Can I hang wallpaper on drywall: how the sticker

Can I hang wallpaper on drywall (33 photos): puttying and further work


Table of contents

  • 1 luting
    • 1.1 Application putty
    • 1.2 Grout sandpaper
  • 2 helpful hints
  • 3 Summing up
  • 4 Photo Gallery

Drywall - a modern finishing material, which is used by most builders for a variety of purposes. It is necessary to align the wall, but do not want to spend a lot of fillings? I would like to create a decorative design of the room? You need to turn into a comfortable niche in the cabinet? In all these cases will help the drywall. Naturally, many owners of apartments, concerns about the decorative side of the repair, the question arises - is it possible to glue wallpaper on drywall, because the surface of the material is not too beautiful looks without further finish.

Yes, such a procedure is possible, and how to perform it, we shall now describe.

whether it is possible to hang wallpaper on drywall

The main advantage of drywall - the possibility of the application of any finishing. You can use paint, lay tiles or decorative stone, plaster or just whitewash the surface. We consider pasting wallpaper drywall, as the most popular option.

There are several solutions to this problem.

  • You can simply apply wallpaper on drywall without the large-scale preparation. The only thing you need to do - putty joints between the sheets. However, if all of a sudden in the future need to glue the wallpaper in the room, you will find disappointment cloth tightly glued to the ground.

Removing wallpaper coating fabrics, you will find that they are removed from the plaster layer. If the leaf will fall unevenly still in the process of bonding, it will be difficult to stick them again.

whether it is possible to glue the wallpaper on drywall

Glued plasterboard walls and false ceiling

  • Now consider another option - plaster drywall. The work does not require costly and time-consuming, it can easily be carried out by hand.

Putty is applied uniformly over the entire surface with a thin layer, trying to operate without bumps or dimples.

Finish putty slightly treated with an emery paper of fine or medium grains.

The sequence of preparatory work.

  1. The primer surface. The primer composition is determined by the result of the work. Qualitative primer will provide good traction and base webs, as well as protect against mold and mildew.
  2. Putty joints and installing the mesh on the seams of cracks (serpyanku). All that we need - to cover the gap between the sheets of plasterboard. That subsequently they did not appear, you can put on a layer of plaster reinforcing mesh or cheesecloth and apply another layer of putty.
  3. Plaster the entire wall surface. To finish spackling need to go through the wall with sandpaper and remove irregularities.
whether it is possible to glue the wallpaper on drywall

Caulking joints drywall

Note! Gently rub the finish abrasive putty mesh may otherwise require repeated application of putty layer.

  1. surface primer. The second primer layer is applied after alignment of the wall. This makes it possible to bond filler and roughening of the surface, so that the wallpaper paste is better mated with the wall.


Many will ask, why do the primer smooth plasterboard wall before pasting wallpaper? As described above, when you try to change the decoration you can remove them from the wall only with the top layer of plaster, which is extremely undesirable and would lead to the need for a new repair.

In addition, if you are too bright wallpaper, which can shine through a darker shade of gypsum material and seams between his sheets.

That's why experienced builders shpaklyuyut the entire surface of the walls, it is, first of all, caring for the future and cost warning.

puttying walls

puttying walls

Application putty

If the surface of the drywall is smooth, putties and take a few spatulas - 2 large and small.

With the help of a small trowel applied at high filler and evenly distribute it on the wall. The second stand is applied with a spatula more, and an additional primer layer between the deposited filler only improve the strength characteristics of the wall.

Grout sandpaper

Grout dried putty with sandpaper - a necessary step that allows to align the wall. Most importantly, take it easy and do not wipe the putty to the drywall.

Concluding preparation before pasting, inflict another layer of primer mass. This reduces the absorption rate of the adhesive and increases tenacity. Repeat priming need 2 times.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to glue the drywall on the wallpaper? Experts do not recommend to perform this operation. Drywall requires a level base free of any finishing materials.

helpful hints

beautiful walls of plasterboard

Beautiful walls made of plasterboard

  • Bonding is carried out so that the seams of base sheets did not coincide with seams webs. This is done to ensure that they do not protrude through the surface of the wallpaper and do not spoil the appearance of the interior appearance.
  • To extend the life of the coating process the wall of the adhesive solution. Glue is diluted according to the instruction, and then the resulting mixture is added one third of the water. After priming wall becomes more reliable basis for the webs.
  • If the wallpaper glued lap, move away from the window. Otherwise, in the sunlight seam will be very noticeable, which has a negative impact on the general form of the interior. On the left wall in the blades cut off the right edge on the right - left.
  • If the wallpaper is glued back to back, the direction is chosen arbitrarily.
  • Do not use a cloth rag to smooth the surface of freshly glued canvases. This may spoil the pattern and cause deteriorating a surfacing material sheet.
    To remove air from beneath the surface is better to use a roller.
    gluing wallpaper walls

    Gluing wallpaper walls

  • paintings trimming is carried out only after drying. Under the border left half a centimeter long, the top is cut off everything that comes up at the ceiling. If the wallpaper is glued overlap, via a rack and a sharp knife can easily remove the extra material strip.

Summing up

After reading the article, you already know whether you can glue on the wallpaper of drywall, and are ready to apply their knowledge independently. It remains to wish you good luck in the difficult repair business.

In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issues on our website provides detailed photo and video instruction, in which you will find useful information on the question.

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