Fold rolling machine: the equipment for the standing seam roof, how-to instructions, videos and photos

Why do I need Fold rolling machine - operating principle, popular models and circuit homemade machine


Table of contents

  • 1 Production technology
    • 1.1 types of folds
    • 1.2 General information about equipment
  • 2 The most popular models
  • 3 How to assemble the machine itself
  • 4 Output

Modern Fold rolling machine used to create blanks for different types of folds. I'll talk about the principle of phased actions, forms and popular models of machines as well as explain how to make a folder with your own hands.

Seam roofing is considered one of the most durable.

Seam roofing is considered one of the most durable.

Production technology

Fold machine indispensable both in the regeneration seam roof itself and for producing auxiliary roof fittings. These include elements of gutter system, front end and roof overhangs, and with it make the ventilation ducts of galvanized.

types of folds

Rebated compound is a twist between two adjacent sheets of metal, and to build this twist, you need to bend the seam on the edge of the sheet, that's just for the bending of the fold and need Fold machine.

There are rebate 2 - a single and a double rebate, plus a fold can be erect and immobile.

The choice of the connection depends on the level of tightness.

The choice of the connection depends on the level of tightness.

  • single fold considered the foundation, there is just a single sheet of bent under 90º, and is a kind of hook, and after connecting the hook is pressed on the second sheet;
  • double fold It can be called a single analogue only twist is done in 2 turns. To wrap so the metal hook size in the preform should be less on average of the order of 5-7 mm, and the height of the preform is on the contrary more.

As for the bed-ridden connection options, they are exactly the same as standing, wrapped only on one side.

Now quite common L-shaped roof folds, any practical benefit from such there is no connection, it is not better or worse than a double bend, but many believe that this roof looks much effectively.

Especially good L-shaped seam looks rounding radius.

Especially good L-shaped seam looks rounding radius.

In the selection of the equipment, note that there are machines for everything recumbent folds, standing seam and versatile machines that can be reconstructed as needed under any kind of bend.

General information about equipment

The main advantage of seam roof that the coating is a monolithic, without any fastening or connecting holes. But metal roofing itself is quite slim and do the blank in the production, and then transport them to the site is inconvenient and often impossible.

Small seam machine radically changes the situation. With this equipment you can make the workpiece directly on the site, in fact, there are models that can be installed directly on the roof.

There is another important thing: for flanging of sheets Fold rolling machine is needed, and to make double seam and pressurize connection bringing it to the final result, is used Seam machine.

Seam Machine at times reduces the arrangement of the roof.

Seam Machine at times reduces the arrangement of the roof.

Often the metal thickness varies for roofing in the region of 0.5-1 mm, and the maximum is 1.2 mm. But a good machine for seam roof are calculated under operation with the metal of 0.3 to 1.5 mm.

Such equipment is closer to a professional, and it can be done not only roofing pictures, but still bend the workpiece under all sorts of drainage or ventilation ducts, plus make the roof valley gutters and ridge lining.

Incidentally, the workpiece under the seam roof (roof metal strip curved folds) among professionals called "Painting".

The principle of operation of the unit is simple: any faltseprokatny machine has a number of crimp curly rollers, which actually folded edge of the sheet. Crimping rollers mounted in pairs on the crimping rollers.

Fold rolling machine with manual drive is well suited for amateur use.

Fold rolling machine with manual drive is well suited for amateur use.

Number of crimping rollers may be different, but, no matter how much they may be, they are driven by the gearbox, and the gearbox is rotated by the motor. There are, of course, the equipment manually operated, but the performance is very low and there are phones are rare.

The most popular models

Photo Specifications model
table_pic_att14931578674 «ILMAKSAN KM 7.3»
  • Fold Turkish machine, calculated as metal of 0.5 to 1.2 mm;
  • Motor powered by three-phase 380 V 1.1 kW;
  • Dimensions - height of 1100 mm, length 1000 mm, width 600 mm;
  • INSTALLATIONS 7 is folded pairs of rollers;
  • Operating speed - 12 meters per minute;
  • Weight - 275 kg;
  • Estimated price 277 thousand. rub. (Hereinafter prices are relevant for the spring of 2017)
table_pic_att14931578695 «METAL MASTER MLC 12 DR-T»
  • Three-phase electrical installation 380 V, 1.5 kW;
  • Thickness 0.5-1.2 mm metal;
  • Unit Weight 230 kg;
  • Estimated price 165tys. rub.

It can bend both standing and recumbent folds, in addition to roofing pictures on this machine, you can make the vent pipe.

table_pic_att14931578716 «Metal Master FDS 1250"Hand Fold rolling machine.
  • Working length 1250 mm;
  • Dimensions 1400/400/1100 mm;
  • Metal thickness to 0.7 mm;
  • Estimated price 14tys. rub.
table_pic_att14931578727 «MetalMaster GLF A4S"Universal Fold rolling machine.
  • A three-phase electrical power 1.5 kW;
  • Weight 210 kg;
  • Dimensions 900/550/960 mm (L / W / V);
  • Metal thickness to 1.5 mm;
  • The price of 170 thousand. rub.
table_pic_att14931578738 «SBD4C»
  • A three-phase electrical power 1.5 kW;
  • Weight 290 kg;
  • Dimensions 1070/570/920 mm;
  • Metal thickness to 1.2 mm;
  • The price of 140 thousand. rub.
table_pic_att14931578759 «SPF 700»

Fold rolling machine of this model is much lighter and smaller counterparts, allowing it to operate directly on the construction site.

The unit included a roller coaster for feeding rolled metal in the bay. This stand can support the weight of up to 1 ton.

  • motor power of 1.5 kW, but the motor can be installed instead of a manual actuator;
  • Dimensions 1450/870/830 mm;
  • Weight 140 kg;
  • Metal thickness to 0.7 mm;
  • Seam height 25 mm;
  • The width of the picture to 700 mm, there is a function to adjust to the desired width;
  • sheet feed speed of 6.5 m / min;
  • The machine can do the painting for the arches;
  • 24 months warranty;
  • Price 165 thousand. rub.

How to assemble the machine itself

Fold the machine is not everyone can afford the master, so often people collect such devices manually. Homemade Folding certainly do not have such a wide range of functions, but it will cost only 2-3 thousand. rub.

illustrations recommendations
table_pic_att149315788010 Appearance.

Homemade Fold rolling machine we designed to operate in the workshop.

This device is screwed to a wooden bench, but if you cook the legs for it, then this machine can be easily transported.

table_pic_att149315788211 Device.

The entire construction consists of three parts. On the left arrow points to the base portion to her all welded and bolted.

  • In this case, use a metal corner to the wing 75 mm, but it is a minimum, if you take a corner at 100 mm, the device will only gain;
  • Top corner of the carrier 4 welded hinges garage. On these hinges will move crimping punch (№1);
  • Front screwed limiting shelf (№2), but between the shelf and the base area is still inserted into the bending so-called tooth, namely it forms folds;
  • Both the shelf and crimp punch made from the corner of 75 mm, plus a crimp punch necessary to weld the handle, I made it from an ordinary pipe.

The biggest problem is to choose the perfectly smooth corners, I gave a milling machine corners, otherwise the seams will be crooked.

table_pic_att149315788713 scheme.

First, to the base corner screwed front design, that is:

  • In the fixing bolts worn gasket used in my case, the metal strip 1 mm thick;
  • Pa gasket fits crimping tooth, I was doing it out of band saw blade. I managed to get the blade length 1200 mm, so the working length of 1200 mm device has turned out, but it is better to do a standard sheet of 1250 mm. Before installing the canvas I took a chamfer;
  • The latter is put on the bolts of the support shelf, then all delayed.

For crimping tooth knowingly band saw blade has been selected, we need a very strong, rigid metal.

table_pic_att149315788914 Main settings.

To left-quality seam is important to put the 2 main parameters:

  1. From the top of the liner before crimping tooth must be 6 mm;
  2. From the top of the support shelf to crimp the tooth should be 8 mm.

At such sizes allowance rebate we will have a 20 mm, that is, the edges of adjacent sheets should be deferred to 10 mm.

table_pic_att149315789015 Principle of operation.
  • To do bend under 90º, necessary to enclose the preform into the groove and bend until the moment when the preform abuts the ledge;
  • To make a full rebate, it is necessary to bring the crimping punch all the way, so that he came into contact with a support shelf.

Work homemade folder in the details shown in the video in this article.


I hope that now it will be easier to select Fold rolling machine. As for the homemade, they are good at amateur level, but for professional work is better to buy a factory machine. If you have any questions, please write in the comment, I will try to help.

Professional roofing work is not possible without the use Fold the machine.

Professional roofing work is not possible without the use Fold the machine.

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