Repair bath with his hands: warming baths

Repair bath (36 photos): problem diagnosis, preparation and repair work


Table of contents

  • 1 Troubleshooting
  • 2 Preparing for repair
    • 2.1 Why a revision?
    • 2.2 The sequence of work
  • 3 repairs
  • 4 Summing up
  • 5 Photo Gallery

Repair bath - a rather complicated process which, in one case reduces to the replacement of the small pieces and in other - would require major repair, restoration comprising a floor, wall insulation and coverings substituted ceiling.

Whatever it was, if your room is dilapidated, it's time to think about the necessity of repair. In this rush to hire a team of builders are not worth it if ready, stock up the necessary materials and tools to decorate the bath with his hands quite possible.

Repair bath

Thus, with a minimum of financial outlay you can give your bath a new life.


Before you start working, you must decide whether you want to repair, in this case, to what extent we will carry out work.

What is the sign that determines the incurred in the bath problem?

  • If overheated room quickly loses heat and cools in just a few minutes, it is necessary to carry out a complex of works on warming and repair of the walls and ceiling.
  • If the bath "walk" drafts, likely that the sealed room is broken and you need to restore it.
  • Burning smell indicates that the oven "had its day". In this case, the handle itself is unlikely to succeed.

In addition to these reasons, there are obvious: leaking roofs, worn planks in the floor or walls.

Preparing for repair

Why a revision?

Before starting the repair baths conduct an audit of the current state of the premises. An evaluation of all existing faults will help us plan the work properly allocate the budget, and buy exactly the amount of building materials, which must be.

Scheme audit bath before repair can be various, it depends on the material of which is based bath.

The sequence of work

Repair bath with his hands

Sealing gaps between the logs log

  1. Check the outside walls for the presence of gaps between the logs. We pay special attention to the corners of the framework. If cracks are found, return the old bath heat-saving characteristics in two ways.
  • Firstly, a conventional method can be caulked joints and cracks sealing materials.
  • Second, the build so-called ventilated facade.

In this case we are sheathed bath outside the surfacing material (lining), and under plating layer laid vapor barrier membrane and a layer of insulation, such as mineral wool.

  1. After the problems with the walls and the ways to solve them, we figured out, go to the revision of the roof and the ceiling, parallel to the stove by assessing the state.
  2. Next to the repair queue doors and windows with their hands. Since they can prosest, so they can be repaired with the simultaneous warming or replaced over time.

Tip! It is well suited wooden constructions eurobar. They are inferior to some of the most effective indicators of metal structures, but will be much better to look at the overall design of the bath, and the price of them is small.

  1. The final stage of training - revision interior bath.

Carefully inspect the condition of the floor and interior walls, furniture, drainage. According to the results it may be that you need to replace a few boards, but we may have to perestilat entire floor again and repair the walls with his own hands.

So, you can begin to repair the bath with his hands.


As noted above, the scope of work is determined by the results of the preliminary audit. In this article we will try to describe the most complete circuit, and you can make it appropriate adjustments.

  • Old room, built of logs more than 30 years ago, needs to be completely disassembled. Since the wooden log is relatively easy to understand, you will be able to handle this without hiring craftsmen, will be enough to attract a few assistants.
  • If complete disassembly of the log is not required, we dismantle the ceiling, floor, dismantle internal furnishing. Materials which are in good condition, mark and store, in the future they will be returned into place.
  • If necessary, repair the foundation, raising it.
  • Lower crowns log handle antiseptic preparation, preventing rot. So we increase the term of the service log.
  • Discovered cracks between the logs log carefully caulk, achieving the highest possible integrity.
  • Next (if the bath repair it provides) to insulate the outside frame. Above the timber carcass layer laid vapor-permeable material and fasten sheets of insulation. To protect the insulation from the external environment, outside it is sheathed clapboard.
    Repair baths

    Scheme warming bath

  • Change the woodwork: establish new window (better energy-saving two-chamber double-glazed windows in wooden frames) and doors fit tightly against the jamb to prevent heat loss.
  • Spending internal insulation bath. The walls are insulated inside basalt wool, laid on top of which a layer of polymer foil. Joints foil sizing construction tape.
  • Insulated wall is sheathed clapboard. To make better use of the steam room in aspen for a waiting room, restrooms and washing - pine.
    internal insulation

    internal insulation

  • Sex insulated by laying under the floor covering penoplex (in steam), or 150 mm polystyrene in the remaining areas. For insulation ceiling using panels based on mineral wool, at least 150 mm thick.
  • After finishing the interior set up the necessary details of the interior. In doubles equip shelves. All wooden surfaces in the bath processing: in the steam room - a special antiseptic designed for high temperatures, in all other areas - antiseptic Pinotex.

Of course, bathhouses repair includes not only these works. But with the right approach, there is no such problem with which you would not have coped. Go ahead and reward you will be a hot steam room, renovated with his own hands.

Summing up

We hope our article has been helpful to you. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issues on our website provides detailed photo and video instruction, in which you will find useful information on the question.

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