As liquid wallpaper paste - the description of the working process from beginning to end
Table of contents
1 Stages workflow
- 1.1 Step 1 - Preparation of surface
- 1.2 Step 2 - preparation of a decorative covering
- 1.3 Step 3 - coating of the surface
- 2 Output
Most developers do not know how to glue the liquid wallpaper, and believe that this process is very complicated. In fact, the process is fairly simple, and with a knowledge of technology, anyone can do the job. In this article we look at how to properly prepare the surface and apply a coating, you just need to repeat all steps to ensure that you receive excellent results.
Photo: Plus liquid wallpaper is that they can cause a person with no construction experience
On the surface you can create a monochromatic coating, and patterns
This is also a liquid wall - their glue, to get the real picture, we will deal below
Stages workflow
Technology can be divided into 3 stages:
- Surface preparation;
- Preparation of the composition;
- Application of liquid wallpaper.
Remember that the cover is recommended only in dry rooms. Disadvantages of liquid wallpaper few, and most important of them - poor resistance to moisture. But there is one way to protect the finish, which allows its use even in bathrooms and kitchens, for him I will tell later.
Liquid wallpaper in the kitchen it is necessary to make the process of resistance to moisture
Step 1 - Preparation of surface
To work you need a specific set of materials, the list of which is specified in the table.
Colors and textures of decorative covering many need to decide in advance which option will be used
Material | Description |
The liquid wallpaper | One package is enough for 2.5-5 square meters, depending on layer thickness and surface texture. All details can be found on the label, so to calculate the required amount will not be difficult. As practice shows, the actual rate is always a little higher, so purchase the part with a margin of 20%. package price is from 500 to 2000 rubles |
Caulking | It is best to take "Vetonit", as he long retains ductility, easy to apply and quickly erased. bag costs about 550 rubles |
Primer | With its help, the surface is strengthened. Primer serves as a barrier to moisture and improves the adhesion of the decoration layer. Use deep penetration based on acrylic compounds, the cost is about 50-100 cents per liter depending on the manufacturer. For wet areas it is best to apply the compositions with antiseptic additives |
Primer helps to strengthen porous surfaces
If you have walls are not white, it is best to purchase a low-cost water-based paint to make the base lighter. It can and does stain the walls to match the used liquid wallpaper.
The paint needs to lighten dark walls
From the tool you need the following:
- Two spatula - wide and narrow, for the application of putty;
- Brush or roller surfaces primer;
- Capacity for the preparation of the composition;
- Special trowel for applying liquid wallpaper. It is made of plastic, it is better to choose the transparent option, so you will see how the leveling compound.
Clear float allows to see how the aligned surface
Preparing walls and ceilings are not complicated.
Simply select those items that fit in your case, and the procedure described in these steps:
- If the surface is, the old coating, they must be removed. Wallpaper removed using special formulations, whitewash removed spatula. If the putty layer or plaster sometimes cracked, all unreliable portions carefully removed. The work is done in the usual chisel and hammer;
Untrusted sites trim necessarily removed
- The plane of the cleaned surface level is checked or rule. If there are many irregularities and significant differences, the easiest way to putty the wall completely. If the level drops do not exceed a few millimeters, the shpaklyuyut separate areas, plus closed up all the places where removes old finish. Composition allocated not more than 3 mm thick, if large irregularities, the deposition is performed in several stages;
When numerous small bumps easier to completely wall putty
- Caulking dry overnight, after which it is necessary to finally smooth the surface of the bar with a grinding with sandpaper or a mesh (grit 150 or less). There is not need a perfect result, fine scratches are embedded liquid wallpaper, the main thing - to bring the primary plane. Used to control the operation lamp or flashlight, light shows all the flaws;
Grinding allows you to quickly remove all the flaws application
- After polishing the need to clean the wall of dust. For this purpose, a vacuum cleaner or brush, it is important to remove the bulk of contaminants, which produce a lot during grinding;
- Prepared substrate treated with primer. Everything is simple: the product is applied to the surface evenly without streaks, special attention is paid to the corners and other difficult areas. The second layer may be applied after drying of the first, typically, it takes several hours. If the finish is porous, it is best to treat it, and a third layer for maximum effect;
Primer strengthens the surface and reduces its absorbency
- White surface putty and can not paint, because it is a good substrate for liquid wallpaper. If the walls are gray, then it is better to paint, or white, or the color of the decorative coating that will be applied. This training allows you to achieve the best effect, because out of the coverage will not look through the dark base.
If you paint the walls in a color liquid wallpaper, the end result will be much more attractive
Step 2 - preparation of a decorative covering
Use of this fabric self assumes its preparation. Matter how properly conducted process dependent and ease of application, and the strength of the coating.
on work instruction looks like this:
- First of all it is necessary to review the information on the label. There is always a recommendation from the manufacturer, which necessarily should be considered;
- To work best to use a plastic container large. Initially there is poured the required amount of water (the amount indicated on the packaging) temperature 30-40 degrees. Can not take too hot liquid from this adhesive composition may simply fold;
- If the work will be used sequins or other supplements, they should be added to the water at once and stir thoroughly. So you will be able to achieve a uniform distribution of these elements throughout the mass;
Sequin added to the water, but not in dry weight
- The contents of one or more packets poured into water. Stirring is done by hand, use a power tool can not be, because it damages the fibers and crushes mass. Need to interfere with the composition until the mixture is smooth, just lumps of crushed hands;
Need to disturb the composition of hands
- The blended mass is necessary to leave for a specified period, usually it is 12 hours. But some formulations are gaining the necessary properties faster. Again, all information indicated on the packaging;
Liquid wallpaper simply left to the right time in a warm place
If you need to use a lot of staff, after the preparation of the mass can be put back into the bag and allowed to stand. This will allow to manage and small capacity.
- At the end of the required time structure once again mixed. If he stands in several containers, you need to mix all together, it will eliminate differences in the color surface. Naturally, if the colors are different, they must be prepared separately. It is important to mix well and a lot of more time to check whether it lumps.
Step 3 - coating of the surface
Let me explain, if liquid wallpaper glue is easy. When compared to other versions of decorative coatings, this type of formulation applied easier. That's why I recommend it for anyone who has no experience in construction.
You do not need special skills, enough to observe accuracy and implement all the recommendations set out below:
workflow diagram is different complexity
- If the wall is applied in a pattern, the first thing you should apply it to the surface contours. You can make patterns or draw by hand, it all depends on what you need to portray. The main thing - that the marking is clear and highly visible, since it is through it you will be guided in the future;
Figure allows you to clearly define the contours of the application of each color
- To not get that part falls off from the surface, it is necessary in advance to check its adhesion. To this end, the mass is distributed in a small area, if it does not hold, it is necessary to add water. Water is added at the rate of 500-700 grams per package. After thorough mixing can start working;
If the composition to be very liquid, it should be left for about twelve hours in a dry warm place, excess moisture evaporates.
- The work begins with any portion of the wall. If the coating is a single color, the easiest way to go from the corner, but if you figure, you first need to apply background. Everything is simple: by using a grater mass distributed layer of about 2 mm, the instrument is held at an angle of 15 degrees to the surface. Strongly pressed trowel is not necessary, because you can damage the fibers, and the texture was not very attractive;
Application Procedure - arbitrary, as long as the composition is evenly distributed
- If a drawing, the liquid wallpaper applied on the wall along the contours. That the lines are clear, they have to trim and seal with a rubber spatula. They you simply tightens the weight of the line and presses. Naturally, the second color is applied after drying the first, i.e. the more complex composition, so it takes more time implementation;
Contour allows you to see where you need to apply makeup
If the composition of many small fragments, then you can start with them
Remember the important rule - the composition of the surface should be applied in a single pass. That is, if you have a single color coating, each finished with a wall from the beginning to the end. No need to leave the surface of the piece and finish it later, a place where can get noticeable.
The wall is necessary to finish from corner to corner at a time
- When smoothing tool should drive in different directions, so that the fibers are not arranged in one direction;
- After the application for no longer than an hour and a half, you need to completely level the surface. It uses a spatula or trowel. Tool wetted in water and the surface smoothed. This allows you to achieve maximum uniformity of the coating;
Priglazhivanie made damp trowel
- When applied in a high humidity environment, then you need to treat the surface with acrylic lacquer. It strengthens the finish and makes it resistant to moisture. Apply paint with their hands is easy to work the brush is used, as should be very careful to treat all irregularities. The only disadvantage of such a treatment - cover repair when it is damaged will not work.
If you have damaged a separate section of the decorative cover, then fix the problem is not difficult. Liquid wallpaper can be removed from the wall of the damaged area, soak with water and apply again, everything is very simple.
The composition can soak directly on the surface and then smooth out with a float
After reading this review, you will understand without difficulty, as the glue liquid wallpaper and how to prepare the foundation and the very composition. It's very simple, if you know all the nuances of technology, and you follow clear guidelines. Videos in this article will help you understand the topic better, and if you still have any questions - please write them in the comments below.