Which is better for lining baths - 6 best options
Table of contents
1 tree species
- 1.1 Option 1: Basswood
- 1.2 Option 2: Aspen
- 1.3 Option 3: alder
- 1.4 Option 4: cedar
- 1.5 Option 5: Abash
- 1.6 Option 6: Hemlock
- 2 grade lining
- 3 Output
The choice of lining for bath - a crucial stage finishes requiring competent approach. To help you, I will talk about the six types of siding that are suitable for these purposes.
Molded in the pair should contain in its structure with the minimum number of moles
tree species
The main factor in the choice of siding for a bath is a type of wood.
The fact that the wood must meet two basic requirements:
- resin content - should be minimal, since higher temperatures lead to its isolation, which threatens to burn;
- water resistance - from this quality depends on the durability of finish.
Given these requirements, it is possible to give preference to bunk of the following types of wood:
Option 1: Basswood
We can safely say that the best plates for baths from inexpensive - lime. That lime is used in the Russian pair for centuries.
Molded from a linden tree in the steam room will never let you burn - in this wood no resin
- low thermal conductivity. Not too hot, so I never burn, but at the same time is heated quickly enough. Due to this quality lime is an excellent choice for baths and saunas that are heated to high temperatures;
- Nice smell. Due to the presence of essential resin fills the space a special aroma;
Lime lining has a uniform pale yellow color
- Attractive appearance. It has a pleasant uniform light yellow color;
- Healing properties. Has a beneficial effect on human health, in particular, it calms the nervous system;
- Low cost. Due to the availability of wood and processing ease.
- Serious disadvantage in a single linden - rotting. Therefore, the choice of this material, keep in mind that very soon you will need replacing interior trim;
- There is also the likelihood of pest damage finish.
Despite the beauty, lime lining is ephemeral - eventually have to change trim
In trade there are special impregnating antiseptic intended for finishing processing paired such as EVROTEKS-BATH or Supi Saunasoja (Tikkurila), are sustainable. They greatly increase the longevity of siding. The only thing to keep in mind that the instructions for use prohibits the use of compositions for the treatment of the pair of shelves and other parts with which you will be contacted.
Impregnation bath lining Supi Saunasoja (Tikkurila) differs from other antiseptics ecological
Cost. It depends on the type:
grade | Cost in rubles 1m2 |
extra | 700-900 |
BUT | 700-800 |
AT | ~600 |
Aspen can be distinguished from linden on a more pronounced pattern
Option 2: Aspen
Aspen also gets a good lining for a bath or saunas. Therefore, it is used for these purposes as often as lime.
Aspen paneling will last longer in the steam room
- Hardness. Aspen is more solid than lime;
- Resistance to humidity extremes. With this lining does not crack and does not crack;
- Nice smell. Aspen also contains essential oils in their structure, although to a much lesser extent than lime. In addition, the smell of slightly bitter, which is not to everyone;
- Low cost.
Essential oils aspen complement pair atmosphere pleasant aroma
- Aspen, though to a lesser extent than the lime, but still subject to rotting;
- Another disadvantage is that it is necessary to choose carefully. If on the surface there are knots or resin pockets - burns on contact with the surface of the lining can not be avoided.
Resin pocket will cause separation resin
Cost. The price is similar to the cost of the lining of lime.
Molded alder has a pinkish tinge
Option 3: alder
Excellent finishing material for a bath - wall paneling of alder, which is popularly known as' the king's tree. " From other species it is easily distinguished by its characteristic pink hue and a beautiful small figure.
On alder paneling, you will never notice the fungus - it has antibacterial properties
- Low thermal conductivity. Due to this is a possibility of burns on contact with the finish;
- Low water absorption. Wood is not much to absorb moisture, which increases its durability;
- Antibacterial properties. Thanks to them, alder resistant to rot and fungus formation. As a result, wall paneling of the alder more durable than that of lime;
- Healing properties. Has a beneficial effect on health, also it has a nice "Brandy" flavor.
Pinkish alder lining lends a special charm to the pair
Thus, the lining of alder - a durable material that meets all the requirements that I mentioned above.
The main disadvantage of alder - is its high price. Also, keep in mind that the alder is a relatively soft material, like lime.
Therefore, on the surface of the lining is difficult to secure heavy objects. But it is easy to work with their hands.
Molded from alder with natural light decorates pair well-defined wood texture
Cost. Price and a half times more than the materials described above:
grade | Cost in rubles 1m2 |
extra | 1400-1600 |
BUT | of 1350 |
AT | from 700-800 |
Wall paneling made of cedar is easily recognized by the characteristic bands
Option 4: cedar
If you are interested in what is best for sauna paneling without regard to its cost, we can recommend the material of cedar.
- It is not afraid of dampness, so cedar finish is very durable;
- timber has a pronounced pine fragrance;
Cedar siding not only look attractive - its healing properties strengthen your health
- It possesses antibacterial properties, and also has a healing effect on the body. In particular, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
- turpentine content in the cedar structure considerably smaller than or pine, for example spruce. With this finish will not burn;
Even without the special treatment of such finish will last a very long time
- has a beautiful natural pattern and golden hue, so looks good and noble;
- It has a high strength.
Cedar siding cost is not cheap - cedar is worth several times more expensive limes
Minus is the high cost in comparison with the linden and aspen. And for the skin steam distillation should be used only high-grade, does not contain knots and resinous pockets. Otherwise, the material will isolate the hot resin.
The use of cedar lining with knots should be abandoned - they may produce hot tar
Cost. Cedar siding is somewhat cheaper than alder, but it is quite expensive:
grade | Cost in rubles 1m2 |
extra | 1200 |
BUT | from 780 |
AT | 600 |
Molded from Abasha has brown
Option 5: Abash
Lately it has become fashionable to use for finishing baths exotic species that have some unique qualities. In particular, it is increasingly found in this skin like Abash tropical timber having a porous structure.
Abash grows in the tropics
- Low thermal conductivity. Due to the high porosity of the lining Abasha practically not heated;
The natural color of the lining Abasha
- Beautiful appearance. The material has a pleasant chocolate color.
However, the natural color of Abasha lemon-yellow or even white. However, to enhance the decorative material battens is heat treated;
The combination of white and dark lining of Abasha - an interesting design method
- High strength. Despite the low density Abash sufficiently strong material, resulting in a lining is resistant to impact and other mechanical stresses;
- Resistance to deformation. Finishing material is not only deformed, but does not shrink.
Using a light lining of Abasha provides a more traditional design doubles
From Abasha it may be performed not only beautiful finish bath and practical, but also stores and comfortable beds.
The low thermal conductivity of the skin of Abasha shelves provide maximum comfort of your stay in the steam room
- High price. This disadvantage is inherent to all exotic woods;
- odorless. For many connoisseurs of Russian bath cedar aroma of limes or principled.
Cost. Unit Price extra grade starts from 360 rubles at 12h85 amount (92) X2000 mm.
Small longitudinal stripes - characteristic lining of Hemlock
Option 6: Hemlock
Another exotic tree that is widespread - this is hemlock. This species belongs to the evergreen and grows along the Pacific coast and in the mountains of Alaska and Canada.
In the photo - design lined with hemlock steam. Expensive interior like in appearance, and cost.
- High moisture resistance. Thanks to this material may be dozens, even hundreds of years;
- Antibacterial properties. As a result, the quality of the wood is not subject to biological influences. It also increases the durability of finishes;
- High strength. The material is resistant to shock and many other mechanical effects;
This finish will last for decades - hemlock is not afraid of moisture and biological effects
- It does not emit tar. This eliminates burn preparation;
- It has healing properties. Oleoresin and essential oil Hemlock used in medicine. Therefore, its use in the steam room will enhance health;
- Nice smell. Hemlock is used even in cosmetics, so pleasant aroma in the sauna you will be provided.
Hemlock paneling is used in infrared saunas
Disadvantages. Is not difficult to guess, the drawback is the high cost - meter lining of Hemlock cost 210-250 rubles.
Molded grades Extra has the ideal surface - on it you will not find knots and cracks
grade lining
As I mentioned above, the choice must take into account not only the type of wood, but also sort of lining. This parameter indicates the quality of the material (external defects).
On sale you can find bunk following varieties:
Extra (highest grade). This lining is the quality. The expression "without a hitch" is just about it. On the surface of the material you will not find chips or other visible defects.
I must say that in order to reduce the cost of, Molded extra varieties most often manufactured by splicing. However, for a steam bath is best to use solid boards that do not contain adhesive.
Molded grade A may contain a small amount of knots
Grade A (grade 1). It contains a small amount of visible defects. In particular tolerance of light captive knots diameter of 15 mm.
Black swirls may occur if the diameter is less than 7 mm. Furthermore, there may be present a small non-through crack.
Sometimes the lining of class A is not inferior to the quality of first-class as a result of the confusion in the regulations
Such flaws as wormholes, rot and blue, as well as loose knots are not allowed. I must say that because of some confusion in the regulations, some manufacturers of first grade corresponds to the highest grade. This point should be specified in the procurement of the material;
The bunk varieties permitted in the presence of outliers knots and cracks
- Class B (Class 2). In this class of material can present a significantly larger number of defects.
In particular, the presence of allowed:
- small chips;
- blue (no more than 10%);
- rot (not more than 10%);
- resin pockets;
- wormholes (not more than three per meter);
- plastevyh cracks (and not through without going end);
- black and dropping out knots (diameter should not exceed 20 mm).
The thickness of the lining of the bath should not be less 12,5-12 mm. Otherwise, it will begin to warp. Moreover, difficulties may arise even in the installation phase.
Molded related to class C, it has many defects - there is present in addition to knot and through cracks rot
I must say that there are still lining of class, ie third grade, however, for the finishing bath is not good, so it will not be considered.
For a guy best used bunk extra class. For other suitable bath Improvement first or second grade material.
recreational area can be finished with materials of lower grades - here it will not be exposed to high temperatures and high humidity
Here, actually, and all the information about how to choose a bunk for a bath, which I wanted to share with you in this article.
As you can see, all kinds of lining has its own advantages and disadvantages, respectively, of any ideal option does not exist. I recommend to view the video in this article. If the choice was too difficult, write comments, and I will gladly help.