Watering in the greenhouse: with their own hands beds, how to feed the seedlings, water the plants better with water, how to make a greenhouse

From the correct watering in the greenhouse depends the growth and yield of plants The proper watering in the greenhouse depends on the growth and yield of plants At the moment there are 3 automatic watering crops in greenhouses - subsurface system, drip irrigation and sprinkler system. The details are below.

    • Mounting your watering hands in greenhouse
    • optimal watering flower beds greenhouse
    • How to fertilize the seedlings in the greenhouse
    • Tips: How to water the plants in the greenhouse
    • What irrigation systems for greenhouses best
    • Wateringgreenhouses( video)

Installation watering their hands in the greenhouse

set automatically sprays need to be planted in the ground( more available with this system, if you look atdeourok the manufacturer's share).The garden hose should be placed in the center of the greenhouse, making the required number of branches for irrigation, based on the size of the greenhouse. Then the sprayers are installed, you can use both the home-made option and the ready-made one. Purchases are better to use, and some models include an integrated spray and water pressure monitoring system, they are not underground, they are mounted at a distance of 80 cm above the ground, but the height can be adjusted, depending on the height of the plants.

If the sprayer is positioned at a height of more than 2 m, this can lead to the death of young shoots.

The drip irrigation design is installed in a greenhouse having a large area. There are different methods of supplying moisture to the basal system. You can also install this system manually, but it will cost more than rain.

To install the irrigation system in a greenhouse is quite possible without the help of specialists Assemble the irrigation system in the greenhouse it is possible without the assistance of experts

kit is mounted so:

  1. takes a big water tank, for example, a tank.
  2. Installed at a height of 1 m from the ground at the entrance to the greenhouse.
  3. The source for this system can be a water pipe or a well, the main distribution pipe is diverted from it.
  4. To the last mount the irrigation tube, the number of these pipes depends on the number of beds.
  5. Small diameter nozzles are attached to the main pipeline.

At the end, the drip tape is attached to the main irrigation pipe. The drip system has been installed. Any irrigation system can be arranged by one's own hands.

Optimal watering of the greenhouse

In each period of plant development, it requires its own amount of moisture. The largest peak of need occurs at the time of seed germination. A large amount of moisture is required for the growth of seedlings and its rooting. Soil moisture should be at least 60%.When watering, the entire volume of the soil must be taken into account, and not only its upper surface. In case of insufficient watering, the soil is dried up, and if it leads to excessive decomposition of plants, moisture should be maintained at a depth of 50 cm. The water temperature should be not lower than room temperature 23-25 ​​° C.In no case can you do watering with cold water, this can lead to the appearance of root rot, and in the heat of weather to cause a state of shock.

There are rules for watering:

  • At the initial stage of plant growth, it is enough to take care of the humidification of the root layer of the soil, but avoid overmoistening;
  • When watering disease-prone and self-pollinating plants, care should be taken so that moisture does not fall on them;
  • If watering plants occurs from a hose, you need to correctly calculate that the jet was not strong, so as not to blur the plant system;
  • The irrigation rate and quantity should be reduced in cloudy weather;
  • Irrigation water must not contain harmful impurities.

It must be checked that the water does not contain phenolic compounds, various impurities and organic acids. Vegetables perish at high contents of various impurities, and with a high content of iron, there is a risk of burns and rusting of plants.

By arranging watering in the greenhouse, experienced gardeners recommend adhering to several rules By arranging watering in the greenhouse, experienced gardeners recommend adhering to several rules


late spring, summer, at high temperature and low humidity conditions involves cooling and sufficient watering, and, in contrast, requires a minimum irrigation early spring and winter in cloudy weather, especially in the mist. Do not allow a drop in temperature, this will lead to the death of plants.

The maximum norm in summer is about 10-12 l / m2, in winter - 5 l / m2.

The watering rate depends on the plant itself, this must be taken into account in mixed crops. The peculiarity of greenhouse soil also plays a special role, if light soils are characterized by frequent watering with small norms, then heavy soil requires rare watering in large portions. The term of irrigation is determined by the appearance of the plant, the moisture of the soil to the touch, by the physiological method of determining the concentration of cell sap, by a laboratory method. The amount of moisture can be determined by the appearance of plants, by the color of their leaves. If moisture is not enough, then they take a darker color.

How to feed the seedlings in a greenhouse

Feeding seedling root occurs in a greenhouse method fertilizer is dissolved in the irrigation water, or in dry form is poured onto the ground. This is the most universal method of complementary feeding, but there is also a foliar method, with the help of which fertilization of plants occurs by spraying. For use, it is necessary to know if such a system is suitable for this plant. Each plant needs fertilizer, which includes organic and mineral components. To ensure that the harvest was of high quality, seedlings need to be fed.

In order to obtain a quality crop, the plants must be properly fed In order to get a quality crop, the plants must be properly fed

Plants often require:

  • nitrogen( sprinkled with chicken droppings);
  • Phosphorus( artificial type of fertilizer);
  • Potassium( an artificial type of fertilizer).

Perforated greenhouse tape and PVC film allow fertilizers to penetrate into the root system of plants. They also help to maintain a special microclimate in the hotbed and heat, and also protect( if close tightly) the plants from unfavorable external factors, which enables plants to receive more nutrients and moisture.

Tips: How to water the plants in the greenhouse

in a greenhouse or a greenhouse set its own microclimate, which is easy to control, so the plants grow very convenient. After all, one does not have to worry about the fact that seedlings will suffer from sudden temperature changes or from unplanned precipitation.

It is best to water the plants in the greenhouse with warm water It is best to water the plants in the greenhouse warm water

watering rules:

  • Young seedlings watered often, but moderately, and adult plants abundantly, but rarely;
  • The ripened crop needs frequent watering so that it does not need moisture;
  • When twisting leaflets, seedlings are required to be watered, and if there are cracks in the seedlings, watering should be reduced;
  • The calf needs regular airing so that no greenhouse effect is created that adversely affects the planting;
  • It is necessary to consider plant variants, some are watered under the root.

To water it was ideal, a drip irrigation system is installed. Depending on the seedlings, watering is done several times a week. It is necessary to adjust the depth of irrigation. The land should be moistened at least 60%, it is checked easily. If a lump of earth easily sticks in your hand, and then crumbles, then the moisture is normal.

Which watering for the greenhouse is the best

Sprinkling irrigation is carried out from above or below. The best option is the upper pipeline system. In this type of irrigation there is a small number of tubes for a strong head of water. Sprays are installed permanently fixed or can rotate, they carry out the optimal distribution of moisture throughout the greenhouse.

For high-quality watering of plants in the greenhouse, you can use special sprayers For qualitative watering plants in a greenhouse, you can use special nozzles

system has drawbacks:

  • If moisture accumulates on the leaves of a plant on a sunny day, a burn may occur;
  • After finishing the irrigation, it is required to remove moisture from the sheets of each plant, which makes the process of watering more labor-intensive;
  • For each branched system requires a large head of water, this entails the careful installation of expensive pipes;
  • Part of the water evaporates before reaching the root system, and this leads to inefficient use of water.

This irrigation scheme is the most time-consuming installation, and it requires constant monitoring and significant knowledge in land reclamation. Such a system is necessary for the cultivation of certain cultivated plants that do not tolerate high humidity.

Watering the greenhouse( video)

In conclusion, it should be noted that with properly selected and adjusted irrigation, care for any plants will not only carefree, but also effective, and the plants will thank the high yield.

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