Decorative well in the country with their own hands: wood and other designs, videos and photos

Make a decorative well in the country with their own hands: 3 most interesting variant


Table of contents

  • 1 Option 1: a wooden structure
    • 1.1 Step 1: preparation of the project
    • 1.2 Step 2: assembling structure
    • 1.3 Step 3: finishing well
  • 2 Option 2: a well of tires
  • 3 Option 3 of the concrete ring
  • 4 Output

How to make your own decorative well? This question is raised by many gardeners who want to arrange landscaping with minimal investment. So I decided to share their experiences and tell us how to do this on their own decor items made of wood or other scrap materials.

Decorative well - it is a great decoration holiday landscape

Decorative well - it is a great decoration holiday landscape

Option 1: a wooden structure

All kinds of imitations of traditional attributes of rural life, such as wells, mills, carts, etc., Make it possible to effectively decorate suburban area and give it a special flavor. Without them, just do not do if you want to, for example, place the garden in a rustic style.

Well, you can use even in the design of landscape design in oriental style. However, in this case it is necessary to pay attention to the roof, which should be hipped, and be sure to Bend.

Decorative wells can decorate the site, decorated in oriental style

Decorative wells can decorate the site, decorated in oriental style

I must say that to perform their own beautiful woodwork quite difficult, even if such an experience you do not have work. Ensure that you can on the example of a wooden well.

The process of manufacture involves several main steps:

Three steps to the implementation of the planned

Three steps to the implementation of the planned

Step 1: preparation of the project

Before you proceed with the preparation of the project, you must decide on the following points for future construction:

  • Design type. Well maybe a shed or even a gable roof. You can also simulate shadoof;
  • Dimensions. The product does not need to perform a full-size, so it can be absolutely any size according to your desire;
  • Purpose. The product decorative addition, can perform practical function practical function. For example, it can be used for flowers or as a top portion of the well, well head protecting against external atmospheric influences.

For example, consider how to make the head with a canopy, which can be used for the garden just as decoration or as a florist. The basis of the design will serve as the cube of the timber, which is sheathed with boards.

On top of the well will be located gable overhang mounted on two racks. Between these pillars will be placed deck.

The presence of the project will facilitate future work

The presence of the project will facilitate future work

Key design elements of view on the paper and specify the dimensions. This will ease your work and to avoid mistakes in the process of manufacturing.

Make a design on their own under the force of every home handyman

Make a design on their own under the force of every home handyman

Step 2: assembling structure

So to make a well in the country with their own hands, follow these steps:

illustrations Procedure
table_pic_att14932258235 materials:
  • Brus 20x30 mm;
  • Board 25h10 mm;
  • Screws;
  • A small log.
table_pic_att14932258246 Production base. The base is square cube timber. Dimensions define the dimensions of a cube tip, including its height.

cube fabrication process is as follows:

  • Take a timber of two equal squares. The length of the sides of the square must be equal to the length of the tip wall.
    To connect the beams using metal angles. During assembly, make sure that the angles correspond to 90 degrees;
  • Connect the two by four square pillars. The height of the latter should correspond to the height of the well head.
table_pic_att14932258267 the base paneling. For cladding boards should be used. Work is carried out as follows:
  • In the center of one wall of the tip secure long board, which will serve not only as an element of plating, but also resistant to the canopy and logs;
  • Secure the opposite side of the cube the same board. As a result, you should get two columns for the canopy;
  • Cut the board height of the cube;
  • Obsheyte frame boards.

To make the layout of headroom in the Russian style, should sheathe frame tip blockhouse located horizontally. As a result, the design will look like a log cabin.

table_pic_att14932258288 Facing ends. Along the perimeter of tip fix the board, as shown in the photo.
table_pic_att14932258309 Installation of the canopy and logs:
  • Make bars of two isosceles triangles. triangle size determines the size of the canopy;
  • Secure each triangle on the rack on each against the other on the same level;
  • Below fix on two racks piece of wood with screws, which give the product authenticity;
  • Obsheyte roof overhang boards.

To securely install a well, it is possible to attach to the legs and the base of the timber to dig them into the ground.

In this well from the tree almost ready.

Step 3: finishing well

Now you only have to perform the finish product. To do this, carefully sand the wood surface and lacquering.

The finished design need varnishing

The finished design need varnishing

If desired, decorate the well thread or paint it. You can also come up with their own versions of how to decorate the product.

Option 2: a well of tires

To decorate the suburban area can be used not only wood products. Often, for the production of wells using other available materials.

Decorative well can be made of tires

Decorative well can be made of tires

For example, you can use the tires. Well one is going to very quickly and easily, so you do not even need to be a project. Thus the finished design can be used as a flower bed.

So, decorative well with their hands out of the tires as follows:

illustrations Description of action
table_pic_att149322583712 materials:
  • Car tires;
  • timber;
  • Paint.
table_pic_att149322583913 Manufacturing of foundations:
  • Place several tires on each other and connect to each other with screws. Pre-make through holes in the tires under the counter;
  • Put the tire on a constant well location;
  • Insert the rack holes;
  • Fill the pit with soil.
table_pic_att149322584014 Manufacturing shed.
  • Carport make the scheme described above.
  • Above the canopy between the struts secure the log.
Ready florist need to paint and plant flowers

Ready florist need to paint and plant flowers

On logs Mezhuyev racks to hang the bucket with soil for planting flowers. In this bucket will look especially beautiful hanging plants.

In this well done. Now you only have to paint the tires, for example, under the brickwork, as in the photo above.

Decorative well can be made of concrete rings

Decorative well can be made of concrete rings

Option 3 of the concrete ring

If you have a concrete ring, you can use it as a decorative tip well. As a result, you will only decorate it and make a canopy.

Instructions for the production of decorative products is extremely simple - concrete ring just need oblitsevat decorative stone. Furthermore, two opposite sides of the rack to install and execute the awning according to the scheme described above.

Make a concrete ring can be on their own. In this case, the price of construction will be reduced significantly.

Flower bed of concrete rings can decorate malleable

Flower bed of concrete rings can decorate malleable

Detailed simulation of the well tip can serve as a flower garden or the upper part of the well. If the bottom seal, the design can be used even as a water tank.

That's all the information on how to make decorative wells to give their own hands, which I wanted to share with you.


Now you know how to make their own decorative well from wood or other materials at hand. Additionally, check out the video in this article. If you have questions you can contact me in the comments.

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