Basement waterproofing: rolled, obmazochnye materials and other variants of the device, video and photos

basement waterproofing: protects the substrate from moisture at home in 5 easy steps


Table of contents

  • 1 vertical waterproofing Technology
    • 1.1 Step 1: Prepare waterproofing
    • 1.2 Step 2: Perform excavation
    • 1.3 Step 3: Preparation of the foundation
    • 1.4 Step 4: waterproofing
    • 1.5 Step 5: Waterproofing otmostki
  • 2 Output

Is it possible to qualitatively protect the foundation from moisture? My experience has shown that it is possible to make waterproofing the basement with his own hands. Step by step guide to help better understand the topic.

foundation waterproofing increase the longevity of the building

foundation waterproofing increase the longevity of the building

vertical waterproofing Technology

Waterproofing of the basement should be done at the stage of its construction. But if you do not build, then in operation it may be that the base is not protected at home. And one of the ways of solving the problem is the vertical waterproofing.

Vertical waterproofing you will achieve not only to protect the basement or space under the floor from moisture, but also to increase the durability of the foundation, and hence the whole house.



We divide the work into 5 basic steps:

Step 1: Prepare waterproofing

I recommend to start with the preparation of waterproofing materials:

  • Bitumen mastic - the cheapest of coating waterproofing material. Prices start from 50-70 rubles per 1 kg. The advantages include ease of application, however, this procedure is time-consuming.
Bituminous mastic requires additional waterproofing materials

Bituminous mastic requires additional waterproofing materials

The main drawback - fragility. The service life of 5-10 years, in addition, the effectiveness of this material is poor. Therefore bituminous mastic is usually used in conjunction with the rolled materials;

  • Liquid rubber - lubricative material which is made on the polymer-bitumen base. It has a number of advantages:
    • service life is 20 years or more;
    • simplicity and high deposition rate;
    • high efficiency, so it does not require the use of additional materials;
    • seamless waterproofing layer.
Effective, but expensive Obmazochnaya waterproofing material

Effective, but expensive Obmazochnaya waterproofing material

Among the shortcomings can be identified only a high cost - the price starts from 150 rubles per kg;

  • ruberoid - the cheapest web material. The cost starts from 200-250 rubles per roll (15m2). Disadvantages of roofing material, such as, and mastic - the fragility and low efficiency.
Roofing material - a short-lived rolled waterproofing material

Roofing material - a short-lived rolled waterproofing material

Therefore, the roofing material is not used as a separate waterproofing material. Another disadvantage - the need to use burners for installation;

  • Bitumen-polymer roll waterproofing. The material is much more effective and durable than conventional roofing. In addition, its installation is done the fastest.
Bitumen-polymer rolled material - an efficient and long-lasting waterproofing

Bitumen-polymer rolled material - an efficient and long-lasting waterproofing

The disadvantages are the high cost - from 100-150 rubles per 1m2. Moreover, roll surface materials require careful alignment and additional external protection special membrane.

Having dealt with the choice of waterproofing, you need to calculate the square the foundation (multiply the length by the depth) to determine the required amount of material.

Step 2: Perform excavation

If the house is already built, waterproofing begins with excavation:

illustrations Description of work
ylovaryolvarolypr1 Preparation of materials. When the excavation materials you will need for a drainage system:
  • Drainage pipe;
  • Geotextile (filter cloth);
  • Sand and gravel.
ylovaryolvarolypr2 Digging trenches. According to the perimeter of the foundation dig a trench with the following parameters:
  • The depth should be equal to the depth of laying the foundation, ie a trench is dug up from its foundation;
  • The width of a meter and a half.
ylovaryolvarolypr3 drainage improvement. Drainage is required if the groundwater level in the area is high.

Construction of a drainage system is carried out as follows:

  • Dig trench below the floor level 40 cm;
  • Pour the trench a layer of sand and gravel 20 cm thick;
  • Place the geotextile with volvulus at the corners;
  • Place the drainage pipe with a gradient of 2 cm to 1 m;
  • Fill the tube with gravel and wrap geotextile.

Drainage pipe is necessary to bring to the drainage wells.

Engage in waterproofing the basement in a dry and warm weather. The best time for this - the late spring or summer.

Step 3: Preparation of the foundation

Instructions for the preparation of the foundation is:

illustrations Description of work
yaolyrvolpyolvpr1 Cleaning the basement of dirt. Basement surface to be treated with a wire brush. If necessary, the foundation can be washed with water from the hose.

After cleaning, the foundation it is necessary to wait until it dries.

yaolyrvolpyolvpr2 Surface preparation:
  • Remove all loose and crumbling areas;
  • If the foundation has sharp protruding surface, bring down their chisel and hammer;
  • If the foundation will be rolled waterproofing bitumen-polymer coating swings surface must be not more than 5 mm per m 2. foundation need zashpatlevat or even if necessary plaster.

On this basis, the preparation is complete.

Step 4: waterproofing

Process basement waterproofing depends on the type of insulating material. Next, consider all the options.

Bituminous mastic and roofing material. Work carried out in the following sequence:

illustrations Description of the action performed
Preparation of bitumen. Depending on the type of bitumen may need its heating or solvent dilution. More expensive types of mastic is already ready for operation, so before using them just need to mix.
yvaolyvpolydpo2 Application of mastic. For these purposes, you can use a roller, brush or spatula. Mastic is to fill all the pits, cracks and so on.

Apply bitumen mastic 2-3 layers. Each subsequent layer is applied after drying of the previous.

yvaolyvpolydpo3 Bonding roofing material:
  • Heat the rear side of roofing material using the burner, and stick to the surface of the foundation, performing work upwards. Thus provide overlapping strips on each other about 10-15 cm;
  • Joints sheets preheat burner, and then seal the bituminous mastic.

To increase the efficiency and durability and waterproofing, can be adhered a second layer of roofing felt.

Liquid rubber. Obmazochnaya waterproofing using liquid rubber made even easier - the coating is applied by roller or brush in two layers.

On drying of one layer is usually required about two hours. Total thickness waterproofing should be 2-3 mm.

Root waterproofed using a liquid rubber can not waiting until dry foundation.

The liquid rubber may be applied using the sprayer

The liquid rubber may be applied using the sprayer

To increase the durability of such finishes, glue to a liquid rubber roofing. Use a heating pad is not necessary in this case. The only thing you need to have time to glue roofing material until the grab tires.

If you are without a basement waterproofing basement is desirable to immediately lay on the ground under the floor of the fatty layer of clay 20-30 cm. From above it is necessary to fill up the sand and lay rolled waterproofing material, after which you can do on the floor joists or fill screed. As a result of these steps, the floor of the house will always be dry.

Rolled bitumen-polymer materials. Special attention is given horizontal waterproofing using bitumen-polymeric web materials, such as "Technoelast barrier". Instructions for their use is as follows:

illustrations Description of work
ylovaryolvaplyopr1 Preparation of materials. Except for the waterproofing, you will need:
  • Bituminous mastic;
  • The cement-sand mixture, grade M150;
  • Metal edge rake;
  • Polyurethane sealant;
  • The shaped protective membrane.
ylovaryolvaplyopr2 Filling the interior angles of grout. The surface of the foundation should not contain internal angles of 90 degrees. If there are, fill them with cement-sand mortar, as shown in the diagram.
ylovaryolvaplyopr3 Padding. Treat the surface of the tape base bitumen primer using a roller. Remote sites necessarily promazhte using a brush.

Process foundation primer in two layers.

ylovaryolvaplyopr4 Installation of reinforcement layers. Reinforce the need for internal and external corners, as well as the inputs of communication and other complex components.

strengthening layers should be done as follows:

  • Cut waterproofing material into strips 20 cm wide;
  • Glue the strips on all these areas. If self-adhesive material to be glued, it is necessary to remove the protective film and then attach to the roll surface and the roller. If the material is not self-adhesive, before gluing the back side waterproofing is necessary to heat the burner.
ylovaryolvaplyopr5 Bonding material. Waterproofing of the foundation from the top downwards. Gluing the same principle as the installation and reinforcement layers.

Overlap coating strips should be at least 300 mm.

Monazh the edge slats. The upper sealing edge fix point rail by means of dowel-nails horizontally.

The distance between adjacent slats should be 10 mm.

ylovaryolvaplyopr7 Sealing joints. Space Mezhuyev contour boundary rails need to fill polyurethane sealant as shown in the photo.
ylovaryolvaplyopr8 Installation of the profiled membrane. Fasten on the foundation of the membrane, placing it inside the convex side.

To fix the membrane can use dowels, setting them on the edge rail.

Instead profiled membrane can be used penoplex. This material not only protect the waterproofing from mechanical influences, but also to insulate the foundation of the house.

At this waterproofing is complete. Now you can fill the pit.

In the process of backfilling the trench along the foundation can be laid clay. As a result, the resulting clay lock further protects the foundation from moisture and increase durability waterproofing.

Step 5: Waterproofing otmostki

As an additional measure to divert the surface water from the foundation waterproofing is desirable to perform the blind area. This procedure is carried out as follows:

illustrations Description of work
yaoyvolryolv1 Preparation of materials. For waterproofing of the blind area, you will need:
  • Sand and gravel;
  • Roll waterproofing;
  • Materials for the screed.
yaoyvolryolv2 Training. Pour otmostku pad under a layer of sand and gravel;
yaoyvolryolv3 Laying of waterproofing. Place the rolled waterproofing material with an overlap on the wall. Over the waterproofing can be put insulation material.
yaoyvolryolv4 Pour the concrete floor. To describe this procedure will not, because here everything is standard. Only for those who are not versed in the concrete stamps, I will say that the solution should be to use the brand M150-M200

A few words about the horizontal waterproofing

As you can guess from the title, horizontal waterproofing is applied to the horizontal sections. It necessarily used in the construction phase, laying on top of the foundation, that is, between the base and walls.

Horizontal waterproofing foundation walls to protect from moisture

Horizontal waterproofing foundation walls to protect from moisture

Task waterproofing layer in this case is to protect the walls from moisture that is absorbed from the soil foundation. I must say that in this way not only performed waterproofing tape, but the pier foundation, as well as any other.

Also, a horizontal type sealing device may be required in the basement. This is evidenced by the raw floor in the room.

floor Waterproofing eliminate dampness in the basement

floor Waterproofing eliminate dampness in the basement

If the groundwater is close, it is desirable to perform a complete waterproofing basement. Those. in addition to the floor must be treated with a waterproofing material, and even the walls, even if outside the foundation is also waterproofed.

Waterproofing of the basement floor and the horizontal sections of the foundation is carried out completely in the same way as the waterproofing of vertical sections.


Now that you know how to perform basement waterproofing of the most effective ways. I recommend to view the video in this article. If some of the nuances you do not understand, write comments, and I will answer you in the nearest time.

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