood. The principle of their assembly resembles a clapboard cladding slopes.

That's all ways to trim slopes, which I wanted to tell you.


Now that you know how to perform finishing slopes with modern methods. Additionally, check out the video in this article. And if you have any questions, please write them in the comments, and I will answer you soon.

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